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Created July 17, 2012 23:38
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Save Jasper-Bekkers/3132936 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
premake make file for Win32, PS3 including SPU
function apply_base_settings()
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C++"
files { "**.h", "**.cpp", "External/*.c", "External/*.h", "External/*.cpp", "External/json/**" }
excludes { "External/libRocket/**" }
includedirs {".", "./External", "./External/libRocket/Include"}
function apply_spu_settings(dir, symbol_name)
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C++"
defines { "SN_TARGET_PS3_SPU","_DEBUG","__GCC__","SPU","__CELL_ASSERT__" }
targetdir "../Build/Spu/"
-- Apparently we need to build with Symbols because otherwise premake adds a "-s" flag to the linker
flags {"Symbols"}
files { dir.."/**.h", dir.."/**.cpp", dir.."/**.c" }
includedirs {
libdirs {
links {
linkoptions {
buildoptions {
postbuildcommands {
"spu_elf-to-ppu_obj --verbose --symbol-name="..symbol_name.." --format=jobbin2 \"$(TargetPath)\" \"$(OutDir)/$(TargetName).ppu.obj\""
spu_jobs = {}
function link_spu(name, symbol_name)
links {
--spu_jobs:Append({name, symbol_name})
table.insert(spu_jobs, {n=name, s=symbol_name})
function projects_for_spus()
table.foreach(spu_jobs, function(k, v) project(v.n .. ".SPU") apply_spu_settings("Sunshine.PS3/" .. v.n, v.s) end)
-- create a new SPU toolchain as subset of the gcc toolchain
function newplatform(plf)
local name =
local description = plf.description
-- Register new platform
premake.platforms[name] = {
cfgsuffix = "_",
iscrosscompiler = true
-- Allow use of new platform in --platfroms
table.insert(premake.option.list["platform"].allowed, { name, description })
table.insert(premake.fields.platforms.allowed, name)
-- Add compiler support
-- gcc
premake.gcc.platforms[name] = plf.gcc
--other compilers (?)
function newgcctoolchain(toolchain)
newplatform {
name =,
description = toolchain.description,
gcc = {
cc = toolchain.prefix .. "g++",
cxx = toolchain.prefix .. "g++",
ar = toolchain.prefix .. "ar",
cppflags = "-MMD " .. toolchain.cppflags,
newgcctoolchain {
name = "spu",
description = "SPU",
prefix = "spu-lv2-",
cppflags = ""
-- Windows builds
solution "Sunshine.Win32"
configurations { "Debug", "Release" }
platforms {"native", "x32"}
location "../Build/"
project "Sunshine.Win32"
buildoptions {"/wd4324", "/wd4127", "/wd4800", "/wd4232", "/wd4996"}
flags {"ExtraWarnings", "FatalWarnings", "Unicode"}
excludes {"Sunshine.PS3/**", "**/PS3/**"}
defines {"_WIN32", "_CONSOLE", "NOMINMAX", "_UNICODE", "UNICODE"}
libdirs {"External/libRocket/bin"}
links { "kernel32", "RocketCore", "RocketControls", "RocketDebugger" }
targetdir "../"
debugdir "../"
configuration "Debug"
defines { "_DEBUG" }
flags { "Symbols" }
targetsuffix "_d"
configuration "Release"
defines { "NDEBUG" }
flags { "Optimize", "Symbols", "EnableSSE", "EnableSSE2", "FloatFast" }
-- Playstation 3 builds
solution "Sunshine.PS3"
configurations { "Debug", "Release" }
platforms {"ps3" }
location "../Build/"
project "Sunshine.PS3"
includedirs {
excludes {"Sunshine.Win32/**", "Sunshine.PS3/**", "**/Win32/**"}
defines { "SN_TARGET_PS3", "_DEBUG", "__GCC__", "__CELL_ASSERT__"}
libdirs {
"External/Fmod/lib", "$(SN_PS3_PATH)/ppu/lib/sn",
"$(SCE_PS3_ROOT)/target/ppu/lib", "External/libRocket/bin",
links {
"-lfmodexL", "-lsn", "-lm", "-lio_stub", "-lfs_stub", "-lgcm_pm",
"-lnet_stub", "-lrtc_stub", "-lnetctl_stub", "-lspurs_stub",
"-lsysutil_stub", "-laudio_stub", "-lsysutil_avconf_ext_stub",
"-lfios", "-lsysutil_np_stub", "-lmic_stub", "-lpadfilter",
"-lgcm_cmd", "-lgcm_sys_stub", "-lsysmodule_stub", "-ldbgfont_gcm",
"-lcgc", "-lgcm_gpad_stub", "-lRocketps3", "-lRocketControlsps3",
"-lRocketDebuggerps3", "-lstdc++", "-lfreetype", "-lspurs_stub",
"-lspurs_jq_stub", "-lsntuner", "-lsync2_stub",
link_spu("OcclusionTriangleRasterizerJob", "occlusion_triangle_setup_job")
link_spu("SoftwareOcclusionCullingJob", "occlusion_triangle_rasterizer_job")
-- Setup projects for SPU jobs
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