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Last active September 10, 2020 21:08
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Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Open Scope function_scope.
Fixpoint fun_pow {A} (f : A -> A) (n : nat) (x : A) : A
:= match n with
| O => x
| S n => f (fun_pow f n x)
Infix "^" := fun_pow : function_scope.
Infix "∈" := List.In (at level 70) : list_scope.
Lemma fun_pow_assoc {A} (f : A -> A) n
: forall x, f ((f^n) x) = (f^n) (f x).
induction n as [|n IHn]; cbn; [ reflexivity | ].
intros; now rewrite IHn.
Lemma fun_pow_O {A f} x : (f^0) x = x :> A.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma fun_pow_S {A f} n x
: (f^S n) x = f ((f^n) x) :> A.
Proof. cbn; now rewrite fun_pow_assoc. Qed.
Lemma fun_pow_S' {A f} n x
: (f^S n) x = (f^n) (f x) :> A.
Proof. cbn; now rewrite fun_pow_assoc. Qed.
Lemma fun_pow_add {A f} n m x
: (f^(n+m)) x = (f^n) ((f^m) x) :> A.
Proof. revert m x; induction n; cbn; intros; congruence. Qed.
Lemma fun_pow_add' {A f} n m x
: (f^(n+m)) x = (f^m) ((f^n) x) :> A.
Proof. now rewrite Nat.add_comm, fun_pow_add. Qed.
Lemma fun_pow_mul {A f} n m x
: (f^(n*m)) x = ((f^m)^n) x :> A.
Proof. revert m x; induction n; cbn; intros; rewrite ?fun_pow_add; congruence. Qed.
Lemma fun_pow_mul' {A f} n m x
: (f^(n*m)) x = ((f^n)^m) x :> A.
Proof. now rewrite Nat.mul_comm, fun_pow_mul. Qed.
Lemma fun_pow_id {A f} n x
: f x = x -> (f^n) x = x :> A.
intro H; induction n; rewrite ?fun_pow_S', ?fun_pow_O, ?H; congruence.
Section __.
Context (A : Type)
(f : A -> A)
(n : A -> nat)
(Hf : forall x, (f^S (n x)) x = x).
Lemma f_inj : forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y.
Proof using Hf.
intros x y Hxy.
transitivity ((f^(S (n x) * S (n y))) x); [ symmetry | transitivity ((f^(S (n x) * S (n y))) y) ].
1: rewrite fun_pow_mul'.
3: rewrite fun_pow_mul.
1, 3: rewrite fun_pow_id; rewrite ?Hf; reflexivity.
cbn [Nat.mul Nat.add]; rewrite !fun_pow_S'.
Definition f_inv (x : A) := (f^n x) x.
Lemma f_split_surj : forall y, f (f_inv y) = y.
intro y; transitivity ((f^S (n y)) y); [ | apply Hf ].
now cbv [f_inv]; rewrite fun_pow_S.
Lemma f_inv_left : forall x, f_inv (f x) = x.
intro x; pose proof (f_split_surj (f x)) as H.
apply f_inj in H; assumption.
End __.
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