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Created February 25, 2022 17:41
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{% cache key:'ne-services' duration:'1800' %}
{% assign domain = "" %}
{% assign jsonResults = '' %}
{% webrequest url:'{{domain}}/auth/guest' method:'POST' return:'auth' %}
{%- assign dateTimeNow = 'Now' | Date:'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss zzz' %}
{%- capture body -%}{"operationName":"ServicesConnectionQuery","variables":{"limit":1,"from":"{{dateTimeNow}}"},"query":"query ServicesConnectionQuery($from: Timestamp, $limit: Int = 0) {currentOrganization { id servicesConnection(from: $from, limit: $limit) { services { id startTime scheduleTime endTime __typename } __typename } __typename }}"}{%- endcapture -%}
{% webrequest url:'{{domain}}/graphql' method:'POST' body:'{{body}}' requestcontenttype:'application/json' headers:'Authorization^Bearer {{auth.access_token}}' %}
{% assign jsonResults = results | ToJSON %}
{% endwebrequest %}
{% endwebrequest %}
{% assign rawJSON = jsonResults | ReplaceFirst:'{', '' | ReplaceLast:'}', '' %}
{% capture updatedJSON %}
"domain": "{{ domain }}",
{{ rawJSON }}
{% endcapture %}
{{ updatedJSON }}
{% endcache %}
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