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-R . ReifyByPattern
-I .
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Reserved Notation "'dlet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, x binder, y binder, f at level 200, format "'dlet' x .. y := v 'in' '//' f").
Reserved Notation "'nlet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, x binder, y binder, f at level 200, format "'nlet' x .. y := v 'in' '//' f").
Reserved Notation "'zlet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, x binder, y binder, f at level 200, format "'zlet' x .. y := v 'in' '//' f").
Reserved Notation "'zxlet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, x binder, y binder, f at level 200, format "'zxlet' x .. y := v 'in' '//' f").
Reserved Notation "'elet' x := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, f at level 200, format "'elet' x := v 'in' '//' f").
Reserved Notation "'olet' x := v 'in' f"
(at level 200, f at level 200, format "'olet' x := v 'in' '//' f").
Definition Let_In {A P} (v : A) (f : forall x : A, P x) : P v
:= let x := v in f x.
(*Axiom Let_In : forall {A P} (v : A) (f : forall x : A, P x), P v.*)
(*Axiom plus : Z -> Z -> Z.
Infix "+" := plus : Z_scope.*)
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Notation "'dlet' x .. y := v 'in' f" := (Let_In v (fun x => .. (fun y => f) .. )).
Definition Let_In_nat : nat -> (nat -> nat) -> nat
:= (@Let_In nat (fun _ => nat)).
Definition Let_In_Z : Z -> (Z -> Z) -> Z
:= (@Let_In Z (fun _ => Z)).
Axiom Let_In_Z_ax : Z -> (Z -> Z) -> Z.
Notation "'nlet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
:= (Let_In_nat v (fun x => .. (fun y => f) .. )).
Notation "'zlet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
:= (Let_In_Z v (fun x => .. (fun y => f) .. )).
Notation "'zxlet' x .. y := v 'in' f"
:= (Let_In_Z_ax v (fun x => .. (fun y => f) .. )).
Module Import PHOAS.
Inductive expr {var : Type} : Type :=
| LetIn (v : expr) (f : var -> expr)
| Var (v : var)
| Const (v : Z)
| Add (x y : expr).
Bind Scope expr_scope with expr.
Delimit Scope expr_scope with expr.
Infix "+" := Add : expr_scope.
Notation "'elet' x := v 'in' f" := (LetIn v (fun x => f%expr)) : expr_scope.
Notation "' x" := (Const x) (at level 9, format "' x") : expr_scope.
Notation "$$ x" := (Var x) (at level 9, format "$$ x") : expr_scope.
Fixpoint denote (e : @expr Z) : Z
:= match e with
| LetIn v f => dlet x := denote v in denote (f x)
| Var v => v
| Const x => x
| Add x y => denote x + denote y
Definition Expr := forall var, @expr var.
Definition Denote (e : Expr) := denote (e _).
Fixpoint beq_helper (e1 e2 : @expr nat) (base : nat) : bool
:= match e1, e2 with
| LetIn v1 f1, LetIn v2 f2
=> if beq_helper v1 v2 base
then beq_helper (f1 base) (f2 base) (S base)
else false
| Var v1, Var v2 => Nat.eqb v1 v2
| Const v1, Const v2 => Z.eqb v1 v2
| Add x1 y1, Add x2 y2
=> andb (beq_helper x1 x2 base) (beq_helper y1 y2 base)
| LetIn _ _, _
| Var _, _
| Const _, _
| Add _ _, _
=> false
Definition beq (e1 e2 : @expr nat) : bool := beq_helper e1 e2 O.
Definition Beq (e1 e2 : Expr) : bool := beq (e1 _) (e2 _).
Module HOAS.
Inductive expr : Type :=
| LetIn (v : expr) (f : Z -> expr)
| Const (v : Z)
| Add (x y : expr).
Bind Scope expr_scope with expr.
Delimit Scope expr_scope with expr.
Infix "+" := Add : expr_scope.
Notation "'elet' x := v 'in' f" := (LetIn v (fun x => f%expr)) : expr_scope.
Notation "$$ x" := (Const x) (at level 9, format "$$ x") : expr_scope.
Fixpoint denote (e : expr) : Z
:= match e with
| LetIn v f => dlet x := denote v in denote (f x)
| Const x => x
| Add x y => denote x + denote y
Fixpoint beq_helper (e1 e2 : expr) (base : Z) : bool
:= match e1, e2 with
| LetIn v1 f1, LetIn v2 f2
=> if beq_helper v1 v2 base
then beq_helper (f1 base) (f2 base) (Z.pred base)
else false
| Const v1, Const v2 => Z.eqb v1 v2
| Add x1 y1, Add x2 y2
=> andb (beq_helper x1 x2 base) (beq_helper y1 y2 base)
| LetIn _ _, _
| Const _, _
| Add _ _, _
=> false
Definition beq (e1 e2 : expr) : bool := beq_helper e1 e2 (-1)%Z.
Fixpoint of_phoas (e : @PHOAS.expr Z) : expr
:= match e with
| PHOAS.LetIn v f => LetIn (of_phoas v) (fun v => of_phoas (f v))
| Var v => Const v
| PHOAS.Const v => Const v
| PHOAS.Add x y => Add (of_phoas x) (of_phoas y)
Definition of_PHOAS (e : PHOAS.Expr) : expr := of_phoas (e Z).
Fixpoint big (a : Z) (sz : nat) : Z
:= match sz with
| O => a
| S sz' => dlet a' := a + a in big a' sz'
Definition big_flat_op {T} (op : T -> T -> T) (a : T) (sz : nat) : T
:= Eval cbv [Z.of_nat Pos.iter_op Pos.of_succ_nat Pos.succ] in
match Z.of_nat sz with
| Z0 => a
| Zpos p => Pos.iter_op op p a
| Zneg p => a
Definition big_flat (a : Z) (sz : nat) : Z
:= big_flat_op Z.add a sz.
Module Import ReifyCommon.
Ltac Reify_of reify x :=
constr:(fun var : Type => ltac:(let v := reify var x in exact v)).
Ltac check_sane ref_PHOAS ref_HOAS :=
lazymatch goal with
| [ |- _ = PHOAS.Denote ?e ]
=> let val := (eval vm_compute in (PHOAS.Beq e ref_PHOAS)) in
lazymatch val with
| true => idtac
| false => idtac "Error: Got" e "Expected:" ref_PHOAS; unify e ref_PHOAS
| [ |- _ = HOAS.denote ?e ]
=> let val := (eval vm_compute in (HOAS.beq e ref_HOAS)) in
lazymatch val with
| true => idtac
| false => idtac "Error: Got" e "Expected:" ref_HOAS; unify e ref_HOAS
| [ |- _ = ?Denote ?e ]
=> fail 0 "Unrecognized denotation function" Denote
Ltac do_Reify_rhs_of_cps Reify_cps _ :=
lazymatch goal with
| [ |- _ = ?v ]
=> idtac "actual reif"; time (Reify_cps v ltac:(fun rv => idtac));
Reify_cps v ltac:(
fun rv
=> idtac "actual lazy"; time (let rv := eval lazy in rv in idtac);
let rv := (eval lazy in rv) in
idtac "lazy beta iota"; time lazy beta iota;
idtac "trans"; time transitivity (Denote rv))
Ltac do_Reify_rhs_of Reify _ :=
do_Reify_rhs_of_cps ltac:(fun v tac => let rv := Reify v in tac rv) ().
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ :=
[ > | lazy [Denote denote]; reflexivity ].
Ltac Reify_rhs_of_cps Reify_cps _ :=
do_Reify_rhs_of_cps Reify_cps (); post_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac Reify_rhs_of Reify _ :=
do_Reify_rhs_of Reify (); post_Reify_rhs ().
End ReifyCommon.
Module TypeClasses.
Local Generalizable Variables x y rx ry f rf.
Section with_var.
Context {var : Type}.
Class reify_of (term : Z) (rterm : @expr var) := {}.
Global Instance reify_Add `{reify_of x rx, reify_of y ry}
: reify_of (x + y) (rx + ry).
Global Instance reify_LetIn `{reify_of x rx}
`{forall y ry, reify_of y (Var ry) -> reify_of (f y) (rf ry)}
: reify_of (dlet y := x in f y) (elet ry := rx in rf ry).
Global Instance reify_Const {x}
: reify_of x (Const x) | 100.
End with_var.
Hint Mode reify_of - ! - : typeclass_instances.
Hint Opaque Nat.add Z.add Let_In : typeclass_instances.
Ltac reify var x :=
let c := constr:(_ : @reify_of var x _) in
lazymatch type of c with
| reify_of _ ?rx => rx
Ltac Reify x :=
let c := constr:(fun var => (_ : @reify_of var x _)) in
lazymatch type of c with
| forall var, reify_of _ (@?rx var) => rx
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := do_Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ := ReifyCommon.post_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac Reify_rhs _ := Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
End TypeClasses.
Module Pattern.
Ltac Reify x :=
let rx := lazymatch (eval pattern Z, Z.add, (@Let_In Z (fun _ => Z)), Zpos, Zneg, Z0 in x) with
| ?rx _ _ _ _ _ _ => rx
end in
let rx := lazymatch rx with fun N : Set => ?rx => constr:(fun N : Type => rx) end in
let dummy := type of rx in (* propogate universe constraints, c.f., *)
let rx := constr:(fun var : Type
=> rx (@expr var) (@Add var) (fun x' f' => @LetIn var x' (fun v => f' (@Var var v))) (fun p => @Const var (Zpos p)) (fun p => @Const var (Zneg p)) (@Const var Z0)) in
Ltac reify var x :=
let rx := Reify x in
constr:(rx var).
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := do_Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ := ReifyCommon.post_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac Reify_rhs _ := Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
End Pattern.
Module LtacReifyCommon.
(* cf COQBUG(, COQBUG( *)
Ltac refresh n :=
let n' := fresh n in
let n' := fresh n in
Ltac error_cant_elim_deps f :=
let dummy := match goal with
| _ => idtac "Failed to eliminate functional dependencies in" f
end in
constr:(I : I).
Ltac error_bad_function f :=
let dummy := match goal with
| _ => idtac "Bad let-in function" f
end in
constr:(I : I).
Module InductiveCtx.
Module var_context.
Inductive var_context {var : Type} := nil | cons (n : Z) (v : var) (xs : var_context).
End var_context.
Ltac find_in_ctx var term ctx then_tac else_tac :=
lazymatch ctx with
| context[var_context.cons term ?v _]
=> then_tac v
| _
=> else_tac ()
Module TacInTerm.
Ltac binder_recr reify_helper var ctx f then_tac :=
lazymatch f with
| fun x => ?f
=> let not_x := refresh x in
let not_x2 := refresh not_x in
let not_x3 := refresh not_x2 in
let rf
fun (x : Z) (not_x : var)
=> match f, @var_context.cons var x not_x ctx return _ with
| not_x2, not_x3
=> ltac:(let fx := (eval cbv delta [not_x2] in not_x2) in
let ctx := (eval cbv delta [not_x3] in not_x3) in
let rf := reify_helper var fx ctx in
exact rf)
| fun _ => ?f => f
| ?f => error_cant_elim_deps f
end in
then_tac rf
| ?f => error_bad_function f
End TacInTerm.
Module TC.
Class reify_helper_cls (var : Type) (term : Z) (ctx : @var_context.var_context var) := do_reify_helper : @expr var.
Ltac binder_recr reify_helper var ctx f then_tac :=
lazymatch f with
| fun x => ?f
=> let not_x := refresh x in
let rf
constr:(_ : forall (x : Z) (not_x : var),
@reify_helper_cls var f (@var_context.cons var x not_x ctx))
| fun _ => ?f => f
| ?f => error_cant_elim_deps f
end in
then_tac rf
| ?f => error_bad_function f
Global Hint Extern 0 (@reify_helper_cls _ _ _) => progress intros : typeclass_instances.
End TC.
End InductiveCtx.
Module GallinaCtx.
Definition var_for {var : Type} (n : Z) (v : var) := False.
Ltac find_in_ctx var term ctx then_tac else_tac :=
lazymatch goal with
| [ H : var_for term ?v |- _ ]
=> then_tac v
| _
=> else_tac ()
Module TacInTerm.
Ltac binder_recr reify_helper var ctx f then_tac :=
lazymatch f with
| fun x => ?f
=> let not_x := refresh x in
let not_x2 := refresh not_x in
let rf
fun (x : Z) (not_x : var) (_ : @var_for var x not_x)
=> match f return _ with
| not_x2
=> ltac:(let fx := (eval cbv delta [not_x2] in not_x2) in
let rf := reify_helper var fx () in
exact rf)
| fun _ v' _ => @?f v' => f
| ?f => error_cant_elim_deps f
end in
then_tac rf
| ?f => error_bad_function f
End TacInTerm.
Module TC.
Class reify_cls (var : Type) (term : Z) := do_reify : @expr var.
Ltac binder_recr reify_helper var ctx f then_tac :=
lazymatch f with
| fun x => ?f
=> let not_x := refresh x in
let not_x2 := refresh not_x in
let rf
constr:(_ : forall (x : Z) (not_x : var) (_ : @var_for var x not_x),
@reify_cls var f)
| fun _ v' _ => @?f v' => f
| ?f => error_cant_elim_deps f
end in
then_tac rf
| ?f => error_bad_function f
Global Hint Extern 0 (@reify_cls _ _) => progress intros : typeclass_instances.
End TC.
End GallinaCtx.
Ltac reify_helper_of find_in_ctx binder_recr var term ctx :=
let reify_helper var term ctx := reify_helper_of find_in_ctx binder_recr var term ctx in
let reify_rec term := reify_helper var term ctx in
var term ctx
ltac:(fun v => constr:(@Var var v))
fun _
lazymatch term with
| ?x + ?y
=> let rx := reify_rec x in
let ry := reify_rec y in
constr:(@Add var rx ry)
| (dlet x := ?v in @?f x)
=> let rv := reify_rec v in
reify_helper var ctx f
ltac:(fun rf => constr:(@LetIn var rv rf))
| ?v
=> constr:(@Const var v)
Ltac reify_of find_in_ctx binder_recr var term
:= reify_helper_of find_in_ctx binder_recr var term (@InductiveCtx.var_context.nil var).
End LtacReifyCommon.
Module LtacTacInTermInductiveCtx.
Import LtacReifyCommon.
Import InductiveCtx.
Import TacInTerm.
Ltac reify var term := reify_of find_in_ctx binder_recr var term.
Ltac Reify x := Reify_of reify x.
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := do_Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ := ReifyCommon.post_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac Reify_rhs _ := Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
End LtacTacInTermInductiveCtx.
Module LtacTacInTermGallinaCtx.
Import LtacReifyCommon.
Import GallinaCtx.
Import TacInTerm.
Ltac reify var term := reify_of find_in_ctx binder_recr var term.
Ltac Reify x := Reify_of reify x.
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := do_Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ := ReifyCommon.post_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac Reify_rhs _ := Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
End LtacTacInTermGallinaCtx.
Module LtacTCInductiveCtx.
Import LtacReifyCommon.
Import InductiveCtx.
Export TC.
Ltac reify_helper var term ctx := reify_helper_of find_in_ctx binder_recr var term ctx.
Ltac reify var term := reify_of find_in_ctx binder_recr var term.
Ltac Reify x := Reify_of reify x.
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := do_Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ := ReifyCommon.post_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac Reify_rhs _ := Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
Global Hint Extern 0 (@reify_helper_cls ?var ?term ?ctx)
=> (let res := reify_helper var term ctx in exact res) : typeclass_instances.
End LtacTCInductiveCtx.
Module LtacTCGallinaCtx.
Import LtacReifyCommon.
Import GallinaCtx.
Export TC.
Ltac reify_helper var term := reify_helper_of find_in_ctx binder_recr var term ().
Ltac reify var term := reify_of find_in_ctx binder_recr var term.
Ltac Reify x := Reify_of reify x.
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := do_Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ := ReifyCommon.post_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac Reify_rhs _ := Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
Global Hint Extern 0 (@reify_cls ?var ?term)
=> (let res := reify_helper var term in exact res) : typeclass_instances.
End LtacTCGallinaCtx.
Module LtacPrimUncurry.
Module Import prim.
Set Primitive Projections.
Record prod A B := pair { fst : A ; snd : B }.
Add Printing Let prod.
Notation "x * y" := (prod x y) : type_scope.
Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (pair .. (pair x y) .. z) : core_scope.
Arguments pair {A B} _ _.
Arguments fst {A B} _.
Arguments snd {A B} _.
End prim.
(* cf COQBUG(, COQBUG( *)
Ltac refresh n :=
let n' := fresh n in
let n' := fresh n in
Axiom bad : nat.
Ltac reify var term :=
let reify_rec term := reify var term in
lazymatch term with
| fun args : ?T => @?x args + @?y args
=> let rx := reify_rec x in
let ry := reify_rec y in
constr:(fun args : T => @Add var (rx args) (ry args))
| (fun args : ?T => dlet x := @?v args in ?f)
=> let rv := reify_rec v in
let args2 := refresh args in
let rf := reify_rec (fun args2 : (nat * var) * T
=> match snd args2, fst (fst args2) with
| args, x => f
end) in
constr:(fun args : T => @LetIn var (rv args) (fun x => rf ((bad, x), args)))
| (fun args : ?T => fst (fst ?args'))
=> constr:(fun args : T => @Var var (snd (fst args)))
| (fun args : ?T => ?v)
=> constr:(fun args : T => @Const var v)
| ?v
=> let rv := reify_rec (fun dummy : unit => v) in
(eval cbv [fst snd] in (rv tt))
Ltac Reify x := Reify_of reify x.
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := do_Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ := ReifyCommon.post_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac Reify_rhs _ := Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
End LtacPrimUncurry.
Require Ltac2.Ltac2.
Module Ltac2Common.
Import Ltac2.Init.
Import Ltac2.Notations.
Module List.
Ltac2 rec map f ls :=
match ls with
| [] => []
| l :: ls => f l :: map f ls
End List.
Module Ident.
Ltac2 rec find_error id xs :=
match xs with
| [] => None
| x :: xs
=> let ((id', val)) := x in
match Ident.equal id id' with
| true => Some val
| false => find_error id xs
Ltac2 find id xs :=
match find_error id xs with
| None => Not_found
| Some val => val
End Ident.
Module Array.
Ltac2 rec to_list_aux (ls : 'a array) (start : int) :=
match Int.equal ( start (Array.length ls)) -1 with
| true => Array.get ls start :: to_list_aux ls (Int.add start 1)
| false => []
Ltac2 to_list (ls : 'a array) := to_list_aux ls 0.
End Array.
Module Constr.
Ltac2 rec strip_casts term :=
match Constr.Unsafe.kind term with
| Constr.Unsafe.Cast term' _ _ => strip_casts term'
| _ => term
Module Unsafe.
Ltac2 beta1 (c : constr) :=
match Constr.Unsafe.kind c with
| Constr.Unsafe.App f args
=> match Constr.Unsafe.kind f with
| Constr.Unsafe.Lambda id ty f
=> Constr.Unsafe.substnl (Array.to_list args) 0 f
| _ => c
| _ => c
Ltac2 zeta1 (c : constr) :=
match Constr.Unsafe.kind c with
| Constr.Unsafe.LetIn id v ty f
=> Constr.Unsafe.substnl [v] 0 f
| _ => c
End Unsafe.
End Constr.
Module Ltac1.
Class Ltac1Result {T} (v : T) := {}.
Class Ltac1Results {T} (v : list T) := {}.
Class Ltac2Result {T} (v : T) := {}.
Ltac save_ltac1_result v :=
match goal with
| _ => assert (Ltac1Result v) by constructor
Ltac clear_ltac1_results _ :=
match goal with
| _ => repeat match goal with
| [ H : Ltac1Result _ |- _ ] => clear H
Ltac2 get_ltac1_result () :=
(lazy_match! goal with
| [ id : Ltac1Result ?v |- _ ]
=> Std.clear [id]; v
Ltac save_ltac1_results v :=
match goal with
| _ => assert (Ltac1Result v) by constructor
Ltac2 save_ltac2_result v :=
Std.cut '(Ltac2Result $v);
[(fun ()
=> Std.intros false [Std.IntroNaming (Std.IntroFresh @res)])
(fun () => Notations.constructor)].
Ltac get_ltac2_result _ :=
lazymatch goal with
| [ res : Ltac2Result ?v |- _ ]
=> let dummy := match goal with
| _ => clear res
end in
Ltac2 from_ltac1 (save_args : constr) (tac : unit -> unit) :=
let beta_flag :=
Std.rBeta := true; Std.rMatch := false; Std.rFix := false; Std.rCofix := false;
Std.rZeta := false; Std.rDelta := false; Std.rConst := [];
} in
let c := '(ltac2:(save_ltac2_result save_args;
tac ();
let v := get_ltac1_result () in
Control.refine (fun () => v))) in
Constr.Unsafe.zeta1 (Constr.Unsafe.zeta1 (Std.eval_cbv beta_flag c)).
End Ltac1.
End Ltac2Common.
Module Ltac2.
Import Ltac2Common.
Import Ltac2.Init.
Import Ltac2.Notations.
Ltac2 rec reify_helper
(var : constr)
(term : constr)
(ctx : (ident * ident) list)
let reify_rec term := reify_helper var term ctx in
(fun ()
=> match Constr.Unsafe.kind (Constr.strip_casts term) with
| Constr.Unsafe.Var x
=> let v := Ident.find x ctx in
let v := Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.Var v) in
constr:(@Var $var $v)
| _ => Not_found
(fun _
=> (lazy_match! term with
| ?x + ?y
=> let rx := reify_rec x in
let ry := reify_rec y in
constr:(@Add $var $rx $ry)
| (dlet x : ?t := ?v in @?f x)
=> let rv := reify_rec v in
(** We assume the invariant that all bound variables
show up as Rel nodes rather than Var nodes *)
match Constr.Unsafe.kind f with
| Constr.Unsafe.Lambda id t c
=> let c_set := Fresh.Free.of_ids ( (fun (id, _, _) => id) (Control.hyps ())) in
let c_set := Fresh.Free.union c_set (Fresh.Free.of_constr c) in
let x_base := match id with
| Some id => id
| None => @x
end in
let x := Fresh.fresh c_set x_base in
let c_set := Fresh.Free.union
(Fresh.Free.of_ids [x]) in
let not_x := Fresh.fresh c_set x_base in
let ctx := (x, not_x) :: ctx in
let c := Constr.Unsafe.substnl [Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.Var x)] 0 c in
let ret :=
x t
(fun ()
=> let rf :=
not_x var
(fun ()
=> let rf := reify_helper var c ctx in
Control.refine (fun () => rf)) in
Control.refine (fun () => rf)) in
(lazy_match! ret with
| fun _ => ?rf
=> constr:(@LetIn $var $rv $rf)
| ?f
=> let msg :=
Message.concat (Message.of_string "Failed to eliminate functional dependencies in ")
(Message.of_constr f) in
Message.print msg; (Tactic_failure (Some msg))
| _ => let msg :=
Message.concat (Message.of_string "Bad let-in function: ")
(Message.of_constr f) in
Message.print msg; (Tactic_failure (Some msg))
| ?v
=> constr:(@Const $var $v)
Ltac2 reify (var : constr) (term : constr) := reify_helper var term [].
Ltac reify var term :=
let dummy := Ltac1.save_ltac1_result (var, term) in
let ret :=
constr:(ltac2:(let args := Ltac1.get_ltac1_result () in
(lazy_match! args with
| (?var, ?term)
=> let rv := reify var term in
Control.refine (fun () => rv)
| _ => Control.throw Not_found
end))) in
let dummy := Ltac1.clear_ltac1_results () in
Ltac Reify x := Reify_of reify x.
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := do_Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ := ReifyCommon.post_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac Reify_rhs _ := Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
End Ltac2.
Module Ltac2Unsafe.
Import Ltac2Common.
Import Ltac2.Init.
Import Ltac2.Notations.
Ltac2 rec unsafe_reify_helper
(mkVar : constr -> 'a)
(mkConst : constr -> 'a)
(zAdd : constr)
(mkAdd : 'a -> 'a -> 'a)
(idLetIn : constr)
(mkLetIn : 'a -> ident option -> constr -> 'a -> 'a)
(term : constr)
let reify_rec term := unsafe_reify_helper mkVar mkConst zAdd mkAdd idLetIn mkLetIn term in
let kterm := Constr.Unsafe.kind term in
match kterm with
| Constr.Unsafe.Rel _ => mkVar term
| Constr.Unsafe.Var _ => mkVar term
| Constr.Unsafe.Cast term _ _ => reify_rec term
| Constr.Unsafe.App f args
match Constr.equal f zAdd with
| true
=> let x := Array.get args 0 in
let y := Array.get args 1 in
let rx := reify_rec x in
let ry := reify_rec y in
mkAdd rx ry
| false
match Constr.equal f idLetIn with
| true
=> let x := Array.get args 2 (* assume the first two args are type params *) in
let f := Array.get args 3 in
match Constr.Unsafe.kind f with
| Constr.Unsafe.Lambda idx ty body
=> let rx := reify_rec x in
let rf := reify_rec body in
mkLetIn rx idx ty rf
| _ => mkConst term
| false
=> mkConst term
| _
=> mkConst term
Ltac2 unsafe_reify (var : constr) (term : constr) :=
let cVar := '@Var in
let cConst := '@Const in
let cAdd := '@Add in
let cLetIn := '@LetIn in
let cZAdd := '@Z.add in
let cLet_In := '@Let_In in
let mk1VarArgs (x : constr) :=
let args := Array.make 2 var in
let () := Array.set args 1 x in
args in
let mk2VarArgs (x : constr) (y : constr) :=
let args := Array.make 3 var in
let () := Array.set args 1 x in
let () := Array.set args 2 y in
args in
let mkApp1 (f : constr) (x : constr) :=
Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.App f (mk1VarArgs x)) in
let mkApp2 (f : constr) (x : constr) (y : constr) :=
Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.App f (mk2VarArgs x y)) in
let mkVar (v : constr) := mkApp1 cVar v in
let mkConst (v : constr) := mkApp1 cConst v in
let mkAdd (x : constr) (y : constr) := mkApp2 cAdd x y in
let mkcLetIn (x : constr) (y : constr) := mkApp2 cLetIn x y in
let mkLetIn (x : constr) (idx : ident option) (ty : constr) (fbody : constr)
:= mkcLetIn x (Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.Lambda idx var fbody)) in
let ret := unsafe_reify_helper mkVar mkConst cZAdd mkAdd cLet_In mkLetIn term in
Ltac2 check_result (ret : constr) :=
match Constr.Unsafe.check ret with
| Val rterm => rterm
| Err exn => exn
Ltac2 reify (var : constr) (term : constr) :=
check_result (unsafe_reify var term).
Ltac2 unsafe_Reify (term : constr) :=
let fresh_set := Fresh.Free.of_constr term in
let idvar := Fresh.fresh fresh_set @var in
let var := Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.Var idvar) in
let rterm := unsafe_reify var term in
let rterm := Constr.Unsafe.closenl [idvar] 1 rterm in
Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.Lambda (Some idvar) 'Type rterm).
Ltac2 do_Reify (term : constr) :=
check_result (unsafe_Reify term).
Ltac2 unsafe_mkApp1 (f : constr) (x : constr) :=
let args := Array.make 1 x in
Constr.Unsafe.make (Constr.Unsafe.App f args).
Ltac2 mkApp1 (f : constr) (x : constr) :=
check_result (unsafe_mkApp1 f x).
Ltac2 all_flags :=
Std.rBeta := true; Std.rMatch := true; Std.rFix := true; Std.rCofix := true;
Std.rZeta := true; Std.rDelta := true; Std.rConst := [];
Ltac2 betaiota_flags :=
Std.rBeta := true; Std.rMatch := true; Std.rFix := true; Std.rCofix := true;
Std.rZeta := false; Std.rDelta := false; Std.rConst := [];
Ltac2 in_goal :=
{ Std.on_hyps := None; Std.on_concl := Std.AllOccurrences }.
Ltac2 do_Reify_rhs_fast () :=
let g := Control.goal () in
match Constr.Unsafe.kind g with
| Constr.Unsafe.App f args (* App eq [ty; lhs; rhs] *)
=> let v := Array.get args 2 in
let rv := Control.time (Some "Actual reif") (fun _ => unsafe_Reify v) in
let rv := Control.time (Some "Actual lazy") (fun _ => Std.eval_lazy all_flags rv) in
Control.time (Some "lazy beta iota") (fun _ => Std.lazy betaiota_flags in_goal);
Control.time (Some "trans") (fun _ => Std.transitivity (unsafe_mkApp1 'Denote rv))
| _
=> (Tactic_failure (Some (Message.concat (Message.of_string "Invalid goal in Ltac2Unsafe.do_Reify_rhs_fast: ") (Message.of_constr g))))
Ltac2 do_Reify_rhs () :=
lazy_match! goal with
| [ |- _ = ?v ]
=> let rv := do_Reify v in
let rv := Std.eval_lazy all_flags rv in
Std.transitivity (mkApp1 'Denote rv)
| [ |- ?g ] => (Tactic_failure (Some (Message.concat (Message.of_string "Invalid goal in Ltac2Unsafe.do_Reify_rhs: ") (Message.of_constr g))))
Ltac reify var term :=
let dummy := Ltac1.save_ltac1_result (var, term) in
let ret :=
constr:(ltac2:(let args := Ltac1.get_ltac1_result () in
(lazy_match! args with
| (?var, ?term)
=> let rv := reify var term in
Control.refine (fun () => rv)
| _ => Control.throw Not_found
end))) in
let dummy := Ltac1.clear_ltac1_results () in
Ltac Reify x := Reify_of reify x.
(*Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := do_Reify_rhs_of Reify ().*)
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := ltac2:(do_Reify_rhs_fast ()).
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ := ReifyCommon.post_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac Reify_rhs _ := Reify_rhs_of Reify ().
End Ltac2Unsafe.
Module CanonicalStructuresReifyCommon.
Ltac make_pre_Reify_rhs Z_of untag Let_In_Z :=
let RHS := lazymatch goal with |- _ = ?RHS => RHS end in
let RHS := lazymatch (eval pattern (@Let_In Z (fun _ => Z)) in RHS) with ?RHS _ => RHS end in
let e := fresh "e" in
let T := fresh in
evar (T : Type);
evar (e : T);
subst T;
cut (untag (Z_of e) = RHS Let_In_Z);
[ subst e
| cbv [e]; clear e ].
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ :=
[ > .. | refine eq_refl ].
Ltac make_post_Reify_rhs denote reified_Z_of :=
[ > lazymatch goal with
| [ |- ?untag (?Z_of ?e) = _ -> _ ]
=> let e' := (eval lazy in (reified_Z_of e)) in
intros _;
transitivity (denote e');
[ | lazy [HOAS.denote PHOAS.Denote PHOAS.denote]; reflexivity ]
end ].
End CanonicalStructuresReifyCommon.
Module CanonicalStructuresFlatHOAS.
Import CanonicalStructuresReifyCommon.
Import HOAS.
(* structure for packaging a Z expr and its reification *)
Structure tagged_Z := tag { untag :> Z }.
Structure reified_of :=
reify { Z_of : tagged_Z ; reified_Z_of :> expr }.
(* tags to control the order of application *)
Definition const_tag := tag.
Module Export Exports.
Canonical Structure add_tag n := const_tag n.
Canonical Structure reify_const n
:= reify (const_tag n) (Const n).
Canonical Structure reify_add x y
:= reify (add_tag (Z_of x + Z_of y))
(@Add x y).
End Exports.
Ltac pre_Reify_rhs _ := make_pre_Reify_rhs Z_of untag Let_In_Z.
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := CanonicalStructuresReifyCommon.do_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ := make_post_Reify_rhs denote reified_Z_of.
Ltac Reify_rhs _ := pre_Reify_rhs (); do_Reify_rhs (); post_Reify_rhs ().
End CanonicalStructuresFlatHOAS.
Module CanonicalStructuresFlatPHOAS.
Import CanonicalStructuresReifyCommon.
Import PHOAS.
(* structure for packaging a Z expr and its reification *)
Structure tagged_Z := tag { untag :> Z }.
Structure reified_of :=
reify { Z_of : tagged_Z ; reified_Z_of :> Expr }.
(* tags to control the order of application *)
Definition const_tag := tag.
Module Export Exports.
Canonical Structure add_tag n := const_tag n.
Canonical Structure reify_const n
:= reify (const_tag n) (fun var => @Const var n).
Canonical Structure reify_add x y
:= reify (add_tag (Z_of x + Z_of y))
(fun var => @Add var (reified_Z_of x var) (reified_Z_of y var)).
End Exports.
Ltac pre_Reify_rhs _ := make_pre_Reify_rhs Z_of untag Let_In_Z.
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := CanonicalStructuresReifyCommon.do_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ := make_post_Reify_rhs Denote reified_Z_of.
Ltac Reify_rhs _ := pre_Reify_rhs (); do_Reify_rhs (); post_Reify_rhs ().
End CanonicalStructuresFlatPHOAS.
Module CanonicalStructuresHOAS.
Import CanonicalStructuresReifyCommon.
Import HOAS.
(* structure for packaging a Z expr and its reification *)
Structure tagged_Z := tag { untag :> Z }.
Structure reified_of :=
reify { Z_of : tagged_Z ; reified_Z_of :> expr }.
(* tags to control the order of application *)
Definition const_tag := tag.
Definition let_in_tag := const_tag.
Module Export Exports.
Canonical Structure add_tag n := let_in_tag n.
Canonical Structure reify_const n
:= reify (const_tag n) (Const n).
Canonical Structure reify_add x y
:= reify (add_tag (Z_of x + Z_of y))
(@Add x y).
Canonical Structure reify_let_in v f
:= reify (let_in_tag (zxlet x := untag (Z_of v) in Z_of (f x)))
(elet x := reified_Z_of v in reified_Z_of (f x)).
End Exports.
Ltac pre_Reify_rhs _ := make_pre_Reify_rhs Z_of untag Let_In_Z_ax.
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := CanonicalStructuresReifyCommon.do_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ := make_post_Reify_rhs denote reified_Z_of.
Ltac Reify_rhs _ := pre_Reify_rhs (); do_Reify_rhs (); post_Reify_rhs ().
End CanonicalStructuresHOAS.
Require Template.Ast.
Require Template.Template.
Module TemplateCoq.
Import PHOAS.
Import Template.Ast.
Import Template.Template.
Module Compile.
Import Coq.Strings.String.
Scheme Equality for string.
Section with_var.
Context {var : Type}.
Axiom bad : var.
Fixpoint compile_positive (e : term) : option positive
:= match e with
| tApp (tConstruct (mkInd Bp 0) 0) (v :: nil)
=> option_map xI (compile_positive v)
| tApp (tConstruct (mkInd Bp 0) 1) (v :: nil)
=> option_map xO (compile_positive v)
| tConstruct (mkInd Bp 0) 2
=> Some xH
| _ => None
Definition compile_Z (e : term) : option Z
:= match e with
| tConstruct (mkInd BZ 0) 0
=> Some Z0
| tApp (tConstruct (mkInd BZ 0) 1) (p :: nil)
=> option_map Zpos (compile_positive p)
| tApp (tConstruct (mkInd BZ 0) 2) (p :: nil)
=> option_map Zneg (compile_positive p)
| _ => None
Fixpoint compile (e : term) (ctx : list var) : @expr var
:= match e with
| tRel idx => Var (List.nth_default bad ctx idx)
| tCast e _ _
=> compile e ctx
| tApp f4 (_ :: _ :: x :: tLambda _ _ f :: nil)
=> @LetIn var (compile x ctx)
(fun x' => compile f (x' :: ctx))
| tApp f2 (x :: y :: nil)
=> @Add var (compile x ctx) (compile y ctx)
| tApp _ _ as e
=> match compile_Z e with
| Some v => @Const var v
| None => Var bad
| _
=> Var bad
End with_var.
Definition Compile (e : term) : Expr := fun var => @compile var e nil.
End Compile.
Ltac reify_cps var term tac :=
quote_term term (fun v => tac (@Compile.compile var v)).
Ltac Reify_cps term tac :=
quote_term term (fun v => tac (Compile.Compile v)).
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := do_Reify_rhs_of_cps Reify_cps ().
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ := ReifyCommon.post_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac Reify_rhs _ := Reify_rhs_of_cps Reify_cps ().
End TemplateCoq.
Require reify.
Module OCaml.
Import PHOAS.
Import reify.
Ltac Reify_cps term tac :=
(@Var) (@Const) (@Add) (@LetIn) (@Z.add) (@Let_In)
var Type term tac.
Ltac reify_cps var term tac :=
Reify_cps term ltac:(fun rt => tac (rt var)).
Ltac do_Reify_rhs _ := do_Reify_rhs_of_cps Reify_cps ().
Ltac post_Reify_rhs _ := ReifyCommon.post_Reify_rhs ().
Ltac Reify_rhs _ := Reify_rhs_of_cps Reify_cps ().
End OCaml.
Ltac make_ref do_eval_cbv big ns :=
let rv :=
(eval cbv beta in
(fun var : Type
=> ltac:(let v := do_eval_cbv
( (fun n => (n, big n)) ns) in
let rv := Pattern.reify var v in
exact rv))) in
let rv :=
lazymatch rv with
| (fun var => (fun n => (n, @?rx n var)) ns)
=> constr:( (fun n => dlet rx' := rx n in (n, rx', HOAS.of_PHOAS rx')) ns)
end in
let rv := (eval cbv beta in rv) in
exact rv.
Definition big_refs (ns : list nat) : list (nat * PHOAS.Expr * HOAS.expr).
Proof. make_ref ltac:(fun v => eval lazy delta [big] in v) (big 1) ns. Defined.
Definition big_flat_refs (ns : list nat) : list (nat * PHOAS.Expr * HOAS.expr).
Proof. make_ref ltac:(fun v => eval lazy [big_flat] in v) (big_flat 1) ns. Defined.
Ltac do_test_with big do_cbv pre_reify do_reify post_reify n ref_PHOAS ref_HOAS :=
let H := fresh in
assert (H : exists v, v = big 1 n);
[ eexists;
once (do_cbv n);
once (pre_reify n);
once (do_reify n);
once (post_reify n);
check_sane ref_PHOAS ref_HOAS;
| clear H ].
Tactic Notation "do_test_with" string(name) constr(big) tactic3(do_cbv) tactic3(pre_reify) tactic3(do_reify) tactic3(post_reify) constr(n) constr(ref_PHOAS) constr(ref_HOAS) :=
idtac "Starting test (n=" n ") for" name;
time once (
ltac:(fun n' => idtac "Doing cbv (n=" n ") for" name "with" big ":"; time do_cbv)
ltac:(fun n' => idtac "Doing pre (n=" n ") for" name "with" big ":"; time pre_reify ())
ltac:(fun n' => [ > idtac "Doing reif (n=" n ") for" name "with" big ":" | .. ]; time do_reify ())
ltac:(fun n' => [ > idtac "Doing post (n=" n ") for" name "with" big ":" | .. ]; time post_reify ())
n ref_PHOAS ref_HOAS;
idtac "Aggregate time (n=" n ") for" name "with" big ":").
Ltac print_stats big n ref_PHOAS ref_HOAS :=
once (
idtac "Stats (n=" n "):";
time (idtac "Doing identity cbv (n=" n ") on PHOAS with" big ":"; let dummy := (eval cbv in ref_PHOAS) in idtac);
time (idtac "Doing identity lazy (n=" n ") on PHOAS with" big ":"; let dummy := (eval lazy in ref_PHOAS) in idtac);
time (idtac "Doing identity vm_compute (n=" n ") on PHOAS with" big ":"; let dummy := (eval vm_compute in ref_PHOAS) in idtac);
(*time (idtac "Doing identity native_compute (n=" n ") on PHOAS with" big ":"; let dummy := (eval native_compute in ref_PHOAS) in idtac);*)
time (idtac "Doing refine let (n=" n ") on PHOAS with" big ":"; let p := fresh in refine (let p := ref_PHOAS in _); clear p);
time (idtac "Doing cbv Denote (n=" n ") on PHOAS with" big ":"; let v := (eval cbv [PHOAS.Denote PHOAS.denote] in (PHOAS.Denote ref_PHOAS)) in idtac);
time (idtac "Doing lazy Denote (n=" n ") on PHOAS with" big ":"; let v := (eval lazy [PHOAS.Denote PHOAS.denote] in (PHOAS.Denote ref_PHOAS)) in idtac);
time (idtac "Doing identity cbv (n=" n ") on HOAS with" big ":"; let dummy := (eval cbv in ref_HOAS) in idtac);
time (idtac "Doing identity lazy (n=" n ") on HOAS with" big ":"; let dummy := (eval lazy in ref_HOAS) in idtac);
time (idtac "Doing identity vm_compute (n=" n ") on HOAS with" big ":"; let dummy := (eval vm_compute in ref_HOAS) in idtac);
(*time (idtac "Doing identity native_compute (n=" n ") on HOAS with" big ":"; let dummy := (eval native_compute in ref_HOAS) in idtac);*)
time (idtac "Doing refine let (n=" n ") on HOAS with" big ":"; let p := fresh in refine (let p := ref_HOAS in _); clear p);
time (idtac "Doing cbv denote (n=" n ") on HOAS with" big ":"; let v := (eval cbv [HOAS.denote] in (HOAS.denote ref_HOAS)) in idtac);
time (idtac "Doing lazy denote (n=" n ") on HOAS with" big ":"; let v := (eval lazy [HOAS.denote] in (HOAS.denote ref_HOAS)) in idtac)
Ltac foreach tac ns :=
lazymatch ns with
| cons ?n ?ns => once (tac n); foreach tac ns
| nil => idtac
Ltac foreach3 tac ns :=
lazymatch ns with
| cons (?n, ?x, ?y) ?ns => once (tac n x y); foreach3 tac ns
| nil => idtac
Ltac noop _ := idtac.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Import CanonicalStructuresFlatHOAS.Exports.
Import CanonicalStructuresFlatPHOAS.Exports.
Import CanonicalStructuresHOAS.Exports.
Ltac do_cbv_delta := lazy [big_flat]; lazy delta [big].
Ltac do_cbv := lazy [big_flat big big_flat_op].
Ltac do_test is_flat ns :=
let big := lazymatch is_flat with
| true => big_flat
| false => big
end in
let ns_with_refs
:= (eval vm_compute in (if is_flat then big_flat_refs ns else big_refs ns)) in
foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => print_stats big n refP refH) ns_with_refs;
(*foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "pattern-no-beta" big (do_cbv_delta) (noop) (Pattern.do_Reify_rhs) (Pattern.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs;
foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "pattern-beta" big (do_cbv) (noop) (Pattern.do_Reify_rhs) (Pattern.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs;*)
(*foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "TemplateCoq" big (do_cbv) (noop) (TemplateCoq.do_Reify_rhs) (TemplateCoq.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs;*)
foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "OCaml" big (do_cbv) (noop) (OCaml.do_Reify_rhs) (OCaml.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs;
foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "Ltac2Unsafe" big (do_cbv) (noop) (Ltac2Unsafe.do_Reify_rhs) (Ltac2Unsafe.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs(*;
foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "Ltac2" big (do_cbv) (noop) (Ltac2.do_Reify_rhs) (Ltac2.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs;
foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "LtacTacInTermGallinaCtx" big (do_cbv) (noop) (LtacTacInTermGallinaCtx.do_Reify_rhs) (LtacTacInTermGallinaCtx.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs;
foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "LtacTacInTermInductiveCtx" big (do_cbv) (noop) (LtacTacInTermInductiveCtx.do_Reify_rhs) (LtacTacInTermInductiveCtx.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs;
foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "LtacTCGallinaCtx" big (do_cbv) (noop) (LtacTCGallinaCtx.do_Reify_rhs) (LtacTCGallinaCtx.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs;
foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "LtacTCInductiveCtx" big (do_cbv) (noop) (LtacTCInductiveCtx.do_Reify_rhs) (LtacTCInductiveCtx.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs;
foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "LtacPrimUncurry" big (do_cbv) (noop) (LtacPrimUncurry.do_Reify_rhs) (LtacPrimUncurry.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs;
foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "CanonicalStructuresHOAS" big (do_cbv) (CanonicalStructuresHOAS.pre_Reify_rhs) (CanonicalStructuresHOAS.do_Reify_rhs) (CanonicalStructuresHOAS.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs;
lazymatch is_flat with
| true
foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "CanonicalStructuresFlatHOAS" big (do_cbv) (CanonicalStructuresFlatHOAS.pre_Reify_rhs) (CanonicalStructuresFlatHOAS.do_Reify_rhs) (CanonicalStructuresFlatHOAS.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs;
foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "CanonicalStructuresFlatPHOAS" big (do_cbv) (CanonicalStructuresFlatPHOAS.pre_Reify_rhs) (CanonicalStructuresFlatPHOAS.do_Reify_rhs) (CanonicalStructuresFlatPHOAS.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs
| false => idtac
foreach3 ltac:(fun n refP refH => do_test_with "TypeClasses" big (do_cbv) (noop) (TypeClasses.do_Reify_rhs) (TypeClasses.post_Reify_rhs) n refP refH) ns_with_refs*).
Ltac do_one_test is_flat n := do_test is_flat (cons n nil).
Ltac do_quick_tests is_flat :=
do_test is_flat (1::2::4::8::16::32::64::nil)%list%nat.
Ltac do_all_tests is_flat :=
do_test is_flat (1::2::4::8::16::32::64::100::200::300::400::500::600::700::800::900::1000::nil)%list%nat.
Notation n := 800%nat.
Notation hidden := (_ = _).
Import Ltac2.Init.
Import Ltac2.Notations.
Import Ltac2Unsafe.
Goal exists v, v = big 1 7000%nat.
Time lazy [big].
let g := Control.goal () in
match Constr.Unsafe.kind g with
| Constr.Unsafe.App f args (* App eq [ty; lhs; rhs] *)
=> let v := Array.get args 2 in
let rv := Control.time (Some "Actual reif") (fun _ => unsafe_Reify v) in
() (*
let rv := Control.time (Some "Actual lazy") (fun _ => Std.eval_lazy all_flags rv) in
Control.time (Some "lazy beta iota") (fun _ => Std.lazy betaiota_flags in_goal);
Control.time (Some "trans") (fun _ => Std.transitivity (unsafe_mkApp1 'Denote rv))*)
| _
=> (Tactic_failure (Some (Message.concat (Message.of_string "Invalid goal in Ltac2Unsafe.do_Reify_rhs_fast: ") (Message.of_constr g))))
(*do_test false (7000::nil)%nat%list.*)
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
(*i camlp4use: "pa_extend.cmp" i*)
let contrib_name = "template-coq-derivative"
open Names
let rec unsafe_reify_helper
(mkVar : Constr.t -> 'a)
(mkConst : Constr.t -> 'a)
(zAdd : Constr.t)
(mkAdd : 'a -> 'a -> 'a)
(idLetIn : Constr.t)
(mkLetIn : 'a -> Name.t -> Constr.t -> 'a -> 'a)
(term : Constr.t)
let reify_rec term = unsafe_reify_helper mkVar mkConst zAdd mkAdd idLetIn mkLetIn term in
let kterm = Constr.kind term in
begin match kterm with
| Term.Rel _ -> mkVar term
| Term.Var _ -> mkVar term
| Term.Cast (term, _, _) -> reify_rec term
| Term.App (f, args)
if Constr.equal f zAdd
then let x = Array.get args 0 in
let y = Array.get args 1 in
let rx = reify_rec x in
let ry = reify_rec y in
mkAdd rx ry
else if Constr.equal f idLetIn
then let x = Array.get args 2 (* assume the first two args are type params *) in
let f = Array.get args 3 in
begin match Constr.kind f with
| Term.Lambda (idx, ty, body)
-> let rx = reify_rec x in
let rf = reify_rec body in
mkLetIn rx idx ty rf
| _ -> mkConst term
else mkConst term
| _
-> mkConst term
let unsafe_reify
(cVar : Constr.t)
(cConst : Constr.t)
(cAdd : Constr.t)
(cLetIn : Constr.t)
(gAdd : Constr.t)
(gLetIn : Constr.t)
(var : Constr.t)
(term : Constr.t) =
let mkApp1 (f : Constr.t) (x : Constr.t) =
Constr.mkApp (f, [| var ; x |]) in
let mkApp2 (f : Constr.t) (x : Constr.t) (y : Constr.t) =
Constr.mkApp (f, [| var ; x ; y |]) in
let mkVar (v : Constr.t) = mkApp1 cVar v in
let mkConst (v : Constr.t) = mkApp1 cConst v in
let mkAdd (x : Constr.t) (y : Constr.t) = mkApp2 cAdd x y in
let mkcLetIn (x : Constr.t) (y : Constr.t) = mkApp2 cLetIn x y in
let mkLetIn (x : Constr.t) (idx : Name.t) (ty : Constr.t) (fbody : Constr.t)
= mkcLetIn x (Constr.mkLambda (idx, var, fbody)) in
let ret = unsafe_reify_helper mkVar mkConst gAdd mkAdd gLetIn mkLetIn term in
module Vars = (* Coq's API is stupid, so we have to copy code from the kernel to make use of things, because I can't interface with Ltac if I pass -bypass-API *)
open Vars
let substn_vars p vars c =
let _,subst =
List.fold_left (fun (n,l) var -> ((n+1),(var,Constr.mkRel n)::l)) (p,[]) vars
in replace_vars (List.rev subst) c
let unsafe_Reify
(cVar : Constr.t)
(cConst : Constr.t)
(cAdd : Constr.t)
(cLetIn : Constr.t)
(gAdd : Constr.t)
(gLetIn : Constr.t)
(idvar : Id.t)
(varty : Constr.t)
(term : Constr.t) =
let fresh_set = let rec fold accu c = match Constr.kind c with
| Constr.Var id -> Id.Set.add id accu
| _ -> Constr.fold fold accu c
fold Id.Set.empty term in
(*let idvar = Namegen.next_ident_away_from idvar (fun id -> Id.Set.mem id fresh_set) in*) (* stupid API *)
let idvar = Namegen.next_ident_away_in_goal idvar fresh_set in
let var = Constr.mkVar idvar in
let rterm = unsafe_reify cVar cConst cAdd cLetIn gAdd gLetIn var term in
let rterm = Vars.substn_vars 1 [idvar] rterm in
Constr.mkLambda (Name.Name idvar, varty, rterm)
open Ltac_plugin
open Stdarg
open Tacarg
open Names
(** Stolen from plugins/setoid_ring/ *)
open Tacexpr
open Misctypes
open Tacinterp
(* Calling a locally bound tactic *)
let ltac_lcall tac args =
TacArg(Loc.tag @@ TacCall (Loc.tag (ArgVar(Loc.tag @@ Id.of_string tac),args)))
let ltac_apply (f : Value.t) (args: Tacinterp.Value.t list) =
let fold arg (i, vars, lfun) =
let id = Id.of_string ("x" ^ string_of_int i) in
let x = Reference (ArgVar (Loc.tag id)) in
(succ i, x :: vars, Id.Map.add id arg lfun)
let (_, args, lfun) = List.fold_right fold args (0, [], Id.Map.empty) in
let lfun = Id.Map.add (Id.of_string "F") f lfun in
let ist = { (Tacinterp.default_ist ()) with Tacinterp.lfun = lfun; } in
Tacinterp.eval_tactic_ist ist (ltac_lcall "F" args)
let to_ltac_val c = Tacinterp.Value.of_constr c
open Pp
TACTIC EXTEND quote_term_cps
| [ "quote_term_cps" constr(cVar) constr(cConst) constr(cAdd) constr(cLetIn) constr(gAdd) constr(gLetIn) ident(idvar) constr(varty) constr(term) tactic(tac) ] ->
[ (** quote the given term, pass the result to t **)
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let _ (*env*) = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
let c = unsafe_Reify (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr cVar) (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr cConst) (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr cAdd) (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr cLetIn) (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr gAdd) (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr gLetIn) idvar (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr varty) (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr term) in
ltac_apply tac ( to_ltac_val [EConstr.of_constr c])
end ]
Declare ML Module "reify".
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