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Forked from jcmckeown/DeltaSets.v
Created June 15, 2013 13:05
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(** A 0-skeletal filling of an l-simplex is (S l) vertices.
A (S k)-skeletal filling of an l-simplex has (S l) C (S k) (S k)-cells
matching their boundaries in a k-skeletal filling of an l-simplex;
where to say the (S k)-cell matches its boundary is to say that its boundary
is the underlying k-skeletal filling of its underlying (S k)-simplex.
(** This is both the heart of the matter, and the weakest link; for some reason
this presentation of n C k makes it very difficult to prove equations.
Perhaps some clever person can rework the whole around a different presentation.
Inductive chooseType : nat -> nat -> Set :=
| empt n : chooseType n 0
| incl n k : chooseType n k -> chooseType (S n) (S k)
| excl n k : chooseType n k -> chooseType (S n) k.
(** to handle base cases in recursive constructions *)
Lemma chooseFromNone (k : nat) : chooseType 0 (S k) -> False.
remember 0 as n0 in H.
remember (S k) as sk in H.
destruct H.
discriminate Heqsk.
discriminate Heqn0.
discriminate Heqn0.
(** obviously, a composition law *)
Lemma subsetBySubset { n k l } (ss : chooseType n k) (tt : chooseType k l) :
chooseType n l.
revert l tt.
induction ss.
destruct l.
apply empt.
contradict tt. refine (chooseFromNone _).
remember (S k) as sk.
destruct tt. apply empt.
assert (n0 = k).
injection Heqsk; auto.
rewrite H in tt.
apply incl.
apply IHss. auto.
assert (n0 = k).
injection Heqsk; auto.
rewrite H in tt.
apply excl.
apply IHss. auto.
apply excl.
apply IHss.
(** this similarly makes things difficult, but one has to get the objects to match somehow! *)
Inductive kList (A : Type) : nat -> Type :=
| zlist : kList A 0
| oneMore { k : nat } : A -> kList A k -> kList A (S k).
Lemma subListBySubSet {k l : nat} { A : Type } : kList A k -> chooseType k l -> kList A l.
intro ll; revert l.
induction ll.
destruct l.
apply zlist.
contradict H.
refine (chooseFromNone _).
remember (S k) as sk.
destruct H.
apply zlist.
assert (n = k).
injection Heqsk; auto.
rewrite H0 in H.
apply (oneMore A a).
assert (n = k).
injection Heqsk; auto.
rewrite H0 in H.
(** the following are axioms because coq makes proving them much too difficult. *)
Axiom subsetsubseteq : forall { k l m n : nat},
forall cs : chooseType k l, forall ct : chooseType l m, forall cq : chooseType m n,
subsetBySubset cs (subsetBySubset ct cq) = subsetBySubset (subsetBySubset cs ct) cq.
(** that is, (nat, subsetType, subsetBySubset) is a category, once you figure out
what the identities are --- which isn't difficult *)
Axiom listsubsetsubseteq : forall { k l m : nat }, forall { A : Type },
forall ll : kList A k, forall cs : chooseType k l, forall ct : chooseType l m,
subListBySubSet ll (subsetBySubset cs ct) = subListBySubSet (subListBySubSet ll cs) ct.
(** So that, similarly, the subset category acts on lists the way you'd want it to. *)
(** Delta-Types generalize Types the way ... I'm not sure how to say, exactly. Anyways,
Delta-Types also generalize lists in that there's a natural-enough action of the chooseType
category on them. It's customary to think of DeltaSkeleton(n).DS as "The" Type of n-skeletal Delta sets;
nonetheless, the notions of figure, subfigure, and the representation of chooseType are on an equal footing here.
Definition DeltaSkeleton : nat ->
{ DS : Type &
{ figs : DS -> nat -> Type &
{ subfig : forall X : DS, forall k l, figs X k -> chooseType k l -> figs X l &
forall X, forall k l m, forall ff : figs X k, forall cs : chooseType k l, forall ct : chooseType l m,
subfig _ _ _ ff (subsetBySubset cs ct) = subfig _ _ _ (subfig _ _ _ ff cs) ct } } }.
intro n. induction n.
exists Type.
exists kList.
exists (fun X k l => @subListBySubSet k l X ).
exact (fun X k l m => @listsubsetsubseteq k l m X ).
destruct IHn as [ nSkel [ nFig [ nSubFig nFigEq ]]].
set (SnSkel := { X : nSkel & nFig X (S n) -> Type }).
(** strictly, this leads to "coloured" Delta-Skeleta; never mind for now. *)
exists SnSkel.
set (SnFig := fun XP : SnSkel => fun k =>
{ ff : nFig (projT1 XP) k &
forall cs : chooseType k (S n), (projT2 XP) (nSubFig (projT1 XP) _ _ ff cs) }).
exists SnFig.
assert ( SnSubFig : forall (X : SnSkel) (k l : nat), SnFig X k -> chooseType k l -> SnFig X l ).
destruct X as [X P].
destruct X0 as [ ff R ].
unfold SnFig. simpl in *.
exists (nSubFig X k l ff H ).
rewrite <- nFigEq.
apply R.
exists SnSubFig.
(** Of course it is difficult to proceed from here; while coq certainly knows what is the
term SnSubFig, it isn't about to tell /me/, not 'till I discharge the proof somehow. And
in any case, we're sure to devolve in the end upon a stranger case of an equally-obvious
proposition of the Wsubsetsubseteq family. For myself, I'm convinced that there's no funny-
stuff lurking, and we can admit the theorem. *)
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A New tack from a completely different angle: "cubical" categories

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