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Created December 8, 2023 23:25
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toy model for identifying a coherent subset of equalities, cf
Import EqNotations.
Inductive TY := BOOL | UNIT.
Definition tyInterp (t : TY) := match t with BOOL => bool | UNIT => unit end.
Inductive EQ : TY -> TY -> Type :=
| RFL {t} : EQ t t
| SYM {a b} : EQ a b -> EQ b a
| TRANS {a b c} : EQ a b -> EQ b c -> EQ a c
Fixpoint eqInterp {a b : TY} (p : EQ a b) : tyInterp a = tyInterp b
:= match p with
| RFL => eq_refl
| SYM p => eq_sym (eqInterp p)
| TRANS p q => eq_trans (eqInterp p) (eqInterp q)
(* we need a strict / set-level structure of normal forms, where EQ implies equality here *)
Fixpoint EQ_inj {a b} (p : EQ a b) : a = b
:= match p with
| RFL => eq_refl
| SYM p => eq_sym (EQ_inj p)
| TRANS p q => eq_trans (EQ_inj p) (EQ_inj q)
Scheme Equality for TY.
Lemma TY_eq_dec_refl {a} : TY_eq_dec a a = left eq_refl.
Proof. induction a; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma TY_alleq {a b : TY} (p q : a = b) : p = q.
transitivity match TY_eq_dec a b with left r => r | right _ => p end; [ destruct p | destruct q ].
all: rewrite TY_eq_dec_refl.
all: reflexivity.
Lemma TY_K {a : TY} (p : a = a) : p = eq_refl.
Proof. apply TY_alleq. Qed.
Lemma eqInterp_K' {a b p}
: @eqInterp a b p = match TY_eq_dec a b with
| left p => f_equal tyInterp p
| right npf => match npf (EQ_inj p) with end
induction p; cbn [eqInterp].
{ rewrite TY_eq_dec_refl; reflexivity. }
{ rewrite IHp; repeat destruct TY_eq_dec; subst.
all: repeat match goal with H : _ = _ |- _ => pose proof (TY_K H); subst H end.
all: try reflexivity.
all: match goal with |- context[match ?e with end] => destruct e end. }
{ rewrite IHp1, IHp2.
repeat destruct TY_eq_dec; subst.
all: repeat match goal with H : _ = _ |- _ => pose proof (TY_K H); subst H end.
all: try reflexivity.
all: match goal with |- context[match ?e with end] => destruct e end. }
Lemma eqInterp_K {a b p q} : @eqInterp a b p = @eqInterp a b q.
rewrite !eqInterp_K'; destruct TY_eq_dec; [ reflexivity | ].
match goal with |- context[match ?e with end] => destruct e end.
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