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Created June 6, 2020 00:22
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WIP on wf for int63 ltb
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
Require Import Coq.Numbers.Cyclic.Int63.Int63.
Require Import Coq.Numbers.Cyclic.Int63.Ring63.
Require Import Coq.Init.Wf Wf_nat.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Local Open Scope int63_scope.
Local Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
Definition Acc_ltb_0 : Acc Int63.ltb 0.
intros y H; exfalso.
abstract (apply ltb_spec in H; pose proof (to_Z_bounded y) as H';
rewrite to_Z_0 in H; lia).
Definition Acc_eq {A R x y} : x = y :> A -> Acc R x -> Acc R y.
intros H [a]; constructor; intros z Hz; apply a; clear -H Hz;
abstract (subst; assumption).
Definition Acc_ltb_succ {x} : Acc Int63.ltb x -> Acc Int63.ltb (succ x).
intro a; constructor; intros y Hy; constructor; intros y' Hy'.
destruct a as [a]; apply (a y'); clear a.
abstract (
apply ltb_spec in Hy; apply ltb_spec in Hy'; apply ltb_spec;
rewrite succ_spec in Hy; pose proof wB_pos; pose proof wB_diff_0;
pose proof (to_Z_bounded y); pose proof (to_Z_bounded y');
pose proof (to_Z_bounded x);
cut ((to_Z x + 1) / wB = 0 \/ (to_Z x + 1) / wB = 1)%Z;
Z.div_mod_to_equations; nia
Definition Acc_ltb_max_succ {x} : Acc Int63.ltb x -> Acc Int63.ltb (if Int63.ltb (succ x) x then x else succ x).
intro a; constructor; intros y Hy; constructor; intros y' Hy'.
destruct a as [a]; apply (a y'); clear a.
destruct a as [a]; apply (a y'); clear a.
abstract (
(destruct (succ x < x) eqn:?);
apply ltb_spec in Hy; apply ltb_spec in Hy'; apply ltb_spec;
try lia;
rewrite succ_spec in Hy; pose proof wB_pos; pose proof wB_diff_0;
pose proof (to_Z_bounded y); pose proof (to_Z_bounded y');
pose proof (to_Z_bounded x);
cut ((to_Z x + 1) / wB = 0 \/ (to_Z x + 1) / wB = 1)%Z;
Z.div_mod_to_equations; nia
Polymorphic Fixpoint fun_pow {A} (f : A -> A) (n : nat) : A -> A
:= match n with
| O => fun a => a
| S n => fun a => f (fun_pow f n a)
Definition Acc_ltb_fun_pow {n f} : (forall x, Acc Int63.ltb x -> Acc Int63.ltb (f x)) -> forall x, Acc Int63.ltb x -> Acc Int63.ltb (fun_pow f n x).
intros H x a.
induction n as [ | n IHn ]; cbn [fun_pow]; [ exact a | ].
apply H, IHn.
Polymorphic Definition fun_pow2 {A} (f : A -> A) : A -> A
:= fun_pow f 2.
Polymorphic Definition fun_pow_pow {A} (f : A -> A) (n : nat) : A -> A
:= fun_pow fun_pow2 n f.
Definition Acc_ltb_fun_pow_pow {n f} : (forall x, Acc Int63.ltb x -> Acc Int63.ltb (f x)) -> forall x, Acc Int63.ltb x -> Acc Int63.ltb (fun_pow_pow f n x).
cbv [fun_pow_pow]; cbn [fun_pow].
revert f; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; intros f H x a;
[ apply H, a | ]; cbn [fun_pow] in *.
eauto using @Acc_ltb_fun_pow with nocore.
Compute (2^Z.log2 wB)%Z.
Definition Acc_ltb_fun_pow {n f} : (forall x, Acc Int63.ltb x -> Acc Int63.ltb (f x)) -> forall x, Acc Int63.ltb x -> Acc Int63.ltb (fun_pow f n x).
intros H x a.
induction n as [ | n IHn ]; cbn [fun_pow]; [ exact a | ].
apply H, IHn.
:= fun a =>
Definition Acc_ltb_add_nat {x n} : Acc Int63.ltb x -> Acc Int63.ltb (x + of_Z (Z.of_nat n)).
intro a; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; [ vm_compute of_Z | ].
{ eapply Acc_eq; [ | eassumption ]; clear; abstract ring. }
{ constructor; intros y Hy; constructor; intros y' Hy'.
destruct IHn as [IHn]; apply (IHn y'); clear IHn a.
apply ltb_spec in Hy; apply ltb_spec in Hy'; apply ltb_spec;
rewrite ?add_spec, ?of_Z_spec, ?Nat2Z.inj_succ in *.
Search (Z.of_nat (S _)).
rewrite succ_spec in Hy; pose proof wB_pos; pose proof wB_diff_0;
pose proof (to_Z_bounded y); pose proof (to_Z_bounded y');
pose proof (to_Z_bounded x);
cut ((to_Z x + 1) / wB = 0 \/ (to_Z x + 1) / wB = 1)%Z;
Z.div_mod_to_equations; nia
apply Acc_eq with (x := (x + of_Z (Z.of_nat n))
Search (φ (_ + _)).
rewrite to_Z_p
Search (_ = _ :> int).
vm_compute of_Z.
intro a; constructor; intros y Hy; constructor; intros y' Hy'.
destruct a as [a]; apply (a y'); clear a.
abstract (
assert ((q = 0 \/ q = 1)%Z) by nia.
destruct H6; try nia.
Search (φ (succ _)).
Print Acc.
Search succ.
intros y H; exfalso.
abstract (apply ltb_spec in H; pose proof (to_Z_bounded y) as H';
rewrite to_Z_0 in H; lia).
Search φ 0.
Search Int63.ltb.
Check Int63.ltb.
Print well_founded.
Check Acc.
Locate Acc.
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