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Last active January 2, 2018 19:41
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some methods of reification
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Reserved Notation "'dlet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, x binder, y binder, f at level 200, format "'dlet' x .. y := v 'in' '//' f").
Reserved Notation "'nllet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, x binder, y binder, f at level 200, format "'nllet' x .. y := v 'in' '//' f").
Reserved Notation "'elet' x := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, f at level 200, format "'elet' x := v 'in' '//' f").
Definition Let_In {A P} (v : A) (f : forall x : A, P x) : P v
:= let x := v in f x.
Notation "'dlet' x .. y := v 'in' f" := (Let_In v (fun x => .. (fun y => f) .. )).
Definition Let_In_nat : nat -> (nat -> nat) -> nat
:= (@Let_In nat (fun _ => nat)).
Definition key : unit. exact tt. Qed.
Definition lock {A} (v : A) : A := match key with tt => v end.
Lemma unlock {A} (v : A) : lock v = v.
Proof. unfold lock; destruct key; reflexivity. Qed.
Definition LockedLet_In_nat : nat -> (nat -> nat) -> nat
:= lock Let_In_nat.
Definition locked_nat_mul := lock Nat.mul.
Notation "'nllet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
:= (LockedLet_In_nat v (fun x => .. (fun y => f) .. )).
Definition lock_Let_In_nat : @Let_In nat (fun _ => nat) = LockedLet_In_nat
:= eq_sym (unlock _).
Definition lock_Nat_mul : Nat.mul = locked_nat_mul
:= eq_sym (unlock _).
Module Import PHOAS.
Inductive expr {var : Type} : Type :=
| NatO : expr
| NatS : expr -> expr
| LetIn (v : expr) (f : var -> expr)
| Var (v : var)
| NatMul (x y : expr).
Bind Scope expr_scope with expr.
Delimit Scope expr_scope with expr.
Infix "*" := NatMul : expr_scope.
Notation "'elet' x := v 'in' f" := (LetIn v (fun x => f%expr)) : expr_scope.
Notation "$$ x" := (Var x) (at level 9, format "$$ x") : expr_scope.
Fixpoint denote (e : @expr nat) : nat
:= match e with
| NatO => O
| NatS x => S (denote x)
| LetIn v f => dlet x := denote v in denote (f x)
| Var v => v
| NatMul x y => denote x * denote y
Definition Expr := forall var, @expr var.
Definition Denote (e : Expr) := denote (e _).
(* cf COQBUG(, COQBUG( *)
Ltac refresh n :=
let n' := fresh n in
let n' := fresh n in
Ltac Reify_of reify x :=
constr:(fun var : Type => ltac:(let v := reify var x in exact v)).
Ltac error_cant_elim_deps f :=
let __ := match goal with
| _ => idtac "Failed to eliminate functional dependencies in" f
end in
constr:(I : I).
Ltac error_bad_function f :=
let __ := match goal with
| _ => idtac "Bad let-in function" f
end in
constr:(I : I).
Ltac error_bad_term term :=
let __ := match goal with
| _ => idtac "Unrecognized term:" term
end in
let ret := constr:(term : I) in
constr:(I : I).
(** Take care of initial locking of mul, letin, etc. *)
Ltac make_pre_Reify_rhs nat_of untag do_lock_letin do_lock_natmul :=
let RHS := lazymatch goal with |- _ = ?RHS => RHS end in
let e := fresh "e" in
let T := fresh in
evar (T : Type);
evar (e : T);
subst T;
cut (untag (nat_of e) = RHS);
[ subst e
| lazymatch do_lock_letin with
| true => rewrite ?lock_Let_In_nat
| false => idtac
lazymatch do_lock_natmul with
| true => rewrite ?lock_Nat_mul
| false => idtac
cbv [e]; clear e ].
Fixpoint big (a : nat) (sz : nat) : nat
:= match sz with
| O => a
| S sz' => dlet a' := a * a in big a' sz'
Definition big_flat_op {T} (op : T -> T -> T) (a : T) (sz : nat) : T
:= Eval cbv [Z_of_nat Pos.of_succ_nat Pos.iter_op Pos.succ] in
match Z_of_nat sz with
| Z0 => a
| Zpos p => Pos.iter_op op p a
| Zneg p => a
Definition big_flat (a : nat) (sz : nat) : nat
:= big_flat_op Nat.mul a sz.
Module CanonicalStructuresPHOAS.
(** * Canonical-structure based reification to [@expr nat], with let-binders *)
Local Notation context := (list nat).
Structure tagged_nat (ctx : context) := tag { untag :> nat }.
Structure reified_of (ctx : context) :=
reify { nat_of : tagged_nat ctx ; reified_nat_of :> forall var, list var -> (forall T, T) -> @expr var }.
Definition var_tl_tag := tag.
Definition var_hd_tag := var_tl_tag.
Definition S_tag := var_hd_tag.
Definition O_tag := S_tag.
Definition mul_tag := O_tag.
(** N.B. [Canonical] structures follow [Import], so they must be
imported for reification to work. *)
Module Export Exports.
Canonical Structure letin_tag ctx n := mul_tag ctx n.
Canonical Structure reify_O ctx
:= reify (O_tag ctx 0) (fun var _ _ => @NatO var).
Canonical Structure reify_S ctx x
:= reify (@S_tag ctx (S (@nat_of ctx x))) (fun var vs phantom => @NatS var (x var vs phantom)).
Canonical Structure reify_mul ctx x y
:= reify (@mul_tag ctx (@nat_of ctx x * @nat_of ctx y))
(fun var vs phantom => @NatMul var (x var vs phantom) (y var vs phantom)).
Canonical Structure reify_var_hd n ctx
:= reify (var_hd_tag (n :: ctx) n)
(fun var vs phantom => @Var var (List.hd (phantom _) vs)).
Canonical Structure reify_var_tl n ctx x
:= reify (var_tl_tag (n :: ctx) (@nat_of ctx x))
(fun var vs phantom => reified_nat_of x ( vs) phantom).
Canonical Structure reify_letin ctx v f
:= reify (letin_tag ctx (nllet x := @nat_of ctx v in @nat_of (x :: ctx) (f x)))
(fun var vs phantom => elet x := reified_nat_of v vs phantom in reified_nat_of (f (phantom _)) (x :: vs) phantom)%expr.
End Exports.
Definition ReifiedNatOf (e : reified_of nil) : (forall T, T) -> Expr
:= fun phantom var => reified_nat_of e nil phantom.
Ltac pre_Reify_rhs _ := make_pre_Reify_rhs (@nat_of nil) (@untag nil) true false.
End CanonicalStructuresPHOAS.
Export CanonicalStructuresPHOAS.Exports.
Module LtacTacInTermExplicitCtx.
Module var_context.
Inductive var_context {var : Type} := nil | cons (n : nat) (v : var) (xs : var_context).
End var_context.
Ltac reify_helper var term ctx :=
let reify_rec term := reify_helper var term ctx in
lazymatch ctx with
| context[var_context.cons term ?v _]
=> constr:(@Var var v)
| _
lazymatch term with
| O => constr:(@NatO var)
| S ?x
=> let rx := reify_rec x in
constr:(@NatS var rx)
| ?x * ?y
=> let rx := reify_rec x in
let ry := reify_rec y in
constr:(@NatMul var rx ry)
| (dlet x := ?v in ?f)
=> let rv := reify_rec v in
let not_x := refresh x in
let not_x2 := refresh not_x in
let not_x3 := refresh not_x2 in
let rf
fun (x : nat) (not_x : var)
=> match f, @var_context.cons var x not_x ctx return @expr var with (* c.f. COQBUG( for [return] *)
| not_x2, not_x3
=> ltac:(let fx := (eval cbv delta [not_x2] in not_x2) in
let ctx := (eval cbv delta [not_x3] in not_x3) in
clear not_x2 not_x3;
let rf := reify_helper var fx ctx in
exact rf)
| fun _ => ?f => f
| ?f => error_cant_elim_deps f
end in
constr:(@LetIn var rv rf)
| ?v
=> error_bad_term v
Ltac reify var x :=
reify_helper var x (@var_context.nil var).
Ltac Reify x := Reify_of reify x.
End LtacTacInTermExplicitCtx.
Require Ltac2.Ltac2.
Module Import Ltac2Common.
Import Ltac2.Init.
Import Ltac2.Notations.
Module List.
Ltac2 rec map f ls :=
match ls with
| [] => []
| l :: ls => f l :: map f ls
End List.
Module Ident.
Ltac2 rec find_error id xs :=
match xs with
| [] => None
| x :: xs
=> let ((id', val)) := x in
match Ident.equal id id' with
| true => Some val
| false => find_error id xs
Ltac2 find id xs :=
match find_error id xs with
| None => Not_found
| Some val => val
End Ident.
Module Array.
Ltac2 rec to_list_aux (ls : 'a array) (start : int) :=
match Int.equal ( start (Array.length ls)) -1 with
| true => Array.get ls start :: to_list_aux ls (Int.mul start 1)
| false => []
Ltac2 to_list (ls : 'a array) := to_list_aux ls 0.
End Array.
Module Constr.
Ltac2 rec strip_casts term :=
match Constr.Unsafe.kind term with
| Constr.Unsafe.Cast term' _ _ => strip_casts term'
| _ => term
Module Unsafe.
Ltac2 beta1 (c : constr) :=
match Constr.Unsafe.kind c with
| Constr.Unsafe.App f args
=> match Constr.Unsafe.kind f with
| Constr.Unsafe.Lambda id ty f
=> Constr.Unsafe.substnl (Array.to_list args) 0 f
| _ => c
| _ => c
Ltac2 zeta1 (c : constr) :=
match Constr.Unsafe.kind c with
| Constr.Unsafe.LetIn id v ty f
=> Constr.Unsafe.substnl [v] 0 f
| _ => c
End Unsafe.
End Constr.
Module Ltac1.
Class Ltac1Result {T} (v : T) := {}.
Class Ltac1Results {T} (v : list T) := {}.
Class Ltac2Result {T} (v : T) := {}.
Ltac save_ltac1_result v :=
match goal with
| _ => assert (Ltac1Result v) by constructor
Ltac clear_ltac1_results _ :=
match goal with
| _ => repeat match goal with
| [ H : Ltac1Result _ |- _ ] => clear H
Ltac2 get_ltac1_result () :=
(lazy_match! goal with
| [ id : Ltac1Result ?v |- _ ]
=> Std.clear [id]; v
Ltac save_ltac1_results v :=
match goal with
| _ => assert (Ltac1Result v) by constructor
Ltac2 save_ltac2_result v :=
Std.cut '(Ltac2Result $v);
[(fun ()
=> Std.intros false [Std.IntroNaming (Std.IntroFresh @res)])
(fun () => Notations.constructor)].
Ltac get_ltac2_result _ :=
lazymatch goal with
| [ res : Ltac2Result ?v |- _ ]
=> let __ := match goal with
| _ => clear res
end in
Ltac2 from_ltac1 (save_args : constr) (tac : unit -> unit) :=
let beta_flag :=
Std.rBeta := true; Std.rMatch := false; Std.rFix := false; Std.rCofix := false;
Std.rZeta := false; Std.rDelta := false; Std.rConst := [];
} in
let c := '(ltac2:(save_ltac2_result save_args;
tac ();
let v := get_ltac1_result () in
Control.refine (fun () => v))) in
Constr.Unsafe.zeta1 (Constr.Unsafe.zeta1 (Std.eval_cbv beta_flag c)).
End Ltac1.
End Ltac2Common.
Module Ltac2LowLevel.
Import Ltac2.Init.
Import Ltac2.Notations.
Ltac2 rec unsafe_reify_helper
(mkVar : constr -> 'a)
(mkO : 'a)
(mkS : 'a -> 'a)
(mkNatMul : 'a -> 'a -> 'a)
(mkLetIn : 'a -> ident option -> constr -> 'a -> 'a)
(gO : constr)
(gS : constr)
(gNatMul : constr)
(gLetIn : constr)
(unrecognized : constr -> 'a)
(term : constr)
let reify_rec term := unsafe_reify_helper mkVar mkO mkS mkNatMul mkLetIn gO gS gNatMul gLetIn unrecognized term in
let kterm := Constr.Unsafe.kind term in
match Constr.equal term gO with
| true
=> mkO
| false
match kterm with
| Constr.Unsafe.Rel _ => mkVar term
| Constr.Unsafe.Var _ => mkVar term
| Constr.Unsafe.Cast term _ _ => reify_rec term
| Constr.Unsafe.App f args
match Constr.equal f gS with
| true
=> let x := Array.get args 0 in
let rx := reify_rec x in
mkS rx
| false
match Constr.equal f gNatMul with
| true
=> let x := Array.get args 0 in
let y := Array.get args 1 in
let rx := reify_rec x in
let ry := reify_rec y in
mkNatMul rx ry
| false
match Constr.equal f gLetIn with
| true
=> let x := Array.get args 2 (* assume the first two args are type params *) in
let f := Array.get args 3 in
match Constr.Unsafe.kind f with
| Constr.Unsafe.Lambda idx ty body
=> let rx := reify_rec x in
let rf := reify_rec body in
mkLetIn rx idx ty rf
| _ => unrecognized term
| false
=> unrecognized term
| _
=> unrecognized term
Ltac2 unsafe_reify (var : constr) (term : constr) :=
let cVar := '@Var in
let cO := '@NatO in
let cS := '@NatS in
let cNatMul := '@NatMul in
let cLetIn := '@LetIn in
let gO := 'O in
let gS := 'S in
let gNatMul := '@Nat.mul in
let gLetIn := '@Let_In in
let mk0VarArgs :=
let args := Array.make 1 var in
args in
let mk1VarArgs (x : constr) :=
let args := Array.make 2 var in
let () := Array.set args 1 x in
args in
let mk2VarArgs (x : constr) (y : constr) :=
let args := Array.make 3 var in
let () := Array.set args 1 x in
let () := Array.set args 2 y in
args in
let mkApp0 (f : constr) :=
Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.App f mk0VarArgs) in
let mkApp1 (f : constr) (x : constr) :=
Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.App f (mk1VarArgs x)) in
let mkApp2 (f : constr) (x : constr) (y : constr) :=
Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.App f (mk2VarArgs x y)) in
let mkVar (v : constr) := mkApp1 cVar v in
let mkO := mkApp0 cO in
let mkS (v : constr) := mkApp1 cS v in
let mkNatMul (x : constr) (y : constr) := mkApp2 cNatMul x y in
let mkcLetIn (x : constr) (y : constr) := mkApp2 cLetIn x y in
let mkLetIn (x : constr) (idx : ident option) (ty : constr) (fbody : constr)
:= mkcLetIn x (Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.Lambda idx var fbody)) in
let ret := unsafe_reify_helper mkVar mkO mkS mkNatMul mkLetIn gO gS gNatMul gLetIn (fun term => term) term in
Ltac2 check_result (ret : constr) :=
match Constr.Unsafe.check ret with
| Val rterm => rterm
| Err exn => exn
Ltac2 reify (var : constr) (term : constr) :=
check_result (unsafe_reify var term).
Ltac2 unsafe_Reify (term : constr) :=
let fresh_set := Fresh.Free.of_constr term in
let idvar := Fresh.fresh fresh_set @var in
let var := Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.Var idvar) in
let rterm := unsafe_reify var term in
let rterm := Constr.Unsafe.closenl [idvar] 1 rterm in
Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.Lambda (Some idvar) 'Type rterm).
Ltac2 do_Reify (term : constr) :=
check_result (unsafe_Reify term).
Ltac2 unsafe_mkApp1 (f : constr) (x : constr) :=
let args := Array.make 1 x in
Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.App f args).
Ltac2 mkApp1 (f : constr) (x : constr) :=
check_result (unsafe_mkApp1 f x).
Ltac2 all_flags :=
Std.rBeta := true; Std.rMatch := true; Std.rFix := true; Std.rCofix := true;
Std.rZeta := true; Std.rDelta := true; Std.rConst := [];
Ltac2 betaiota_flags :=
Std.rBeta := true; Std.rMatch := true; Std.rFix := true; Std.rCofix := true;
Std.rZeta := false; Std.rDelta := false; Std.rConst := [];
Ltac2 in_goal :=
{ Std.on_hyps := None; Std.on_concl := Std.AllOccurrences }.
Ltac2 do_Reify_rhs_fast () :=
let g := Control.goal () in
match Constr.Unsafe.kind g with
| Constr.Unsafe.App f args (* App eq [ty; lhs; rhs] *)
=> let v := Array.get args 2 in
let rv := Control.time (Some "actual reif") (fun _ => unsafe_Reify v) in
let rv := Control.time (Some "eval lazy") (fun _ => Std.eval_lazy all_flags rv) in
Control.time (Some "lazy beta iota") (fun _ => Std.lazy betaiota_flags in_goal);
Control.time (Some "transitivity (Denote rv)") (fun _ => Std.transitivity (unsafe_mkApp1 'Denote rv))
| _
=> (Tactic_failure (Some (Message.concat (Message.of_string "Invalid goal in Ltac2Unsafe.do_Reify_rhs_fast: ") (Message.of_constr g))))
Ltac2 do_Reify_rhs () :=
lazy_match! goal with
| [ |- _ = ?v ]
=> let rv := do_Reify v in
let rv := Std.eval_lazy all_flags rv in
Std.transitivity (mkApp1 'Denote rv)
| [ |- ?g ] => (Tactic_failure (Some (Message.concat (Message.of_string "Invalid goal in Ltac2Unsafe.do_Reify_rhs: ") (Message.of_constr g))))
Ltac reify var term :=
let __ := Ltac1.save_ltac1_result (var, term) in
let ret :=
constr:(ltac2:(let args := Ltac1.get_ltac1_result () in
(lazy_match! args with
| (?var, ?term)
=> let rv := reify var term in
Control.refine (fun () => rv)
| _ => Control.throw Not_found
end))) in
let __ := Ltac1.clear_ltac1_results () in
Ltac Reify x := Reify_of reify x.
(*Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := do_Reify_rhs_of Reify ().*)
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := ltac2:(do_Reify_rhs_fast ()).
End Ltac2LowLevel.
Require Mtac2.Mtac2.
Module MTac2.
Import Mtac2.Mtac2.
Import M.notations.
Module var_context.
Inductive var_context {var : Type} := nil | cons (n : nat) (v : var) (xs : var_context).
End var_context.
Definition find_in_ctx {var : Type} (term : nat) (ctx : @var_context.var_context var) : M (option var)
:= (mfix1 find_in_ctx (ctx : @var_context.var_context var) : M (option var) :=
(mmatch ctx with
| [? v xs] (var_context.cons term v xs)
=n> M.ret (Some v)
| [? x v xs] (var_context.cons x v xs)
=n> find_in_ctx xs
| _ => M.ret None
end)) ctx.
Definition reify_helper {var : Type} (term : nat) (ctx : @var_context.var_context var) : M (@expr var)
:= ((mfix2 reify_helper (term : nat) (ctx : @var_context.var_context var) : M (@expr var) :=
lvar <- find_in_ctx term ctx;
match lvar with
| Some v => M.ret (@Var var v)
| None
(mmatch term with
| O
=n> M.ret (@NatO var)
| [? x] (S x)
=n> (rx <- reify_helper x ctx;
M.ret (@NatS var rx))
| [? x y] (x * y)
=n> (rx <- reify_helper x ctx;
ry <- reify_helper y ctx;
M.ret (@NatMul var rx ry))
| [? v f] (@Let_In nat (fun _ => nat) v f)
=n> (rv <- reify_helper v ctx;
x <- M.fresh_binder_name f;
let vx := String.append "var_" x in
rf <- ( x mNone
(fun x : nat
=> vx mNone
(fun vx : var
=> let fx := reduce (RedWhd [rl:RedBeta]) (f x) in
rf <- reify_helper fx (var_context.cons x vx ctx);
M.abs_fun vx rf)));
M.ret (@LetIn var rv rf))
end) term ctx).
Definition reify (var : Type) (term : nat) : M (@expr var)
:= reify_helper term var_context.nil.
Definition Reify (term : nat) : M Expr
:= \nu var:Type, r <- reify var term; M.abs_fun var r.
Ltac Reify' x := constr:(ltac:(mrun (@Reify x))).
Ltac Reify x := Reify' x.
End MTac2.
Local Notation n_small := 50%nat.
Local Notation n := 1000%nat.
Goal True.
assert (H : exists e, Denote e = big 1 n).
{ cbv [big].
Time let v := lazymatch goal with |- _ = ?x => x end in
let k := Ltac2LowLevel.Reify v in
idtac. (* 0.096 s *)
Time let v := lazymatch goal with |- _ = ?x => x end in
let k := LtacTacInTermExplicitCtx.Reify v in
idtac. (* 7.62 s *)
admit. }
clear H.
assert (H : exists e, Denote e = big 1 n_small).
{ cbv [big].
Fail Time let v := lazymatch goal with |- _ = ?x => x end in
let k := Ltac2LowLevel.Reify v in
idtac. (* 0.005 s *)
Fail Time let v := lazymatch goal with |- _ = ?x => x end in
let k := LtacTacInTermExplicitCtx.Reify v in
idtac. (* 0.044 s *)
Time let v := lazymatch goal with |- _ = ?x => x end in
let k := MTac2.Reify v in
idtac. (* 9.771 s *)
CanonicalStructuresPHOAS.pre_Reify_rhs ().
Focus 2.
Time refine eq_refl. (* 1.893 s *)
admit. }
clear H.
assert (H : exists e, Denote e = big_flat 1 n).
{ cbv [big_flat big_flat_op].
Time let v := lazymatch goal with |- _ = ?x => x end in
let k := Ltac2LowLevel.Reify v in
idtac. (* 0.065 s *)
Time let v := lazymatch goal with |- _ = ?x => x end in
let k := LtacTacInTermExplicitCtx.Reify v in
idtac. (* 0.19 s *)
Time let v := lazymatch goal with |- _ = ?x => x end in
let k := MTac2.Reify v in
idtac. (* 2.712 s *)
CanonicalStructuresPHOAS.pre_Reify_rhs ().
Focus 2.
Time refine eq_refl. (* 0.359 s *)
admit. }
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