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Iterators for Visual Basic Collection Class
' BEGIN VB Collection Hacks
' @copywright Timothy C. Quinn
' @license MIT
' Inspiration:
' VB Collections don't have a public way to get the keys or have any iterators
' Below is a list of hacks that should be high performance and thread safe
' I doubt that the backend API of Visual Basic for Collections will change as its a really bad data structure to use
' However, this may possibly break in future versions of VB
' I tested up to VB 11
Public Shared Iterator Function iter_items(of TKey)(col As Collection) As IEnumerable(Of KeyValuePair(Of TKey, Object))
if col Is Nothing then throw New Exception("collection cannot be null")
if col.count = 0 then return
Dim ch = _get_vb_collection_hooks(col)
Dim _list = ch.get_list.Invoke(col, Nothing)
for i as Integer = 0 to col.Count - 1
Dim _item = ch.get_item.GetValue(_list, {i})
Dim oK as Object = ch.get_item_key.GetValue(_item)
if oK is Nothing then _
throw New Exception("Key cannot be null")
if Not oK.GetType.equals(GetType(TKey)) Then _
throw New Exception($"Key must be a {GetType(TKey).FullName}. Got: {oK.GetType().FullName}")
Yield New KeyValuePair(Of TKey, Object)(oK, ch.get_item_val.GetValue(_item))
End Function
Public Shared Iterator Function iter_keys(of T)(col as Collection) As IEnumerable(Of T)
if col Is Nothing then throw New Exception("collection cannot be null")
if col.count = 0 then return
Dim ch = _get_vb_collection_hooks(col)
Dim _list = ch.get_list.Invoke(col, Nothing)
for i as Integer = 0 to col.Count - 1
Dim _item = ch.get_item.GetValue(_list, {i})
Dim oK as Object = ch.get_item_key.GetValue(_item)
if oK is Nothing then _
throw New Exception("Key cannot be null")
if GetType(T).equals(GetType(Object)) then
Yield oK
End If
if Not oK.GetType.equals(GetType(T)) Then _
throw New Exception($"Key must be a {GetType(T).FullName} but got: {oK.GetType().FullName}")
yield oK
End Function
Public Shared Iterator Function iter_vals(of T)(col as Collection, optional allow_null as Boolean = True) As IEnumerable(Of T)
if col Is Nothing then throw New Exception("collection cannot be null")
if col.count = 0 then return
Dim ch = _get_vb_collection_hooks(col)
Dim _list = ch.get_list.Invoke(col, Nothing)
Dim _get_key = Function(itm as Object)
Dim oK as Object = ch.get_item_key.GetValue(itm)
if oK.GetType.equals(GetType(String)) then _
return CType(oK, String)
return $"{CStr(oK)} ({oK.GetType.FullName})"
End Function
Dim _item as Object
for i as Integer = 0 to col.Count - 1
_item = ch.get_item.GetValue(_list, {i})
Dim oV as Object = ch.get_item_val.GetValue(_item)
if oV is Nothing then
if not allow_null then
throw New Exception($"Null value found in collection for key {_get_key(_item)}")
end if
yield Nothing
End If
if Not oV.GetType.equals(GetType(T)) Then _
throw New Exception($"Value must be a {GetType(T).FullName} but got: {oV.GetType().FullName} for key {_get_key(_item)}")
yield oV
End Function
Public Shared Function getKeys(col as Collection) as String()
return iter_keys(of String)(col).toArray()
End Function
Public Shared Function getVals(of TVal)(col as Collection) as TVal()
return iter_vals(of TVal)(col).toArray()
End Function
Private Shared __get_vb_collection_hooks_lock__ As New Object
Private Shared __get_col_list__ as MethodInfo
Private Shared __get_col_list_item__ as PropertyInfo
Private Shared __get_col_list_item_key__ as FieldInfo
Private Shared __get_col_list_item_val__ as FieldInfo
' This must get a non-empty collection
private Shared Function _get_vb_collection_hooks(col as Collection) _
as (get_list as MethodInfo,
get_item as PropertyInfo,
get_item_key as FieldInfo,
get_item_val as FieldInfo)
if col Is Nothing then throw New Exception("collection cannot be null")
if col.Count = 0 then throw new Exception("collection cannot be empty")
synclock __get_vb_collection_hooks_lock__
if __get_col_list__ is Nothing then
Dim flg As BindingFlags = BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.NonPublic
__get_col_list__ = col.GetType.GetMethod("InternalItemsList", flg)
Dim _list = __get_col_list__.Invoke(col, Nothing)
__get_col_list_item__ = _list.GetType.GetProperty("Item", flg)
Dim _item = __get_col_list_item__.GetValue(_list, {1})
__get_col_list_item_key__ = _item.GetType.GetField("m_Key", flg)
__get_col_list_item_val__ = _item.GetType.GetField("m_Value", flg)
end if
End SyncLock
return (__get_col_list__, __get_col_list_item__, __get_col_list_item_key__, __get_col_list_item_val__)
End Function
' END VB Collection Hacks
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