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Last active June 18, 2019 04:34
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Data Structure and Algorithm guide focused on pros & cons and time & space complexity. This is an ongoing guide and will be updated frequently as I learn more.

Data Structures

This guide will use examples from the C/C++ programming language, however many of the information carries over to other areas and languages


  • An array is a collection of elements, all of the same type, accessed by a common name.
  • Arrays can be either one or two dimensional.
    • A one-dimensional array is like a list
    • And a two-dimensional array is like a table, or grid


  • Arrays are declared by first specifying their data type, then their name, and lastly the size in square brackets([])
  • Arrays are initially set to 0
int myArray[5]; // creates list of 5 integers
double myArray2[4][6]; // creates a table of doubles with 4 rows and 6 columns


  • Arrays can be initialized once declared just like variables
  • Initialize with curly brackets ({}). Note that elements are separated by commas
  • An array may be partially initialized, with the remaining elements set to 0
  • If an array is fully initialized, the dimension is not required
int arr[3] = {7, 8, 9};
int sumArray[100] = {45, 88, 2};
double piFractions[ ] = { 3.141592654, 1.570796327, 0.785398163 };
double anotherArray[2][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};

Using Arrays

  • Elements in an array are accessed by a specific index (offset)
  • Array indices start at 0, not 1 so myArray[1] is the second element in the list

Usage and Efficiency

  • Great for instant access to elements
  • Quickly and easily iterate through all elements in a sequence with a loop.
  • Arrays take up less memory than linked lists. Each element stored on the stack is just a piece of data; whereas a linked list requires both data AND one or more pointers to the next element

Sources/Further Reading

Intro to C Programming: Arrays - University of Illinois at Chicago

Linked Lists

  • Similar in concept to arrays, except linked lists can be expanded
  • The two main types are singly-linked lists and doubly-linked lists
    • Singly-linked: every element contains some data along with a link to the next element
    • Doubly-linked: same as singly-linked list, but contains a link to the next and previous element Linked List Terminology
  • Node: the element
  • Data: the data being stored in that specific node (i.e. an integer)
  • Next: contains the address (position/location) of the next node in the list
  • Head: the start of the list
  • Tail: the end of the list


We must define a structure

struct node
  int data;
  node *next;

Usage and Efficiency

  • Linked lists are preferred over arrays when:
    • you need constant-time insertions/deletions from a list (such as in real time computing where time predictability is absoultely critical)
    • You may want to update the number of items in the list. With arrays you would need tp create a new one and copy over the values. This takes up a lot of time and memory
    • You want to insert items at the middle of the list (i.e. priority queue)

Sources/Further Reading

When to use a linked list over an array - Stack Overflow Comprehensive Guide to Singly-Linked list is C++

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