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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Entity Framework whole context injection
public class Coordinator
private readonly IMyContext _myContext;
private readonly WidgetGenerator _widgetGenerator;
private readonly WotsitGenerator _wotsitGenerator;
public Coordinator(
IMyContext myContext,
WidgetGenerator widgetGenerator,
WotsitGenerator wotsitGenerator)
_myContext = myContext;
_widgetGenerator = widgetGenerator;
_wotsitGenerator = wotsitGenerator;
public void DoStuff()
public class WotsitGenerator
private readonly IMyContext _myContext;
public WotsitGenerator(IMyContext myContext)
_myContext = myContext;
public void GenerateWotsits()
if (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday)
throw new Exception("No wotsit generation on Fridays!");
_myContext.Wotsits.Add(new Wotsit());
public class WidgetGenerator
private readonly IMyContext _myContext;
public WidgetGenerator(IMyContext myContext)
_myContext = myContext;
public void GenerateWidgets()
_myContext.Widgets.Add(new Widget());
public class MyContext : DbContext, IMyContext
public IDbSet<Widget> Widgets { get; set; }
public IDbSet<Wotsit> Wotsits { get; set; }
public interface IMyContext
IDbSet<Widget> Widgets { get; set; }
IDbSet<Wotsit> Wotsits { get; set; }
int SaveChanges();
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var container = CreateContainer())
var coordinator = container.Resolve<Coordinator>();
private static IContainer CreateContainer()
var containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
return containerBuilder.Build();
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