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Created December 9, 2019 18:26
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Firefox history extraction in real-time using rofi
# Extracts today's Firefox link history and leverages Rofi
# to present them to the user.
# Find all profiles' places.sqlite files.
dbPaths=$(find ~/.mozilla/firefox/ -type f -name "places.sqlite" -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 2>/dev/null)
for dbPath in $dbPaths;
# Firefox's bookmarks db is locked when in use so copy it first to a temporary file.
cp $dbPath ~/$tempFile
# Ask Firefox nicely for the today's history.
query="select p.url from moz_historyvisits as h, moz_places as p where substr(h.visit_date, 0, 11) >= strftime('%s', date('now')) and == h.place_id order by h.visit_date;"
todaysLinks=$(sqlite3 "$dbPath" "$query")
echo "$todaysLinks" > ~/Documents/todays_links.txt
# Cleanup in isle 4.
rm ~/$tempFile
# Remove duplicate entries and throw it to Rofi for output.
openHistory=$(awk '!a[$0]++' ~/Documents/todays_links.txt | rofi -dmenu -p "Link History: " -i -lines 45 -width 50 -hide-scrollbar -separator-style none -show-icons true -drun-icon-theme "Mint-X-Purple")
# Do not run if user pressed ESC.
if [ $openHistory ]; then
xdg-open $openHistory
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