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Created February 10, 2021 04:43
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import java.lang.Exception
Extra notes regarding Forth as expected by testcases:
- words are case-insensitive, this interpreter normalizes all symbols to uppercase.
- static scoping: when a word is being defined, the enviroment is kept as it is (i.e. closure required).
- the word itself is not considered in the definition of that word
(i.e. a previous definition of the same word may be picked)
- primitive words and operations are subject to shadowing.
- unclear whether nested defnitions are supported, assuming no.
- having exact checks on error message while having a statically typed implementing language
with rich type of Exceptions is not just stupid, it is **f__king** stupid.
Primitive spec:
- arithmetic binary operator <op>: <stack>, a, b => <stack>, c, where <op> is +, -, *, / and c = <op> a b
- DUP: <stack>, a => <stack>, a, a
- DROP: <stack>, a => <stack>
- SWAP: <stack>, a, b => <stack>, b, a
- OVER: <stack>, a, b => <stack>, a, b, a
// Runtime environment
typealias Env = Map<String, Forth.Action>
// Machine state
typealias Store = List<Int>
// Execution context
typealias Machine = Pair<Env, Store>
class Forth {
// Parsed instructions.
sealed class Instr {
class Num(val v: Int) : Instr()
class Op(val name: String) : Instr()
class WordDef(val name: String, val body: List<Instr>) : Instr()
// Runtime actions bound to defined words.
sealed class Action {
// This apply() is more powerful than necessary as it operations on Machine rather than just Store,
// which opens the possiblity to support nested word definitions.
abstract fun apply(m: Machine): Machine
class Prim(val exec: (Machine) -> Machine) : Action() {
override fun apply(m: Machine): Machine = exec(m)
class Closure(val env: Env, val body: List<Instr>) : Action() {
override fun apply(m: Machine): Machine = m.let { (menv, st) ->
interpret(env to st, body).let { (_, st1) ->
// recover machine environment but keep global state after body is executed.
menv to st1
// Parse and evaluate a single line, which is either a word definition or a sequence of instructions.
private fun evaluate(m: Machine, line: String): Machine = interpret(m, parseLine(line))
fun evaluate(vararg line: String): List<Int> = line.fold(initMachine, ::evaluate).second
companion object {
private val initEnv: Env = run {
fun withStore(f: (Store) -> Store): (Machine) -> Machine =
{ (env, st) -> env to f(st) }
fun pop(st: Store): Pair<Int, Store> {
if (st.isEmpty()) {
throw Exception("empty stack")
return st.last() to st.dropLast(1)
fun defineUnary(op: (Store, Int) -> Store): Action =
Action.Prim(withStore { st ->
run {
val (a, st0) = pop(st)
op(st0, a)
fun defineBinary(op: (Store, Int, Int) -> Store): Action =
Action.Prim(withStore { st ->
run {
if (st.size == 1) {
throw Exception("only one value on the stack")
val (a, st0) = pop(st)
val (b, st1) = pop(st0)
op(st1, b, a)
"+" to defineBinary { st, a, b -> st + (a + b) },
"-" to defineBinary { st, a, b -> st + (a - b) },
"*" to defineBinary { st, a, b -> st + (a * b) },
"/" to defineBinary { st, a, b ->
if (b == 0) {
throw Exception("divide by zero")
} else {
st + (a / b)
"DUP" to defineUnary { st, a -> st + a + a },
"DROP" to defineUnary { st, _ -> st },
"SWAP" to defineBinary { st, a, b -> st + b + a },
"OVER" to defineBinary { st, a, b -> st + a + b + a }
val initMachine: Machine = initEnv to emptyList()
// An atom is the minimum unit of Forth syntax excluding ':' and ';'.
private fun parseAtom(atom: String): Instr = when (val v = atom.toIntOrNull(10)) {
null -> Instr.Op(atom.toUpperCase())
else -> Instr.Num(v)
fun parseLine(line: String): List<Instr> {
// A line consists of either a definition or a sequence of instructions.
val parts = line.split(" ")
if (parts.isEmpty()) {
return emptyList()
if (parts.first() == ":") {
if (parts.last() != ";") {
throw Exception("Expected line to end with ';'")
if (parts.size <= 2) {
throw Exception("No word name given.")
val wordName = parts[1]
if (wordName.all { it.isDigit() }) {
throw Exception("illegal operation")
return listOf(Instr.WordDef(wordName.toUpperCase(), parts.subList(2, parts.size - 1).map(::parseAtom)))
fun interpret(m: Machine, instrs: List<Instr>) = instrs.fold(m, ::interpret)
fun interpret(m: Machine, instr: Instr): Machine = m.let { (env, st) ->
when (instr) {
is Instr.Num -> env to st + instr.v
is Instr.Op -> when (val clo = env[]) {
null -> throw Exception("undefined operation")
else -> clo.apply(m)
is Instr.WordDef -> run {
val newEnv = env + ( to Action.Closure(env, instr.body))
newEnv to st
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