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Last active August 24, 2016 13:39
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  • Save JayH5/2ceb1ef6c97045a25455 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JayH5/2ceb1ef6c97045a25455 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#! /usr/bin/python
# Sanity check that consul-template is writing the services in Consul to the
# nginx config file.
import requests
HOST = ''
NGINX_CONFIG_PATH = '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/consul_template.conf'
def read_file_lines(path):
with open(path) as f:
def find_in_file_lines(lines, keyword):
for line in lines:
if keyword in line:
return line
return None
def is_consular_service(tags):
return any([tag.startswith('consular-') for tag in tags])
def get_consul_services(host, port):
response = requests.get('http://%s:%s/v1/catalog/services' % (host, port))
services = response.json()
return [name for name, tags in services.items()
if is_consular_service(tags)]
lines = read_file_lines(NGINX_CONFIG_PATH)
print('Read nginx config file with %d lines' % len(lines))
print('Fetching Consul services...')
consul = get_consul_services(HOST, CONSUL_PORT)
print('Found %d Consul services started by Consular' % len(consul))
missing = 0
skipped = 0
for service in consul:
line = find_in_file_lines(lines, service)
if line is None:
missing += 1
print('Service "%s" was not found in the nginx config' % service)
elif line.startswith('# Skipped'):
skipped += 1
print('Service "%s" was skipped in the nginx config' % service)
print('%d services in Consul not found in the nginx config' % missing)
print('%d services in Consul skipped in the nginx config' % skipped)
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