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Created April 5, 2017 13:58
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def cointegration_test(df_data, start_date=None, end_date=None, verbose=False):
"""This method test for correlation and cointegration all the combinations
of stocks in the period defined by start_date and end_date.
Following the paper "High Frecuency and Dynamic Pairs Trading Based on
Statistical Arbitrage Using a Two-Stage Correlation and Cointegration Approach",
the method first test if the correlation has a pearson coefficient bigger than 0.9.
Then run a simple cointegration test and if the p-values is less than 0.1, then run
an Augmented Dickey–Fuller test.
df_data (pandas.DataFrame):
A DataFrame with the close prices for each stock/security.
- Example:
index AAPL MSFT ... SBUX
2014-01-09 79.18 35.53 ... 38.8
2014-01-10 79.62 35.76 ... 39.02
2014-01-11 78.06 36.41 ... 38.6
2014-01-12 76.53 36.13 ... 38.08
start_date (Optional[]):
The start date of the period to analyze, if None, then is equal
to the df_data first observation date. Defaults to None.
end_date (Optional[]):
The end date of the period to analyze, if None, then is equal
to the df_data last observation date. Defaults to None.
verbose (bool):
If True, print information about the pairs being tested and the test results.
Default: False.
A DataFrame with the cointegrated pairs as index and as columns:
- The pearson coefficient of the correlation
- The test_value of the ADF Test
- The p_value of the ADF Test
- The gamma coefficient of the regession.
- The sd residuals of the regression.
- Example:
ADF_test_value gamma p_value pearson sd_residuals
Stock_A Stock_B
ESV NE -3.336918 1.630184 0.013307 0.976602 0.764803
CNQ -3.464779 1.601749 0.008939 0.958392 0.971339
RDC CNQ -2.833936 1.016649 0.053587 0.931975 0.792285
SGY VLO -4.638204 1.215127 0.000110 0.947521 1.055146
dt_start_date = start_date if start_date is not None else df_data.index[0].date()
dt_end_date = end_date if end_date is not None else df_data.index[-1].date()
cointegrated_pairs = []
pearson_coeff = []
p_value = []
test_value = []
gamma_coeff = []
res_sd = []
counter = 0
st_start_date = dt_start_date.strftime("%Y-%m")
st_end_date = dt_end_date.strftime("%Y-%m")
ticket_list = df_data.columns.tolist()
for stock_pair in combinations(ticket_list, 2):
X = df_data.ix[st_start_date:st_end_date, stock_pair[0]]
Y = df_data.ix[st_start_date:st_end_date, stock_pair[1]]
if verbose: print "Testing pair: ", stock_pair
corr_coeff = pearsonr(X, Y)[0]
if corr_coeff >= 0.9:
if verbose: print "\t=> Pair Correlated"
if coint(X, Y)[1] < 0.1:
if verbose: print "\t=> Pair Cointegrated"
reg = sm.OLS(X, Y).fit()
res = reg.resid
ADF_test = adfuller(res)
if ADF_test[1] < 0.1:
if verbose: print "\t=> ADF test passed"
counter += 1
if verbose: print "From {0} to {1}, {2} cointegrated pairs were found\n".format(dt_start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
if counter != 0:
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(cointegrated_pairs, names=['Stock_A', 'Stock_B'])
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'pearson':pearson_coeff, 'ADF_test_value':test_value, 'p_value':p_value,
'gamma':gamma_coeff, 'sd_residuals':res_sd}, index=index)
if verbose: print df, '\n'
return df
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