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Last active August 25, 2020 21:06
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prove that all associations of elements in a semigroup are equal
Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Local Open Scope list_scope.
Inductive tree : nat -> Set :=
| leaf : tree 1
| node {x y} : tree x -> tree y -> tree (x + y).
Fixpoint right_tree (n : nat) : tree (S n) :=
match n with
| O => leaf
| S n => node leaf (right_tree n)
Ltac reify' op v :=
lazymatch v with
| op ?x ?y
=> let x := reify' op x in
let y := reify' op y in
lazymatch constr:((x, y)) with
| ((?xt, ?xargs), (?yt, ?yargs))
=> constr:((node xt yt, xargs ++ yargs))
| ?x => constr:((leaf, [x]))
Ltac reify evalf op v :=
let v := reify' op v in
lazymatch v with
| (?t, ?args) => let args := (eval cbn ["++"] in args) in
constr:(evalf args t)
Section with_semigroup.
Context (G : Type)
(op : G -> G -> G).
Infix "*" := op.
Context (assoc : forall a b c, a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c).
Fixpoint eval {n} (args : list G) (t : tree n) : option G
:= match t with
| leaf => match args with
| [x] => Some x
| _ => None
| @node x y tx ty
=> match eval (firstn x args) tx, eval (skipn x args) ty with
| Some a, Some b => Some (op a b)
| _, _ => None
Lemma no_zero_tree : tree 0 -> False.
remember 0 as n eqn:H.
induction 1; try lia.
Lemma eval_right_tree_split arg args x y
: length args = x + S y
-> eval (arg :: args) (right_tree (length args))
= match eval (arg :: firstn x args) (right_tree x),
eval (skipn x args) (right_tree y)
| Some a, Some b => Some (a * b)
| _, _ => None
Proof using assoc.
revert arg args y.
induction x as [|x IH]; cbn.
all: repeat first [ rewrite assoc
| progress intros
| progress cbn ["+" eval length right_tree firstn skipn] in *
| lia
| reflexivity
| match goal with
| [ |- context[match ?x with _ => _ end] ]
=> is_var x; destruct x
| [ H : length ?x = S _ |- _ ] => is_var x; destruct x
| [ H : S _ = S _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H
| erewrite IH by eassumption
| match goal with
| [ |- context[match ?x with _ => _ end] ]
=> lazymatch x with
| context[match _ with _ => _ end] => fail
| _ => destruct x eqn:?
end ].
Theorem eq_right n
: forall (args : list G)
(t : tree n)
(Hn : length args = n),
eval args t = eval args (right_tree (pred n)).
Proof using assoc.
induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]; intros.
destruct t.
{ cbn.
repeat match goal with |- context[match ?x with _ => _ end] => is_var x; destruct x end.
all: reflexivity. }
{ specialize (fun y => IH (S y)).
match goal with H : length _ = ?x + ?y |- _ => destruct x, y end.
all: repeat first [ progress cbn [length "+" firstn skipn Init.Nat.pred] in *
| lia
| now exfalso; eapply no_zero_tree
| match goal with
| [ H : length ?x = 0 |- _ ] => is_var x; destruct x
| [ H : length ?x = S _ |- _ ] => is_var x; destruct x
| [ H : S _ = S _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H
end ].
erewrite eval_right_tree_split by eassumption.
(do 2 ((unshelve erewrite <- IH by now cbn [length]; rewrite ?firstn_length, ?skipn_length; try eassumption; lia); [ eassumption .. | ])).
reflexivity. }
Corollary all_eq n m
: forall (args : list G)
(t1 : tree n) (t2 : tree m)
(Hn : length args = n)
(Hm : length args = m),
eval args t1 = eval args t2.
Proof using assoc.
intros; subst.
etransitivity; [ | symmetry ]; eapply eq_right; reflexivity.
(** ================================== *)
(** Now we prove things about specific sizes *)
Ltac reify_sides :=
lazymatch goal with
| [ |- ?x = ?y :> G ]
=> let x := reify uconstr:(eval) op x in
let y := reify uconstr:(eval) op y in
cut (x = y); [ cbn [eval firstn skipn "+"]; congruence | ]
Lemma all_eq4
: forall a b c d : G,
exists v,
a * (b * (c * d)) = v
/\ a * ((b * c) * d) = v
/\ (a * (b * c)) * d = v
/\ ((a * b) * c) * d = v
/\ (a * b) * (c * d) = v.
Proof using assoc.
intros; repeat esplit; reify_sides; apply all_eq; reflexivity.
(** ============================ *)
(** Enumeration of sizes *)
Fixpoint enum_trees (n : nat) : list { m : nat & tree m }
:= match n with
| 0 => []
| S n
=> let ts := enum_trees n in
(existT tree _ leaf)
:: (List.flat_map
(fun '(existT _ x t1)
(fun '(existT _ y t2)
=> existT tree _ (node t1 t2))
Import EqNotations.
Definition enum_trees_of_size (n : nat) : list (tree n)
:= List.flat_map
(fun '(existT _ x t)
=> match Nat.eq_dec x n with
| left pf => [rew pf in t]
| right _ => []
(enum_trees n).
Definition enum_assocs_of_args (args : list G)
:= List.flat_map
(fun v => match v with Some v => [v] | None => [] end)
( (eval args) (enum_trees_of_size (length args))).
Compute fun a b c d => enum_assocs_of_args [a; b; c; d].
(* = fun a b c d : G =>
[a * (b * (c * d)); a * (b * c * d); a * b * (c * d);
a * (b * c) * d; a * b * c * d]
: G -> G -> G -> G -> list G
End with_semigroup.
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