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Forked from novoid/Org mode
Last active May 30, 2022 05:30
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  • Save Jasper35/abe4e6eb7b48fe6996165a9121408419 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Jasper35/abe4e6eb7b48fe6996165a9121408419 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Org mode collaborative editing

This is a new test file to play around with Org mode syntax based files and collaborative editing of them.

Feel free to modify this file.

This Is A Heading

This Is A Sub-Heading

And A Sub-Sub-Heading

Paragraphs are separated by at least one empty line.

bold italic underlined strikethrough monospaced Link description → link without description

  • list item
  • another item
    • sub-item
      1. also enumerated
      2. if you like
  • [ ] yet to be done
  • [X] item which is done
Simple pre-formatted text such as for source code.
This also respects the line breaks. *bold* is not bold here.
myresult = 42 * 23
print('Hello Europe! ' + str(myresult))
My Column 1My Column 2Last Column
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