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Last active December 21, 2017 21:45
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(** * Expression trees in PHOAS *)
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Global Set Implicit Arguments.
Reserved Notation "'dlet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, x binder, y binder, f at level 200, format "'dlet' x .. y := v 'in' '//' f").
Reserved Notation "'elet' x := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, f at level 200, format "'elet' x := v 'in' '//' f").
Definition Let_In {A P} (v : A) (f : forall x : A, P x) : P v
:= let x := v in f x.
Notation "'dlet' x .. y := v 'in' f" := (Let_In v (fun x => .. (fun y => f) .. )).
Inductive expr {var : Type} : Type :=
| NatO : expr
| NatS : expr -> expr
| LetIn (v : expr) (f : var -> expr)
| Var (v : var)
| NatMul (x y : expr).
Bind Scope expr_scope with expr.
Delimit Scope expr_scope with expr.
Infix "*" := NatMul : expr_scope.
Notation "'elet' x := v 'in' f" := (LetIn v (fun x => f%expr)) : expr_scope.
Notation "$$ x" := (Var x) (at level 9, format "$$ x") : expr_scope.
Fixpoint denote (e : @expr nat) : nat
:= match e with
| NatO => O
| NatS x => S (denote x)
| LetIn v f => dlet x := denote v in denote (f x)
| Var v => v
| NatMul x y => denote x * denote y
Definition Expr := forall var, @expr var.
Definition Denote (e : Expr) := denote (e _).
Require Import Mtac2.Mtac2.
Import M.notations.
Module var_context.
Inductive var_context {var : Type} := nil | cons (n : nat) (v : var) (xs : var_context).
End var_context.
Definition find_in_ctx {var : Type} (term : nat) (ctx : @var_context.var_context var) : M (option var)
:= (mfix1 find_in_ctx (ctx : @var_context.var_context var) : M (option var) :=
(mmatch ctx with
| [? v xs] (var_context.cons term v xs)
=n> M.ret (Some v)
| [? x v xs] (var_context.cons x v xs)
=n> find_in_ctx xs
| _ => M.ret None
end)) ctx.
Fixpoint string_of_pos (v : positive) : String.string
:= match v with
| xI x => String.append (string_of_pos x) "1"
| xO x => String.append (string_of_pos x) "0"
| xH => "0"
Definition reify_helper {var : Type} (term : nat) (ctx : @var_context.var_context var) (var_count : positive) : M (@expr var)
:= ((mfix3 reify_helper (term : nat) (ctx : @var_context.var_context var) (var_count : positive) : M (@expr var) :=
lvar <- find_in_ctx term ctx;
match lvar with
| Some v => M.ret (@Var var v)
| None
(mmatch term with
| O
=n> M.ret (@NatO var)
| [? x] (S x)
=n> (rx <- reify_helper x ctx var_count;
M.ret (@NatS var rx))
| [? x y] (x * y)
=n> (rx <- reify_helper x ctx var_count;
ry <- reify_helper y ctx var_count;
M.ret (@NatMul var rx ry))
| [? v f] (@Let_In nat (fun _ => nat) v f)
=n> (rv <- reify_helper v ctx var_count;
x <- M.fresh_binder_name f;
(*let x := String.append "reify_helper_x" (string_of_pos var_count) in*)
let vx := String.append "var_" x in
rf <- ( x mNone
(fun x : nat
=> vx mNone
(fun vx : var
=> let fx := reduce (RedWhd [rl:RedBeta]) (f x) in
rf <- reify_helper fx (var_context.cons x vx ctx) (Pos.succ var_count);
M.abs_fun vx rf)));
M.ret (@LetIn var rv rf))
end) term ctx var_count).
Definition reify (var : Type) (term : nat) : M (@expr var)
:= reify_helper term var_context.nil 1.
Definition Reify (term : nat) : M Expr
:= \nu var:Type, r <- reify var term; M.abs_fun var r.
Ltac Reify' x := constr:(ltac:(mrun (@Reify x))).
Ltac Reify x := Reify' x.
Fixpoint big (a : nat) (sz : nat) : nat
:= match sz with
| O => a
| S sz' => dlet a' := a * a in big a' sz'
Definition big_flat_op {T} (op : T -> T -> T) (a : T) (sz : nat) : T
:= Eval cbv [Z.of_nat Pos.of_succ_nat Pos.iter_op Pos.succ] in
match Z.of_nat sz with
| Z0 => a
| Zpos p => Pos.iter_op op p a
| Zneg p => a
Definition big_flat (a : nat) (sz : nat) : nat
:= big_flat_op Nat.mul a sz.
Goal exists e, e = big 1 45.
cbv [big big_flat big_flat_op].
Time let rhs := lazymatch goal with |- _ = ?RHS => RHS end in
let rv := Reify rhs in
transitivity (Denote rv).
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