- Compile list of papers. (arXiv, medium/blog posts.)
- Skip around the list.
- 5 - 20 papers: a basic understanding of an area.
- 50 - 100 papers: a very good understanding of an area.
Take multiple passes through the paper:
- Read the tittle / abstarct / figures (there are a lot of research papers where the entire papers is summarized in one or two figures in the figure caption);
- Just by reading the title, abstract and the key neurual network architecture figure that just describes what the whole papers are, and maybe one or two of the experiments section.
- Intro + Conclusions + Figures + Skim rest (skim related work);
- Read but skip/skim math;
- Whole thing but skip parts that don't make sense.
When you've read and understood the paper, theses are questions to try to keep in mind:
- What did the authors try to accomplish?
- What were the key elements of the approach?
- What can you use yourself?
- What other references do you want to follow?
One of the principles is:
Go from the very efficient high information content first, and then go to the harder materail later.