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Created April 19, 2015 05:52
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Save JavascriptMick/308147b3949c04335449 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Better Engine for Text101
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class TextController : MonoBehaviour {
public Text questionText;
private enum StateKey {Car, OpenWindow, Docs, MissingDog, DeadBug, Freakout, Police, Haircut, Court, PayFine, GoldCoast};
private StateKey currentState;
private Dictionary<StateKey, StateDetail> stateDetails = new Dictionary<StateKey, StateDetail>();
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
stateDetails.Add(StateKey.Car, new StateDetail("They were on the way " +
"to the Gold Coast in the car." +
"The air in the car was already heavy " +
"but all of a sudden it became pungent.\n\n" +
"Press O to Open window, S to Strike a child, B to Blame the dog", new Dictionary<KeyCode, StateKey>(){
{KeyCode.O, StateKey.OpenWindow},
{KeyCode.S, StateKey.Docs},
{KeyCode.B, StateKey.MissingDog}
stateDetails.Add(StateKey.OpenWindow, new StateDetail("Dad uses the driver console " +
"to open all of the windows." +
"The air in the car clears " +
"but all of a sudden a grasshoper flies in the window.\n\n" +
"Press K to kill the bug, F to freak out, C to call the police", new Dictionary<KeyCode, StateKey>(){
{KeyCode.K, StateKey.DeadBug},
{KeyCode.F, StateKey.Freakout},
{KeyCode.C, StateKey.Police}
stateDetails.Add(StateKey.Docs, new StateDetail("Angus let out a shriek " +
"as mum's fist impacted with his nose." +
"Taking the phone from dad, Angus calls DOCS " +
"Mum is sentenced to 100 hours of anger management training.\n\n" +
"Press D to keep driving", new Dictionary<KeyCode, StateKey>(){
{KeyCode.D, StateKey.Car}
stateDetails.Add(StateKey.MissingDog, new StateDetail("Blaming the dog makes " +
"everybody in the family sad." +
"Because they all miss the dog already " +
"and blaming him has only made this worse.\n\n" +
"Press D to keep driving", new Dictionary<KeyCode, StateKey>(){
{KeyCode.D, StateKey.Car}
stateDetails.Add(StateKey.DeadBug, new StateDetail("Oscar spots the grasshoper " +
"immediately and with a flick of his neck, " +
"attempts to bite the grasshoper in half. " +
"He misses and the bug continues to circle.\n\n" +
"Press D to deal with the bug", new Dictionary<KeyCode, StateKey>(){
{KeyCode.D, StateKey.OpenWindow}
stateDetails.Add(StateKey.Freakout, new StateDetail("Dad freaks out! " +
"screaming like a baby and flailing his arms" +
"in the air. " +
"The car swerves and narrowly misses a truck filled with heart shaped pillows.\n\n" +
"Press D to deal with the bug", new Dictionary<KeyCode, StateKey>(){
{KeyCode.D, StateKey.OpenWindow}
stateDetails.Add(StateKey.Police, new StateDetail("Mum quickly calls 000. " +
"The police arrive quickly and expel the bug. " +
"They also notice Angus and inform " +
"him that Emo is totally banned in QLD.\n\n" +
"Press H to cut the hair, C to go to court, F to pay the fine", new Dictionary<KeyCode, StateKey>(){
{KeyCode.H, StateKey.Haircut},
{KeyCode.C, StateKey.Court},
{KeyCode.F, StateKey.PayFine}
stateDetails.Add(StateKey.Haircut, new StateDetail("Mum and Oscar take utility " +
"scissors and the fishing knife from the " +
"fishing bag and hack away at Angus' hair. " +
"The result is improved but still terrible and the Police persist.\n\n" +
"Press D to deal with the police", new Dictionary<KeyCode, StateKey>(){
{KeyCode.D, StateKey.Police}
stateDetails.Add(StateKey.Court, new StateDetail("Dad threaghtens to take the matter to court! " +
"The police say that this is ok " +
"as long as dad was happy " +
"to have the soles of his feet 'massaged' with a baton.\n\n" +
"Press D to deal with the police", new Dictionary<KeyCode, StateKey>(){
{KeyCode.D, StateKey.Police}
stateDetails.Add(StateKey.PayFine, new StateDetail("Begrudgingly dad hands over the cash." +
"To the surprise of all, the police hand the money back! " +
"Turns out they were filming 'Gold Coast Cops' all along and needed some drama.\n\n" +
"Press D to keep driving", new Dictionary<KeyCode, StateKey>(){
{KeyCode.D, StateKey.GoldCoast}
stateDetails.Add(StateKey.GoldCoast, new StateDetail("Finally, the family arrives at the Gold Coast. " +
"With all the publicity from Gold Coast Cops, " +
"the family are celebrities and get free fast passes " +
"to every theme park.\n\n" +
"The End, Press P to play again", new Dictionary<KeyCode, StateKey>(){{KeyCode.P, StateKey.Car}}));
currentState = StateKey.Car;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
StateDetail currentStateDetail = stateDetails[currentState];
print("currentState:" + currentState + ", currentStateDetail" + currentStateDetail);
foreach(KeyValuePair<KeyCode, StateKey> entry in currentStateDetail.transitions)
currentState = entry.Value;
currentStateDetail = stateDetails[currentState];
questionText.text = currentStateDetail.questionText;
} else {
questionText.text = "Unknown State.. Game is Broken!";
private class StateDetail{
public string questionText;
public Dictionary<KeyCode, StateKey> transitions;
public StateDetail(string questionText, Dictionary<KeyCode, StateKey> transitions){
this.questionText = questionText;
this.transitions = transitions;
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