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Last active December 8, 2017 23:51
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attempt at PHOAS canonical structures reification
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Reserved Notation "'dlet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, x binder, y binder, f at level 200, format "'dlet' x .. y := v 'in' '//' f").
Reserved Notation "'nlet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, x binder, y binder, f at level 200, format "'nlet' x .. y := v 'in' '//' f").
Reserved Notation "'zlet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, x binder, y binder, f at level 200, format "'zlet' x .. y := v 'in' '//' f").
Reserved Notation "'elet' x := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, f at level 200, format "'elet' x := v 'in' '//' f").
Reserved Notation "'olet' x := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, f at level 200, format "'olet' x := v 'in' '//' f").
Definition Let_In {A P} (v : A) (f : forall x : A, P x) : P v
:= let x := v in f x.
(*Axiom Let_In : forall {A P} (v : A) (f : forall x : A, P x), P v.*)
(*Axiom plus : Z -> Z -> Z.
Infix "+" := plus : Z_scope.*)
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Notation "'dlet' x .. y := v 'in' f" := (Let_In v (fun x => .. (fun y => f) .. )).
Definition Let_In_nat : nat -> (nat -> nat) -> nat
:= (@Let_In nat (fun _ => nat)).
Definition Let_In_Z : Z -> (Z -> Z) -> Z
:= (@Let_In Z (fun _ => Z)).
Notation "'nlet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
:= (Let_In_nat v (fun x => .. (fun y => f) .. )).
Notation "'zlet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
:= (Let_In_Z v (fun x => .. (fun y => f) .. )).
Module Import PHOAS.
Inductive expr {var : Type} : Type :=
| LetIn (v : expr) (f : var -> expr)
| Var (v : var)
| Const (v : Z)
| Add (x y : expr).
Bind Scope expr_scope with expr.
Delimit Scope expr_scope with expr.
Infix "+" := Add : expr_scope.
Notation "'elet' x := v 'in' f" := (LetIn v (fun x => f%expr)) : expr_scope.
Notation "' x" := (Const x) (at level 9, format "' x") : expr_scope.
Notation "$$ x" := (Var x) (at level 9, format "$$ x") : expr_scope.
Fixpoint denote (e : @expr Z) : Z
:= match e with
| LetIn v f => dlet x := denote v in denote (f x)
| Var v => v
| Const x => x
| Add x y => denote x + denote y
Definition Expr := forall var, @expr var.
Definition Denote (e : Expr) := denote (e _).
Module HOAS.
Inductive expr : Type :=
| LetIn (v : expr) (f : Z -> expr)
| Const (v : Z)
| Add (x y : expr).
Bind Scope expr_scope with expr.
Delimit Scope expr_scope with expr.
Infix "+" := Add : expr_scope.
Notation "'elet' x := v 'in' f" := (LetIn v (fun x => f%expr)) : expr_scope.
Notation "$$ x" := (Const x) (at level 9, format "$$ x") : expr_scope.
Fixpoint denote (e : expr) : Z
:= match e with
| LetIn v f => dlet x := denote v in denote (f x)
| Const x => x
| Add x y => denote x + denote y
Fixpoint big (a : Z) (sz : nat) : Z
:= match sz with
| O => a
| S sz' => dlet a' := a + a in big a' sz'
Module CanonicalStructures.
Import HOAS.
(* structure for packaging a Z expr and its reification *)
Structure tagged_Z := tag { untag :> Z }.
Structure reifed_of :=
reify { Z_of : tagged_Z ; reified_Z_of :> expr }.
(* tags to control the order of application *)
Definition const_tag := tag.
Definition let_in_tag := const_tag.
Canonical Structure add_tag n := let_in_tag n.
Canonical Structure reify_const n := reify (const_tag n) (Const n).
(*Canonical Structure reify_var n v := reify (var_tag n (Some v)) (Var v).*)
Canonical Structure reify_add x y := reify (add_tag (Z_of x + Z_of y))
(Add x y).
(* this works, but only for HOAS, not PHOAS, and only if [Let_In] is an axiom, not a definition *)
(*Canonical Structure reify_let_in v f
:= reify (let_in_tag (zlet x := untag (Z_of v) in Z_of (f x)))
(elet x := reified_Z_of v in reified_Z_of (f x)).*)
Ltac pre_reify_rhs _ :=
| change (@Let_In Z (fun _ => Z)) with Let_In_Z;
refine (_ : untag (Z_of _) = _) ];
[ lazymatch goal with
| [ |- _ = untag (Z_of ?v) ]
=> transitivity (denote (reified_Z_of v))
| ].
Ltac do_reify_rhs _ :=
[ > .. | refine eq_refl ].
Ltac post_reify_rhs _ :=
cbv [reify_add reify_const (*reify_let_in*) Z_of const_tag let_in_tag add_tag untag reified_Z_of];
[ > | cbv [denote]; reflexivity ].
Ltac reify_rhs _ :=
pre_reify_rhs (); do_reify_rhs (); post_reify_rhs ().
Opaque Let_In_Z Z.add.
Strategy -100 [add_tag let_in_tag const_tag].
Notation n := 10%nat.
Goal exists v, v = big 1 n.
Time cbv [big (*Let_In*)].
Time pre_reify_rhs ().
(*Set Debug Auto.
Set Debug Cbv.
Set Debug Eauto.
Set Debug RAKAM.
Set Debug Tactic Unification.
Set Debug Trivial.
Set Debug Typeclasses.
Set Debug Unification.*)
Opaque Let_In_Z.
Time all:do_reify_rhs ().
Time all:post_reify_rhs ().
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