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Last active July 13, 2023 12:43
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Python actors using gevent libev.
# Python actors using gevent libev.
# [gevent](
# [libev](
# Jason Giedymin <jason g _at_ g mail dot com>
# This example serves as a simple play between four actors.
# - 2 Workers
# - 1 Supervisor
# - 1 Client
# The client begins by looking up in a directory of who the current
# supervisor is. The supervisor is in charge of the two workers
# for the purpose of sending them work. The workers each pull
# from their mail box, does the work, and sends it to the client.
# The workers deal directly to the client.
# Workers take 3 seconds to do work, and since there are only two
# workers, with work being assigned every half second the
# workers cannot catch up. Changing the pool of workers to 5 helps
# meet the work demanded by the client, but not for long.
# The workers could have dealt directly with the supervisor, which
# then in turn dealt with the client.
# The workers or supervisor (if the above was true) could also have
# dealt with a directory actor, if one was created.
# The directory is global, meant for read-only after instantiation.
# To run this play, you will need to run the following:
# pip install -U greenlet
# pip install -U gevent
# pip install -U enum34
# Then simply run `python`.
import gevent
from gevent.queue import Queue
from enum import Enum
from gevent import Greenlet
class States(Enum):
Idle = 0
Stopped = 1
Running = 2
Failed = 3
class Work(Enum):
Event = 0
Misc = 1
class RoundRobinIndexer:
def __init__(self, n):
if n <= 1:
raise Exception("RoundRobinIndexer count must be >= 1")
self.queue = Queue(maxsize=n)
for i in range(0, n):
def next(self):
value = self.queue.get()
return value
class Actor(gevent.Greenlet):
def __init__(self):
self.inbox = Queue()
def receive(self, message):
raise NotImplemented("Be sure to implement this.")
def _run(self):
Upon calling run, begin to receive items from actor's inbox.
self.running = True
while self.running:
message = self.inbox.get()
class Requestor(Actor):
def __init__(self, name):
Actor.__init__(self) = name
self.state = States.Idle
def loop(self, supervisor):
while True:
self.state = States.Running
print("...Requesting work...")
supervisor.inbox.put('Some work.')
def ack(self):
print("\n !! Thanks worker !!\n")
def receive(self, message):
if message == "work done":
elif message == "start":
print("Requestor starting...")
supervisor = directory.get_actor('supervisor')
gevent.spawn(self.loop, supervisor)
class Worker(Actor):
def __init__(self, name):
Actor.__init__(self) = name
self.state = States.Idle
def receive(self, message):
self.state = States.Running
print("I %s was told to do '%s' [%d]" %(, message, self.inbox.qsize()))
client = directory.get_actor("client")
client.inbox.put("work done")
self.state = States.Idle
class WorkerSupervisor(Actor):
def __init__(self, name, workers):
Actor.__init__(self) = name
self.workers = workers
self.supervisor_strategy = RoundRobinIndexer(len(workers))
self.state = States.Idle
def start(self):
for w in self.workers:
def receive(self, message):
if -1 == len(self.workers) - 1:
raise Exception("Supervisor received work but no workers to give it to!")
index =
print("Sending work to worker %s [%d]" % (self.workers[index].name, self.inbox.qsize()))
class Directory:
def __init__(self):
self.actors = {}
def add_actor(self, name, actor):
self.actors[name] = actor
def get_actor(self, name):
if name in self.actors:
return self.actors[name]
class Pool(Actor):
def __init__(self, n):
self.workers = []
for i in range(0, n):
self.workers.append(Worker("worker-%d" % i))
self.supervisor = WorkerSupervisor("Supervisor", self.workers)
self.requestor = Requestor('Client')
directory.add_actor("supervisor", self.supervisor)
directory.add_actor("client", self.requestor)
def start(self):
gevent.joinall([self.requestor, self.supervisor])
def get_actors(self):
return [self.requestor, self.supervisor]
# If you didn't like pool
def go():
requestor = Requestor('Client')
worker = Worker("Worker-1")
worker2 = Worker("Worker-2")
supervisor = WorkerSupervisor("Supervisor", [worker, worker2])
directory.add_actor("supervisor", supervisor)
directory.add_actor("client", requestor)
gevent.joinall([requestor, supervisor])
directory = Directory()
# gevent.joinall([gevent.spawn(go)])
pool = Pool(2) # try 2, 3, 5, 8...
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