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Created November 8, 2017 20:27
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namespace BrainPadApplication5
//Includes all of the libraries necessary for the code to run
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Devices.Gpio;
using GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Devices.Adc;
using GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Pins;
class Plantbot
// Constant universal variables set to use in our functions later and be able to change for specific plants
//or for testing purposes.
private const Double TemperatureHotnessThreshold = 80;
private const Double TemperatureColdnessThreshold = 45;
private const Double MoistureWetnessThreshold = 60;
private const Double MoistureDrynessThreshold = 40;
private const Double LightDarknessThreshold = 40;
//Boolean for checking for errors(if the reading is zero) in our code
private Boolean TemperatureErrorCheck(out Double Temperature) => (Temperature = BrainPad.TemperatureSensor.
ReadTemperature()) != 0;
private Boolean LightErrorCheck(out Double Light) => (Light = BrainPad.LightSensor.ReadLightLevel()) != 0;
private Boolean MoistureErrorCheck(out Double Moisture) => (Moisture = analog.ReadRatio() * 100) !=0;
//Declaring analog for use in Boolean and for obtaining an analog signal in the later of the code
AdcChannel analog;
public void BrainPadSetup()
//Opens up analog channel and and sets GPIO port to high, allowing use
AdcController ADC = AdcController.GetDefault();
analog = ADC.OpenChannel(BrainPad.Expansion.AdcChannel.An);
var Enable = GpioController.GetDefault().OpenPin(BrainPad.Expansion.GpioPin.Rst);
public void BrainPadLoop()
//Declaring all the variables in our loop (outside our functions)
Double CurrentLight;
String LightMessage;
Double CurrentTemperature;
Double FahrenheitTemperature;
String TemperatureMessage;
Double CurrentMoisture;
String MoistureMessage;
while (true)
{ //Light
if (!this.LightErrorCheck(out CurrentLight)) BrainPad.Display.DrawSmallText(50, 30, "Error");
LightMessage = LightOutput(CurrentLight);
BrainPad.Display.DrawSmallText(0, 30, "L "+CurrentLight.ToString("F2") + "%");
BrainPad.Display.DrawSmallText(50, 30, LightMessage);
if (!this.TemperatureErrorCheck(out CurrentTemperature)) BrainPad.Display.DrawSmallText(50, 0, "Error");
FahrenheitTemperature = CelsiusToFahrenheitConversion(CurrentTemperature);
BrainPad.Display.DrawSmallText(0, 0, "T "+FahrenheitTemperature.ToString("F2"));
TemperatureMessage = TemperatureOutput(FahrenheitTemperature);
BrainPad.Display.DrawSmallText(50, 0, TemperatureMessage);
if (!this.MoistureErrorCheck(out CurrentMoisture)) BrainPad.Display.DrawSmallText(50, 55, "Error");
BrainPad.Display.DrawSmallText(0, 55,"M "+CurrentMoisture.ToString("F2")+"%");
MoistureMessage = MoistureOutput(CurrentMoisture);
BrainPad.Display.DrawSmallText(50, 55, MoistureMessage);
//Puts a delay on the displays
//Function to convert the default Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit
public Double CelsiusToFahrenheitConversion(Double TemperatureToBeConverted)
TemperatureToBeConverted = TemperatureToBeConverted * 1.8 + 32;
return TemperatureToBeConverted;
//Function that creates a message for the user if it is too hot or cold
public String TemperatureOutput(Double Temperature)
Double ConvertedTemperature = CelsiusToFahrenheitConversion(Temperature);
String TemperatureMessage;
if (Temperature > Plantbot.TemperatureHotnessThreshold)
TemperatureMessage = "It's too hot!";
if (Temperature < Plantbot.TemperatureColdnessThreshold)
TemperatureMessage = "It's too cold!";
TemperatureMessage = "";
BrainPad.Display.ClearPartOfScreen(50, 0, 128, 20);
return TemperatureMessage;
//Function that creates a message for the user if it is too dry or too wet/flooded
public String MoistureOutput(Double Moisture)
String MoistureMessage;
if (Moisture > Plantbot.MoistureWetnessThreshold)
MoistureMessage = "Too flooded!";
if (Moisture < Plantbot.MoistureDrynessThreshold)
MoistureMessage = "More water!";
MoistureMessage = "";
return MoistureMessage;
//Function that creates a message for the user if it is too dark
public String LightOutput(Double Light)
String LightMessage;
if (Light < Plantbot.LightDarknessThreshold)
LightMessage = "It's too dark!";
LightMessage = "";
return LightMessage;
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