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Created September 27, 2012 14:03
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not-a-well-optimized solution for project euler p-14
-- complied with: ghc --make problem-14 -rtsopts
-- run with: ./problem-14 +RTS -K20000000 -RTS
-- time elapsed: 32.592s
import qualified Data.Set as S
-- (set, (x,value))
-- set: a set to keep numbers that has been calculated
-- x: a number
-- value: the length that corresponding number, namely x has
type CalcStatus = ( S.Set Integer, (Integer, Int) )
collatz :: Integer -> Integer
collatz n = if odd n
then 3 * n + 1
else n `div` 2
generateCollatzList :: Integer -> [Integer]
generateCollatzList 1 = [1]
generateCollatzList x = x : (generateCollatzList $ collatz x)
-- returns (x, value) in which value should be the biggest one in terms of its collatz length
solve :: Integer -> CalcStatus
solve limit = foldl doCalc (S.fromList [1], (1, 1) ) $ reverse [1 .. limit] where
doCalc :: CalcStatus -> Integer -> CalcStatus
doCalc (s, (maxX, maxLen)) i = result
result = if (newList == [])
-- there is nothing new
(s, (maxX, maxLen))
-- insert new elements into the list and update (x, value) if it is possible
(newS, (newMaxX, newMaxLen))
newGenList = generateCollatzList i
newList = takeWhile (\e -> not $ e `S.member` s) newGenList
newS = foldr S.insert s newList
(newMaxX, newMaxLen) = if ( length newGenList > maxLen )
then (i, length newGenList)
else (maxX, maxLen)
main = print $ snd $ solve 1000000
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