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Created September 30, 2021 16:06
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type MethodKeys<T> = ({ [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends Function ? P : never })[keyof T];
type ClassProps<T> = {
[key in keyof T]:
T[key] extends { value: any }
? Pick<T[key], "value">["value"]
: T[key] extends Object
? ValueObjectPrimitives<T[key]>
: T[key];
type ValueObjectPrimitives<T> = Omit<ClassProps<T>, MethodKeys<T>>;
/////////////// START LO DEL FLATTEN
type NonObjectKeysOf<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Array<any> ?
K :
T[K] extends object ? never : K
}[keyof T];
type NonObjectPropertiesOf<T> = Pick<T, NonObjectKeysOf<T>>;
type ValuesOf<T> = T[keyof T];
type ObjectValuesOf<T> = Exclude<
Extract<ValuesOf<T>, object>,
type SubPropertiesOf<T> = {
[K in keyof ObjectValuesOf<T>]: ObjectValuesOf<T>[K]
type Flatten<T> = NonObjectPropertiesOf<T> & SubPropertiesOf<T>;
///////////////////// END LO DEL FLATTEN
type PatataPrimitives = ValueObjectPrimitives<Patata>;
type FlattenPatataPrimitives = Flatten<ValueObjectPrimitives<Patata>>;
const cosa: PatataPrimitives = {
address: '1231231',
postCode: 123,
combinacion: {
numberProp: 123,
stringProp: '123131'
const cosaFlatten: FlattenPatataPrimitives = {
address: '1231231',
postCode: 123,
numberProp: 123,
stringProp: '123131',
class StringValue {
constructor(readonly value: string) { }
toString(): string {
return this.value;
class NumberValue {
constructor(readonly value: number) { }
toString(): string {
return this.value.toString();
class CombinacionDeValue {
readonly stringProp: StringValue,
readonly numberProp: NumberValue,
) { }
toPrimitives() {
return { stringProp: this.stringProp, numberProp: this.numberProp };
class Patata {
readonly address: StringValue,
readonly postCode: NumberValue,
readonly combinacion: CombinacionDeValue
) { }
toPrimitives() {
return "patata";
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