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Last active October 13, 2016 14:35
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Class to communicate with an API
namespace App\Controller\Admin;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use Cake\Core\Configure;
use App\Exceptions\EBSCommunicationFailureException;
use App\Exceptions\UnauthorisedHostException;
use App\Controller\Admin\AdminController;
use App\Utility\CurlAdapter;
use App\Utility\Storage\EBSMatches;
class EBSController extends AdminController {
private $authToken;
private $application;
public function initialize()
$this->application = $this->getApplicationEntity();
$this->authToken = $this->requestAuthToken();
public function getEBSMatches()
$matches = new EBSMatches();
'studentID' => ['value' => $this->application->studentID, 'type' => 'int'],
'firstname' => ['value' => $this->application->firstname, 'type' => 'string'],
'lastname' => ['value' => $this->application->lastname, 'type' => 'string'],
'middlenames' => ['value' => $this->application->middlenames, 'type' => 'string'],
'dob' => ['value' => $this->application->dob, 'type' => 'string'],
'postcode' => ['value' => $this->application->postcode, 'type' => 'string']
$this->set('users', $matches->getJsonData());
$this->set('_serialize', ['users']);
private function authoriseAJAXRequest()
$protocol = $this->request->is('ssl') ? 'https://' : 'http://';
$requestURL = $protocol.$this->request->env('http_host');
if (!in_array($requestURL, Configure::read('App.ajaxHosts'))) {
throw new UnauthorisedHostException("Host $requestURL is not authorised");
return true;
private function getApplicationEntity()
$applications = $this->loadModel('Applications');
if (isset($this->request->params['pass'])) {
return $applications->get($this->request->params['pass'][0]);
throw new \Exception('Missing ID parameter');
private function requestAuthToken()
$response = $this->EBSServerRequest(
return $response->Token;
private function getFuzzyMatches($data)
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$data[$key] = $this->formatDataForEBS($value['value'], $value['type']);
$response = $this->EBSServerRequest(
"Authorization: $this->authToken",
return $response->FUZZY_MATCH;
private function getUsersFromMatched($matches)
$users = array();
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$user = $this->EBSServerRequest(
$this->formatDataForEBS($match->PERSON_CODE, 'int')
"Authorization: $this->authToken"
if (empty($user)) {
$person = $user->People[0];
$person->formattedDOB = $this->formatDOB($person->DATE_OF_BIRTH);
$person->genderID = $this->getGenderID($person->GENDER);
$person->nationalityID = $this->getNationalityID($person->NATIONALITY);
$users[] = $person;
return $users;
private function getGenderID($gender)
$genders = $this->loadModel('Genders');
$gender = $genders->find('all')
'' => $gender,
'Genders.acadyear' => $this->application->acadyear
if (isset($gender)) {
return $gender->code;
return null;
private function getNationalityID($nationality)
$nationalities = $this->loadModel('Nationalities');
$nationality = $nationalities->find('all')
'' => $nationality,
'Nationalities.acadyear' => $this->application->acadyear
if (isset($nationality)) {
return $nationality->code;
return null;
private function formatDOB($date = null)
if (is_null($date)) {
return false;
$dateParts = explode('/', $date);
if (count($dateParts) !== 3) {
return false;
$date = array();
$date['day'] = $dateParts[0];
$date['month'] = $dateParts[1];
$date['year'] = $dateParts[2];
return $date;
private function formatDataForEBS($data, $type)
if (empty($data)) {
if ($type == 'int') {
return 0;
return '"1"';
return urlencode($data);
private function EBSServerRequest($url, $header = null, $password = null)
$headers = ['Accept: application/json'];
if (isset($header)) {
$headers[] = $header;
$url = Configure::read('ebs.url').$url;
$curl = new CurlAdapter();
$response = $curl->request($url, $headers, $password);
if (!$response = json_decode($response)) {
throw new EBSCommunicationFailureException("No response from $url");
return $response;
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