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Last active October 25, 2023 19:47
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SMTP Email in Python 3.7+
import smtplib
import os
import json
from email.message import EmailMessage
from validate_email import validate_email
class Mailer():
LOGGER: callable
def __init__(self, smtp_user: str, smtp_pass: str, smtp_server:str=''):
assert isinstance(smtp_user, str) and len(smtp_user.strip()) > 0, "smtp_user must be a non-empty string"
assert isinstance(smtp_pass, str) and len(smtp_pass.strip()) > 0, "smtp_user must be a non-empty string"
assert isinstance(smtp_server, str) and len(smtp_server.strip()) > 0, "smtp_user must be a non-empty string"
self.SMTP_USER = smtp_user
self.SMTP_PASS = smtp_pass
self.SMTP_SERVER = smtp_server
def send_mail(self , subject: str
, body: str
, to_list: list
, cc_list: list=None
, bcc_list: list=None
, from_addr: str = None
, attachments:list = None
, as_html:bool=False
, dry_run: bool=False
, do_print: bool=False):
pc: callable = self.LOGGER
charset = "utf-8"
if not from_addr is None and from_addr.lower() != self.SMTP_USER.lower():
assert self.SMTP_SERVER.lower() != '', f"Sorry, for gmail, you cannot specify a different from_addr"
assert self.SMTP_SERVER.lower() != '', \
f"For sendgrid, you must specify a from_addr!"
from_addr = self.SMTP_USER
if to_list is None:
raise Exception("to_list must not be None")
for _grp, _list in [('to_list', to_list), ('cc_list', cc_list), ('bcc_list', bcc_list)]:
if _list and len(_list) > 0:
for _addr in _list:
assert validate_email(_addr), f"Invalid email address in {_grp}: `{_addr}`"
assert validate_email(from_addr), f"Invalid email address in from_addr: `{from_addr}`"
to_list_all = to_list
if cc_list is not None:
to_list_all = to_list_all + cc_list
if bcc_list is not None:
to_list_all = to_list_all + bcc_list
if do_print:
| Mail to be sent:
| from: {from_addr}
| to: {to_list}
| subject: {subject}
| message:\n
| {body}
""".replace("&nbsp;",' ').replace("<br>",'\n'))
_mail = EmailMessage()
_mail['Subject'] = subject
# Set body
if as_html:
_mail.set_content(body, subtype='html')
_mail['From'] = from_addr
_mail['To'] = ', '.join(to_list)
if cc_list and len(cc_list) > 0:
_mail['Cc'] = ', '.join(cc_list)
if bcc_list and len(bcc_list) > 0:
_mail['Bcc'] = ', '.join(bcc_list)
if attachments:
assert isinstance(attachments, list), "attachments must be a list"
for attachment in attachments:
# print('''Mail to be sent:
# | from: {}
# | to: {}
# | message: {}
# | raw:\n{}
# | ~
# '''.format(from_addr, to_list, body, quopri.decodestring(message.as_string()))
# )
# Connect to smtp server
smtp = smtplib.SMTP(self.SMTP_SERVER, 587)
# Some servers insist on this
# Upgrade TLS
# Some servers insist on this
# Log in
smtp.login(self.SMTP_USER, self.SMTP_PASS)
raise self.AuthException("Failed while logging into smtp relay")
if dry_run:
print("IN DRYRUN - Not sending out email")
print(f'smtp.send_message() called with no errors - (subj: {subject})')
def __bool__(self): return True
def assert_is_not_blank(s, where) -> str:
assert isinstance(s, str), "String not passed in {where}. Got: {}".format(type(s))
assert not s.strip() == '', "Empty string passed in {where}"
return s
# usage: file,path = Q_.splitPath(s)
def splitPath(s):
assert isinstance(s, str), "String not passed. Got: {}".format(type(s))
s = s.strip()
assert not s == '', "Empty string passed"
f = os.path.basename(s)
if len(f) == 0: return ('', s[:-1] if s[-1:] == '/' else s)
p = s[:-(len(f))-1]
return f, p
""" Attach For others see:
att = Q_.Attach("/foo/bar/baz.xls", 'application/'))
class Attach():
Path:str = None
Name:str = None
MIME:str = None
def __init__(self, Path:str, MIME:str, Name:str=None):
self.Path = Path
assert os.path.isfile(Path), f"Attachment path not found: '{Path}'"
self.MIME = MIME
if Name is None:
self.Name, _ = splitPath(Path)
self.Name = Name
def add_to_email(self, msg:EmailMessage):
assert isinstance(msg, EmailMessage)
(_maintype, _subtype) = self.MIME.split('/')
with open(self.Path, "rb") as f:
msg.add_attachment(, maintype=_maintype, subtype=_subtype, filename=self.Name)
def serialize(self) -> str:
return json.dumps(dict(Path = self.Path
, MIME = self.MIME
, Name = self.Name))
def deserialize(cls, att_data:dict) -> 'Attach':
assert isinstance(att_data, dict)
_mtype = assert_is_not_blank(att_data['MIME'], "att_data['MIME']")
if _mtype == '':
_mtype = 'text/plain'
if not len(_mtype.split('/')) == 2:
print(f"Invalid mime: '{_mtype}'. Defaulting to text/plain")
_mtype = 'text/plain'
return Attach(Path = assert_is_not_blank(att_data['Path'], "att_data['Path']")
, MimeType = _mtype
, Name = assert_is_not_blank(att_data['Name'], "att_data['Name']"))
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This is a example of how to do SMTP Emails in modern Python. The Attach class helps the management of attachments be much smoother than OOTB Python.

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