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Created January 5, 2021 12:18
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* @file main.c
* @author Auto-generated by STM32CubeIDE
* @version V1.0
* @brief All addresses found in STM32f4 reference manual
#define RCC_BASE_ADDR 0x40023800UL
#define GPIOA_BASE_ADDR 0x40020000UL
int main(void)
uint32_t *pRccCfgrReg = (uint32_t*) RCC_CFGR_REG_ADDR;
//1. Configure the RCC_CFGR MCO1 bit fields to select HSI as clock source
*pRccCfgrReg &= ~(0x3 << 21); //clear 21 and 22 bit positions
//Configure MCO1 prescaler
*pRccCfgrReg |= ( 1 << 25);
*pRccCfgrReg |= ( 1 << 26);
//2. Configure PA8 to AF0 mode to behave as MCO1 signal
//a ) Enable the peripheral clock for GPIOA peripheral
uint32_t *pRCCAhb1Enr = (uint32_t*)(RCC_BASE_ADDR + 0x30);
*pRCCAhb1Enr |= ( 1 << 0); //Enable GPIOA peripheral clock
//b ) Configure the mode of GPIOA pin 8 as alternate function mode
uint32_t *pGPIOAModeReg = (uint32_t*)(GPIOA_BASE_ADDR + 00);
*pGPIOAModeReg &= ~( 0x3 << 16); //clear
*pGPIOAModeReg |= ( 0x2 << 16); //set
//c ) Configure the alternation function register to set the mode 0 for PA8
uint32_t *pGPIOAAltFunHighReg = (uint32_t*)(GPIOA_BASE_ADDR + 0x24);
*pGPIOAAltFunHighReg &= ~( 0xf << 0);
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