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Created September 15, 2012 14:06
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Save Javran/3728108 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
LYAH last assignment - a simple file system, using Either & WriterT
import Data.List (break)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Instances
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
type Name = String
type Data = String
data FSItem = File Name Data | Folder Name [FSItem] deriving (Show)
-- FSCrumb records name of the corresponding zipper' parent (a folder),
-- and keeps lists of its prev & next brothers.
data FSCrumb = FSCrumb Name [FSItem] [FSItem] deriving (Show)
type FSZipper = (FSItem, [FSCrumb])
x -: f = f x
fsZipper :: FSItem -> FSZipper
fsZipper item = (item, [])
fsIsRoot :: FSZipper -> Bool
fsIsRoot (z, []) = True
fsIsRoot _ = False
-- move up to its parent
fsUp :: FSZipper -> Either String FSZipper
fsUp (item, (FSCrumb name ls rs):bs) = Right (Folder name (ls ++ [item] ++ rs), bs)
fsUp _ = Left "Cannot move up when focusing on root object"
-- move to a child according to the name
fsTo :: Name -> FSZipper -> Either String FSZipper
fsTo name (Folder folderName items, bs) =
if (length xrs == 0)
then Left $ "Cannot find object \"" ++ name ++ "\""
else Right (item, (FSCrumb folderName ls rs):bs)
(ls, xrs) = break (isName name) items
(item:rs) = xrs
isName :: Name -> FSItem -> Bool
isName name (Folder folderName _) = name == folderName
isName name (File fileName _) = name == fileName
-- get a list of object's brother
fsGetBrotherList :: FSZipper -> [FSItem]
fsGetBrotherList zipper = fsCanGetBrother $ fsUp zipper
-- if error occurs while moving up, throw an empty list
fsCanGetBrother (Left _) = []
fsCanGetBrother (Right (Folder _ brothers, _)) = brothers
-- get name of a FSItem
fsGetName :: FSItem -> Name
fsGetName (Folder name _) = name
fsGetName (File name _) = name
-- rename the focusing obejct
fsRename :: Name -> FSZipper -> Either String FSZipper
fsRename newName zipper =
-- restriction: there must be no name confliction among brothers in same dir.
if newName `elem` (map fsGetName $ fsGetBrotherList zipper)
then Left $ "New name \"" ++ newName ++ "\" conflicts with currently existing object"
else Right $ _fsRename newName zipper
_fsRename newName (Folder name items, bs) = (Folder newName items, bs)
_fsRename newName (File name dat, bs) = (File name dat, bs)
-- append FSItem into a Folder
fsNewfile :: FSItem -> FSZipper -> Either String FSZipper
fsNewfile _ (File _ _, _) = Left "Adding new obejct into files is forbidden"
fsNewfile item zipper =
if (fsGetName item) `elem` (map fsGetName $ fsGetBrotherList zipper)
then Left $ "New object name \"" ++ (fsGetName item) ++ "\" conflicts with currently existing object"
else Right $ _fsNewfile item zipper
_fsNewfile item (Folder folderName items, bs) = (Folder folderName (item:items), bs)
-- remove the focusing object and go up
fsRemove :: FSZipper -> Either String FSZipper
fsRemove zipper =
if fsIsRoot zipper
then Left "Cannot remove root object"
else Right $ fsIgnoreAndUp zipper
fsIgnoreAndUp (item, (FSCrumb name ls rs):bs) = (Folder name (ls ++ rs), bs)
-- now here is a new challenge:
-- transform things into writer
-- so that file system supports keeping logs
-- all functions that end with "W" mean the same functions but in ZipperWriter monad version.
type ZipperWriter = WriterT [String] (Either String)
fsUpW :: FSZipper -> ZipperWriter FSZipper
fsUpW (item, bs) = do
tell ["Go up, leave \"" ++ (fsGetName item) ++ "\"" ]
t <- lift $ fsUp (item, bs)
return t
-- provide a way of reaching root in one command
fsToRootW :: FSZipper -> ZipperWriter FSZipper
fsToRootW (item, b:bs) = do
t <- fsUpW (item, b:bs)
fsToRootW t
fsToRootW (item, []) = do
tell ["Reach root \"" ++ (fsGetName item) ++ "\"" ]
return (item, [])
fsToW :: Name -> FSZipper -> ZipperWriter FSZipper
fsToW n z = do
tell ["Go to object \"" ++ n ++ "\"" ]
t <- lift $ fsTo n z
return t
fsRenameW :: Name -> FSZipper -> ZipperWriter FSZipper
fsRenameW n (item, bs) = do
tell ["Rename object \"" ++ (fsGetName item) ++ "\" to \"" ++ n ++ "\""]
t <- lift $ fsRename n (item, bs)
return t
fsNewfileW :: FSItem -> FSZipper -> ZipperWriter FSZipper
fsNewfileW i z = do
tell ["Insert object \"" ++ (fsGetName i) ++ "\""]
t <- lift $ fsNewfile i z
return t
fsRemoveW :: FSZipper -> ZipperWriter FSZipper
fsRemoveW (item, bs) = do
tell ["Remove object \"" ++ (fsGetName item) ++ "\""]
t <- lift $ fsRemove (item, bs)
return t
-- make the root of our file system, here I simply clear breadcrumbs and print log
fsMakeW :: FSZipper -> ZipperWriter FSZipper
fsMakeW (root, _) = do
tell ["Make new file system, the root is \"" ++ (fsGetName root) ++ "\""]
return (root, [])
-- generate a human-readable version print of the given FSItem
fsShow :: Int -> FSItem -> [String]
fsShow lvl (File name _) = [ (replicate (4*lvl) ' ') ++ ('|':name) ]
fsShow lvl (Folder name items) =
[(replicate (4*lvl) ' ') ++ ('+':name)] ++ concat (map (fsShow (lvl+1)) items)
fsShowW :: FSZipper -> ZipperWriter FSZipper
fsShowW z = do
tell ["Print file system structure:", "-- BEGIN"]
let (item, _) = z
tell $ fsShow 0 item
tell ["-- END"]
return z
-- buildMyDisk will make this structure (myDisk)
-- and do some modification on this structure.
-- myDisk :: FSItem
-- myDisk =
-- Folder "root"
-- [
-- Folder "dir1"
-- [
-- File "FileA" "aaaa",
-- File "FileB" "bbbb",
-- Folder "Empty" []
-- ],
-- Folder "dir2"
-- [
-- Folder "subdir1"
-- [
-- Folder "subdir2"
-- [
-- File "FileA" "asdf",
-- File "FileB" "hjkl"
-- ]
-- ]
-- ],
-- File "file.txt" "Test"
-- ]
-- the initial object of our file system
rawDisk :: FSItem
rawDisk = Folder "root" []
buildMyDisk :: FSZipper -> ZipperWriter FSZipper
buildMyDisk = foldl (\acc i-> i <=< acc) return operationList
operationList =
fsNewfileW $ File "file.txt" "Test",
fsNewfileW $ Folder "dir2" [],
fsToW "dir2",
fsNewfileW $ Folder "subdir1" [],
fsToW "subdir1",
fsNewfileW $ Folder "subdir2" [],
fsToW "subdir2",
fsNewfileW $ File "FileB" "hjkl",
fsNewfileW $ File "FileA" "asdf",
fsNewfileW $ Folder "dir1" [],
fsToW "dir1",
fsNewfileW $ Folder "Empty" [],
fsNewfileW $ File "FileB" "bbbb",
fsNewfileW $ File "FileA" "aaaa",
fsRenameW "ROOT",
fsToW "dir1",
printTestCase = do
let (Right (_,res)) = runWriterT $ buildMyDisk $ fsZipper rawDisk
mapM_ putStrLn res
main = printTestCase
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