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Dynamic Price
extension NimbusGAMDynamicPrice: NimbusRequestManagerDelegate {
public func didCompleteNimbusRequest(request: NimbusRequest, ad: NimbusAd) {
let mapping: NimbusDynamicPriceMapping
if let pubMapping = self.mapping {
mapping = pubMapping
} else {
mapping = ad.isInterstitial ?
NimbusGAMLinearPriceMapping.fullscreen() : NimbusGAMLinearPriceMapping.banner()
guard let keywords = mapping.getKeywords(ad: ad) else {
Nimbus.shared.logger.log("No keywords to add for GAM", level: .error)
requestDelegate?.didCompleteNimbusRequest(request: request, ad: ad)
"Inserting keywords `\(keywords)` for GAM request `\(self.request?.description ?? "Unknown")`",
level: .debug
guard let gamRequest = self.request else { return }
if gamRequest.customTargeting == nil { gamRequest.customTargeting = [:] }
gamRequest.customTargeting?["na_id"] = ad.auctionId
if ad.auctionType == .video {
gamRequest.customTargeting?["na_bid_video"] = keywords
if let duration = ad.duration {
gamRequest.customTargeting?["na_duration"] = String(duration)
} else {
gamRequest.customTargeting?["na_bid"] = keywords
let extras = GADCustomEventExtras()
extras.setExtras(["na_id": ad.auctionId], forLabel: NimbusGAMDynamicPrice.eventLabel)
NimbusGAMDynamicPrice.auctionIdToAdMap[ad.auctionId] = ad
requestDelegate?.didCompleteNimbusRequest(request: request, ad: ad)
public func didFailNimbusRequest(request: NimbusRequest, error: NimbusError) {
switch error as? NimbusRequestError {
case .noAdFill:
"No bid for GAM request: `\(self.request?.description ?? "Unknown")`",
level: .debug
default: break
requestDelegate?.didFailNimbusRequest(request: request, error: error)
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