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Last active October 29, 2023 02:50
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Table Of Contents:

Version Support:

MS 4.0 Beta 13 supports MC 1.19.4 through 1.20.2.


A long-awaited feature for MagicSpells is Global Variable Replacement. Most options now support the ability to hold a dynamic value by using our internal MS placeholders and external (PlaceholderAPI) placeholders for their values. They also support mathematical functions.


If you're unsure if an option has GVR support, use a placeholder or a (function if the option is numeric) with a predictable value (e.g. damage: 1 + 1). If the value resolves to what it should (e.g. 1 heart of damage), then it supports GVR. Otherwise, it will use the default value instead.

Modifiers for sure do not support GVR except for the variable modifier action - because VariableMod supports them.

- always variable test_num;=%var:base_damage% + power^2

While options where you specify a spell name most likely do not support GVR, their cast arguments do. Here's an example of the args argument.

# Doesn't work
spell-on-hit: %var:spellName%
# Does work
spell-on-hit-entity: message(args=["%a sent you a kiss"])


Here's a list of MS placeholders:

  • Required parameters are in <>, optional are in [].
  • PAPI placeholders can be resolved by non-player entities - the expansion does its own logic for such cases.
  • Variable placeholders do not work for non-player entities unless the variable is of a global type.
  • You cannot put MS placeholders inside each other. One must end before another is specified. You can however put PAPI's inner placeholders inside each other (e.g. %a_{b_{c}}%). MS has a PAPI Expansion with which you can do something like: str-cast-self: %papi:ms_cooldown_now_{ms_selectedspell},0% seconds left
Format Description
%var:<varName>:[precision]% Return the recipient's variable value. precision defines decimal places.
%castervar:<varName>:[precision]% Same as above, but the recipient is always the caster.
%targetvar:<varName>:[precision]% Same as above, but the recipient is always the target.
%playervar:<player>:<varName>:[precision]% player can be a username of a player.
%arg:<index>:<default>% Returns the spell's cast argument value. index starts at 1. Spell arguments are passed from subspell to subspell, created either with the cast command (e.g. /c spellName arg1 arg2 ...) or with the new args subspell argument (e.g. spell: spellName(args=[1.5, "test"])).
%papi:<placeholder>% Return the placeholder's value parsed against the recipient. Supports inner PAPI placeholders with {} (e.g. %papi:animations_<appear>{player_name}</appear>%).
%casterpapi:<placeholder>% Same as above, but the recipient is always the caster.
%targetpapi:<placeholder>% Same as above, but the recipient is always the target.
%playerpapi:<player>:<placeholder>% player can be a username of a player.
%a Caster's name. This can only be used in string/text options.
%t Target's name. This can only be used in string/text options.
power Spell's power. This can only be used in numeric options.


You can also use mathematical functions in numeric options (e.g. damage: "%var:base_damage% + power^2"). We use exp4j for this.


Name Example
Addition 2 + 2
Subtraction 2 - 2
Multiplication 2 * 2
Division 2 / 2
Exponents 2 ^ 2
Unary Minus & Plus (Sign Operators) +2 - (-2)
Modulo 2 % 2

Built-in Functions:

Name Function
Absolute value abs
Arc cosine acos
Arc sine asin
Arc tangent atan
Cubic root cbrt
Nearest upper integer ceil
Cosine cos
Hyperbolic cosine cosh
Euler's number raised to the power (e^x) exp
Nearest lower integer floor
Logarithmus naturalis (base e) log
Logarithm (base 10) log10
Logarithm (base 2) log2
Sine sin
Hyperbolic sine sinh
Square root sqrt
Tangent tan
Hyperbolic tangent tanh
Signum function signum

Extra Functions:

Function Description
rand(x,y) Generate a random number from x to y.
prob(p,x,y) A random (p%) chance to return x, else return y.
min(x,y) Return the minimum of x or y.
max(x,y) Return the maximum of x or y.
select(v,x,y,z) If v < 0, return x, if v = 0 return y, if v > 0 return z.

GVR Spell Options:

Here's a list of spell options added that configure GVR behaviour in spells.
Class Option and its default
ItemSpray spell effect resolve-force-per-item: false
soundpersonal effect resolve-sound-per-player: false
resolve-pitch-per-player: false
resolve-volume-per-player: false
resolve-category-per-player: false
ClaritySpell constant-multiplier: true
CombustSpell constant-fire-tick-damage: true
ConfusionSpell power-affects-radius: true
DamageEmpowerSpell constant-damage-multiplier: true
DestroySpell resolve-damage-per-block: false
resolve-velocity-per-block: false
resolve-max-height-per-block: false
resolve-velocity-type-per-block: false
DodgeSpell constant-distance: true
DotSpell power-affects-damage: true
DowseSpell power-affects-radius: true
DrainlifeSpell power-affects-amount: true
EmpowerSpell constant-multiplier: true
EntombSpell power-affects-duration: true
ExplodeSpell power-affects-explosion-size: true
power-affects-damage-multiplier: true
FarmSpell power-affects-radius: true
resolve-growth-per-crop: false
resolve-crop-type-per-crop: false
FireballSpell power-affects-damage-multiplier: true
power-affects-no-explosion-damage: true
FlamewalkSpell constant-radius: true
constant-fire-ticks: true
ForcebombSpell power-affects-force: true
ForcepushSpell power-affects-force: true
GeyserSpell power-affects-damage: true
power-affects-velocity: true
GlowSpell power-affects-duration: true
HealSpell power-affects-heal-amount: true
HomingProjectileSpell power-affects-velocity: true
LeapSpell power-affects-velocity: true
LightningSpell power-affects-additional-damage: true
MagnetSpell power-affects-radius: true
power-affects-velocity: true
resolve-velocity-per-item: false
ManaRegenSpell constant-regen-mod-amt: true
ManaSpell power-affects-mana: true
ModifyCooldownSpell power-affects-seconds: true
power-affects-multiplier: true
PainSpell power-affects-damage: true
PhaseSpell power-affects-max-distance: true
PurgeSpell power-affects-radius: true
ReflectSpell constant-reflected-spell-power-multiplier: true
RemoveMarksSpell power-affects-radius: true
RepairSpell resolve-repair-amount-per-item: false
ReplaceSpell resolve-duration-per-block: false
ResistSpell constant-multiplier: true
SeeHealthSpell constant-symbol: true
constant-bar-size: true
SilenceSpell power-affects-duration: true
SpellHasteSpell power-affects-cast-time-mod-amt: true
power-affects-cooldown-mod-amt: true
constant-cast-time-mod-amt: true
constant-cooldown-mod-amt: true
StunSpell power-affects-duration: true
ThrowBlockSpell power-affects-damage: true
VelocitySpell power-affects-speed: true
VolleySpell resolve-options-per-arrow: false
WallSpell power-affects-wall-width: true
power-affects-wall-height: true
power-affects-wall-duration: true
WindglideSpell constant-height: true
constant-velocity: true
WindwalkSpell constant-max-y: true
constant-fly-speed: true
constant-max-altitude: true

Area Scan Spell:

New spell capable of searching for blocks within a certain radius and casting spells on them. location-modifiers are only checked for the initial block, use scan-modifiers for individual block checks.

spell-class: ".targeted.AreaScanSpell"
Option Description Type Default
radius or x-radius, y-radius & z-radius Integer
inner-radius or inner-x-radius, inner-y-radius & inner-z-radius Integer
max-blocks Max blocks to scan. Integer
tolerance Used when determining what falls into the scanned area when shape takes the value of x_cylinder, y_cylinder, z_cylinder, or ellipsoid. A value lesser than one is more strict (and thus, less blocks are scanned), while a value greater than one is more lax (and thus, more blocks are scanned). Float 1
inner-tolerance Same as above, but used in the inner radius.
absolute-offset or relative-offset Applies an offset to the area being scanned. Vector string "0,0,0"
shape Shape of the scan. Supported options are box, x_cylinder, y_cylinder, z_cylinder, and ellipsoid. String "box"
x-variable, y-variable & z-variable If a block is successfully found, its coordinates are saved to the variables specified in these options. This occurs before location-modifiers is checked for the block. String
spell Defines a subspell to cast when a block is successfully found. If the subspell supports targeting a location, the block found is supplied as the target. String
point-blank When true, the caster's location is targeted instead. Bool false
block-coords The blocks scanned when casting the spell are reached by applying an offset to the origin location of the spell. When block-coords: true, the origin's coordinates are modified to be block coordinates, eliminating the fractional component of the coordinates. Bool false
fail-if-not-found Bool true
power-affects-radius Bool true
power-affects-max-blocks Bool true
blocks When defined, any blocks scanned must match at least one of the block data specified. Block data string list
denied-blocks When defined, any blocks scanned must not match any of the block data specified. Block data string list
scan-modifiers Location modifiers checked against each block in the scan. String list

New Sub-spell Cast Arguments:

Read about what Cast Arguments are here. New arguments:

Name Example Description
args args=[1, 2.5, "text"] Arguments can then be fetched with the %arg placeholder.
targeting targeting=normal The option changes how a subspell is casted in regards to targeting an entity and/or location. The possible values are: normal, entity_from_location, entity, location, and none (without target). normal is the default value where targeting is determined automatically, with priority: entity_from_location -> entity -> location -> none, depending on whether the targeting option applies to the spell used in the subspell.
pass-power pass-power=true Defaults to true.
pass-targeting pass-targeting=true Default depends on spell which casted the sub-spell.
invert invert=false Defaults to false. When enabled, the following takes place:
- If a caster is present, it becomes an entity target.
- If an entity target is present, it becomes the caster.
- If both a caster and an entity target exist, invert: true swaps them.

New Spell Options:

  • Added spell-on-spawn to SpawnEntitySpell, SteedSpell and TotemSpell. Casts a spell when the entity spawns. Will cast with the entity or its location as a target if applicable.
  • MenuSpell and PlayerMenuSpell title now supports MiniMessage.
  • DestroySpell:
  • PotionEffectSpell:
    • override (bool, false by default) - When enabled, any spell effects that are applied by the spell override old effects of the same type.
    • icon (bool, true by default) - Defines whether the potion effect should display an icon.
  • OrbitSpell:
    • follow-yaw (bool, false by default) - When true, the orbit is adjusted as the target changes yaw. If the target rotates counter-clockwise, the orbit will rotate to match.
  • ProjectileModifySpell:
    • stop (bool, false by default) - When true, stops all trackers hit by the spell.
    • circle-shape (bool, false by default) - When true, checks the hitbox in a cylinder area.
    • affect-enemy-projectiles (bool, true by default) - Lets you affect enemy projectiles.
    • affect-owned-projectiles (bool, true by default) - Lets you affect projectiles owned by you.
  • BeamSpell:
    • vertical-rotation & horizontal-rotation (double, 0 by default) - Rotates the beam on the vertical/horizontal axis in a constant way.
  • AreaEffectSpell:
    • horizontal-cone (double, 0 by default) - Checks the horizontal cone between the AOE location and the target hit.
    • ignore-radius (bool, false by default) - When true, it makes the AOE target all entities instead having a radius constraint.
  • SpawnEntitySpell:
    • invulnerable (bool, false by default) - When true, makes the entity invulnerable to all kind of damage.
    • cancel-attack (bool, true by default) - Determines whether or not the attacks done by a spawned entity are cancelled when attack-spell is specified.
    • center-location (bool, true by default) - Centers the spawn location for the entity.
  • SilenceSpell:
    • notify-helper-spells & notify-passive-spells (bool, false by default) - When true, casting helper or passive spells will display the str-silenced message to the caster.
  • PlayerMenuSpell:
    • Added multi-page support to menus. Added previous-page-item and next-page-item options for the magic items used for the previous/next buttons in the menu.
  • PortalSpell:
    • start-teleport-cooldown (double, teleport-cooldown by default)
  • ProjectileSpell:
    • intermediate-hitboxes & intermediate-effects (integer, 0 by default) - How often in ticks to check hitboxes or play spell effects between travelled locations.
    • visible (bool)
    • effect-offset (string in the format: "x,y,z")
    • Added support for entity effects.
  • ParticleProjectileSpell:
    • start-height-check & max-height-check (integer, 10 by default) - Checks how far above the projectile can be when hug-surface is set to true. start-height-check works only when you cast the projectile. max-height-check does the check as the projectile travels.
  • FlySpell:
    • set-flying (bool, false by default) - Sets the target in flight state. When false, it will just allow the target to fly on demand.
  • WindwalkSpell:
    • enable-max-y (bool, true by default) - This fixes a bug where you could not set max-y to be below Y level 0.
    • always-fly (bool, false by default) - When true, the target of the spell cannot land.
  • MenuSpell:
    • New options for options added because spell-middle was removed: spell-drop & spell-swap. Read Breaking Change 3.
  • WallSpell:
    • Added cap-per-entity (integer, 1 by default).
    • Added str-at-cap (string) - "You have too many effects at once."
    • Removed distance as it never worked (use range instead).
  • HasteSpell:
    • icon & ambient (bool)
  • MagnetSpell:
    • remove-item-friction (bool, false by default)
  • HealSpell:
    • ignore-if-full (bool, false by default)
  • WalkwaySpell:
    • stair-type (block data string)
  • ParticleCloudSpell:
  • FireballSpell:
    • Removed do-offset-targeting-corrections.

Magic/Cast Item Changes:

  • You can now use an existing Magic Items in the place of the material to create a derivative magic item. For example, if there is a Magic Item named branch configured as stick{name:"Branch"}, you can create a new Magic Item magic-branch configured as branch{fake-glint:true}, which is the same as doing stick{name:"Branch",fake-glint:true}.
  • Added support for MiniMessage.
  • Added strict-enchants (bool, true by default). When a magic item with strict-enchants: false is used to match an item, enchantments other than those specified on the magic item no longer cause the match to fail.
  • Added block-data (string) - specifies the block data for an item with BlockDataMeta.
  • Added strict-enchant-level (bool, true by default). With strict-enchant-level: false, items being matched require at least the level of enchantments specified on the magic item, rather than the exact level.
  • Added strict-durability (bool, true by default). When strict-durability: false, the magic item requires at least the specified durability, instead of exactly the same amount.
  • Added strict-block-data (bool, true by default). When strict-block-data: false, the magic item uses BlockData#matches instead of strict equality.

Entity Data Changes:

  • Added glowing (bool).
  • Added visible-by-default (bool).
  • Added color to Shulker in entity data (list).

Below are new options related to Display entities.

Mutual Options:

Option Description
transformation Config section with options from the Transformation config below.
interpolation-duration Integer
interpolation-delay Integer
view-range Float
shadow-radius & shadow-strength Float
height & width Float
billboard Can be one of these.
glow-color-override Color
brightness Config section with Integer options block & sky.

Transformation config:

Option Description
left-rotation Config section with options from the Rotation Matrix config below.
right-rotation Config section with options from the Rotation Matrix config below.
translation Either a string "x,y,z" or a config section with those keys.
scale Either a string "x,y,z" or a config section with those keys.

Rotation Matrix config:

Either in:

  • Angle-axis form:
Option Description
angle Float
axis Either a string "x,y,z" or a config section with those keys.
  • Quaternion form, which accepts either a string "x,y,z,w", a config section with those keys, or a list with 4 items.
# Config
  x: #x
  y: #y
  z: #z
  w: #w
# List
  - #x
  - #y
  - #z
  - #w

Block Display Options:

Accepts a key block with a Block Data string value.

Item Display Options:

Option Description
item Magic Item
item-display-transform Can be one of these.

Text Display Options:

Option Description
line-width Integer
background Hex color, but with support for Alpha #AARRGGBB.
text-opacity Integer
shadow Boolean
see-through Boolean
default-background Boolean
alignment Can be one of these.

Spell Effect Changes:

Effect Position Changes:

  • PlayerMenuSpell now plays effects in position disabled when the menu is closed.
  • SummonSpell will now play effects in effect position delayed when the summon is accepted.
  • TreeSpell will now play effects in effect position special when generating a tree using animation-speed: >0.
  • Added start-location-height-offset and end-location-height-offset options for the line/trail effect position.

Effect Options:

  • Refactored HelixEffect for Effectlib, it's now able to rotate based on pitch/yaw just like CircleEffect.
  • entity effect can now play at spell locations.
  • Added radius (default: 50 blocks) to particles effect so that particles are only shown to players in that radius.
  • Added duration (int) in ticks for entity effect.
  • Added drag-entity (bool, false by default) to buff/orbit effect positions. If you make an entity effect with buff position, it will spawn the entity each defined tick. If you set this to true, it will spawn the entity once and then teleport it until the buff/orbit ends.
  • Added use-listener-as-default (bool, by default) to soundpersonal effect.
  • Added use-viewer-as-target & use-viewer-as-default (bool, by default) to bossbar effect.

New Spell Effects:

  • Added blockbreak location spell effect (block break cracking). Has options range (integer, 32 by default) and stage (integer, 0 by default). Breaking stages follow the interval [0,9], and values outside that range reset the cracking overlay.
  • Added the toast spell effect. It's that little advancement completion message that pops up like a toast. Here are its options:
    • text - text of the toast.
    • frame - frame of the toast.
    • icon - icon item, takes a magic item. Defaults to air.
    • broadcast - whether the toast should be broadcasted to all players. Defaults to false.
    • use-viewer-as-target - whether the viewer of the toast should be used for targeted replacement. Defaults to false.
    • use-viewer-as-default - whether the viewer of the toast should be used for default replacement. Defaults to true.

Other Changes:

  • You can now concatenate and repeat strings in string variable mods using the addition and multiplication operators, respectively.
        type: playerstring
        permanent: false
        type: playerstring
        permanent: false

    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
        - test_str =abc
        - test_str *3
    # abcabcabc
    str-cast-self: "%var:test_str%"

    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
        - test_str =abc
        - test_str +def
        - test_str_2 =ghi
        - test_str +%var:test_str_2%
    # abcdefghi
    str-cast-self: "%var:test_str%"
  • In variable-mods-target the player whose variable is modified is the target's by default. You can now change this by using: caster:varName =<varMod>
  • DrainlifeSpell now fires MagicSpellsEntityRegainHealthEvent when giving health. This will only present a noticeable difference with third party plugins listening for the event, as well as with the regainhealth passive trigger.
  • DisguiseSpell now supports an alternative format for the disguise option. disguise can now be a string, using the same format as Lib's Disguises' disguise command, as shown here. The old format for disguises is marked for removal.
  • DataSpell supports non-player entities if the variable the data will be stored to is of a global type.
  • variablestringequals condition now supports comparing a variable to a variable, instead of only a variable to a static value.
  • potioneffect condition now supports <, > and = as comparision operators.
  • Added the overground condition. Takes an integer as an argument; checks whether the entity is over a solid block within the specified depth.
  • lightlevel modifier condition's new format: lightlevel <type>;>7 - type is optional and be: any, block, sky. It can be omitted (just >7), in which case it checks any like it used to.
  • Added los (line of sight) modifier condition.
  • Added velocityactive (velocitySpell) modifier condition.
  • The givedamage and takedamage triggers no longer fire if the final damage of the event is 0.
  • fataldamage trigger now has an optional TriggerVar: fataldamage damageCause|damageCause|...
  • Added light to the list of pathable blocks for spells.
  • WindwalkSpell now restores flight states after ending.
  • Added BlockData variable replacement for NovaSpell and NovaEffect.
  • Added height and width to Data spell elements.
  • ReachSpell, BuildSpell, MaterializeSpell, and ZapSpell now use block data instead of material for playing break effects.
  • Added support for prepending # instead of tag: to specify tags in string-based spell filters.
  • Added defaults.yml file which overrides the hardcoded spell default option values. The spell should be defined as a configuration section, the spell class is the identifier, then you define your own default spell values for the class.
    rotation: 0
    upward-velocity: 15
    forward-velocity: 40
    client-only: false
    cancel-damage: true
    add-velocity-instead: false
    power-affects-velocity: true
  • Refactored CastListener. Now also listens for PrePlayerAttackEntityEvent, in order to process cast/cycle actions when attacking entities with cast-on-animate: false. Additionally, shooting will now only cast BowSpell spells.
  • The reverse-bow-cycle-buttons and bow-cycle-spells-sneaking options in general.yml are now true by default.
  • All custom recipe ingredient options are no longer limited to material names; they may now be material tags (tag:<tagName>, singular or a yaml list of them) or magic items in a string/config format (also either singular or a yaml list of values).
  • LoopSpell now properly supports 0 and negative values of interval. When interval is <=0, all of the iterations of the loop are done at once. With negative values of delay, the iterations are done immediately, instead of at the beginning of the next tick.
  • Minions can now be targeted by the caster by spells marked as beneficial.

Breaking Changes:

  1. DestroySpell's falling-block-damage corresponds to the damage increase per block travelled of a falling block, rather than the total damage it did previously. The maximum height for this damage increase was set equal to falling-block-damage. This maximum height is now controlled by the new falling-block-max-height option.
  2. Fixed an issue where the hit-radius and vertical-hit-radius of ParticleProjectileSpell were halved when hitting entities. Divide those values in your configurations by 2. Tony made a tool for this.
  3. Removed spell-middle as it can no longer reliably be detected. To compensate, we added spell-drop and spell-swap.
  4. ParticleCloudSpell's particle-name was renamed to particle.


  • Fixed an issue where only the required, denied, continue, and stop functioned properly in some ...-modifiers-... options.
  • Fixed an issue that caused BowSpell to function improperly if bow-name was not set.
  • Many spells now properly check can-target when targeting an entity as a targeted subspell.
  • HealSpell will now check cancel-if-full when targeting an entity as a targeted subspell.
  • castinstead will now properly end spell execution when used in target-modifiers.
  • target-modifiers will no longer be checked for entities not on a spell's can-target.
  • Fixed a multitude of spells that did not properly send targeted messages or play spell effects.
  • ResourcePackSpell will now properly set the target's resource pack, rather than the caster.
  • Various attributes will now be applied before an entity spawns for the armorstand effect, entity effect and SpawnEntitySpell. This noteably includes the visibility of armor stands.
  • When cast-on-animate is enabled in general.yml, spells will no longer be casted if the hand animating is the offhand. A 150 ms global cooldown will be applied upon dropping an item. This is to prevent casting a spell from the animation of dropping the item.
  • Fixed issue preventing the chance cast argument from working in subspells.
  • Fixed issue that caused vert-expand-radius to be used in place of horiz-expand-radius for spell effects.
  • Fixed issue where y-offset in PasteSpell was not applied when targeting a location as a targeted subspell.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the can-target of ChainSpell from functioning properly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused target-modifiers in ParticleProjectileSpell to not be properly checked in certain situations.
  • Fixed cone for AreaEffectSpell working only if you had point-blank option set to true.
  • The max-distance option for line/trail position effects will now stop displaying after the specified max distance, rather than not displaying the entire effect if the distance between the start and end exceeds the specified max-distance.
  • Fixed an issue that caused all entities spawned with SpawnEntitySpell to have an empty nameplate displayed when nameplate-text wasn't specified.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the spell-on-hit-self option on ParticleProjectileSpell to not function.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the horiz-radius option on DestroySpell to not functional correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the potion option of the splash effect to function incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the duration option on smokeswirl effects to not functional correctly.
  • Changed the default value of pass-targeting on TargetedMultiSpell, AreaEffectSpell, and LoopSpell to false, matching old behaviour.
  • Fixed an issue where the hit-radius and vertical-hit-radius of ParticleProjectileSpell were halved when hitting entities. This is listed under Breaking Change 2.
  • Buff passive trigger is now consistent with its description. spells no longer only cast buff spells.
  • Fix ticks passive double-cast.
  • Fixed an issue where PlayerMenuSpell would open its menu with an extra slot.
  • Fixed Fly spell not working.
  • Fixed launch-speed on WindwalkSpell being interrupted by teleport.
  • Fixed block-chat-output on ExternalCommandSpell.
  • Cooldown is now returned when charges are defined.
  • Fixed an issue where attacks with projectiles shot by a minion summoned with MinionSpell were not considered.
  • Fixed an issue where experience costs were calculated incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where the damage of explosions caused by ExplodeSpell was set to damage-multiplier, rather than multiplied by it.
  • Fixed an issue with the power and addpower modifier actions stripping some data in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a lot of cases where str-no-target & spell-on-fail would not trigger when a target wasn't found.
  • Fixed add-look-at-player-ai being jittery.
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