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Created August 2, 2012 16:02
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Proposal for adding dependency injection of IRepository<T> into Rock
<add key="RepositoryType" value="Rock.Tests.Fakes.FakeAttributeRepository,Rock.Tests"/>
public class Page : ModelWithAttributes<Page>, IExportable
// ...
// Here's a very simplified/non-recursive example of usage that causes
// a problem. ModelWithAttributes<Page> has a Service<Page> that ultimately
// would be instantiated as an EFRepository<Page> rather than something that
// can be controlled from outside (e.g. config settings or dependency injection).
public object ExportObject()
return this.ToDynamic();
public string ExportJson()
return this.ExportObject.ToJson();
public class PageTests
public class TheExportJsonMethod
// Here's an example of a unit test that should be isolated from
// the database. This test should be able to run without having
// to rely on any external component, like a database, web service, etc.
public void ShouldNotBeEmpty()
var page = new Page() { Name = "FooPage" };
var result = page.ExportJson();
// Here's the proposed implementation of RepositoryFactory. Using config settings
// is probably the quickest and easiest solution. I've also implemented something
// similar in Grassroots that uses MEF. Both approaches add a bit of overhead, but
// should give us a lot of flexibility. And due to how heavily things get cached,
// we shouldn't notice much of a performance hit.
public static class RepositoryFactory
public static IRepository<T> FindRepository<T>() where T : class
// First, check the config file to see if anything special needs to be done...
var repositoryType = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RepositoryType"];
// If not, load the usual EFRepository...
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(repositoryType))
return new EFRepository<T>();
// Otherwise create an instance of the type defined in the config file.
var setting = repositoryType.Split( new[] { ',' } );
var classPath = setting[0].Trim();
var assemblyName = setting[1].Trim();
return (IRepository<T>) Activator.CreateInstance( assemblyName, classPath ).Unwrap();
public class Service<T>
private IRepository<T> _repository;
protected IRepository<T>
get { return _repository; }
// This line is giving me a little grief. There is a hard dependency on
// EFRepository, even though there's a constructor that accepts an
// IRepository<T> arg, there's no good way for to control how it gets
// instantiated.
public Service<T>() // : this(new EFRepository<T>())
_repository = RepositoryFactory.FindRepository<T>();
public Service<T>(IRepository<T> repository)
_repository = repository;
// ...
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