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Created November 25, 2015 17:44
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iBooks's default CSS
@namespace epub "";
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/* Hide soundtrack <audio> tags from ever showing up */
audio[epub|type~="ibooks:soundtrack"] {
display: none !important;
/* display: none; doesn't seem to actually work for some reason, so hide it another way */
height: 0 !important;
{{embed base}}
{{range fonts}}
{{range .}}
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font-family: iBooks_{{.$parent.$key}};
src: local('{{.}}');
font-weight: {{.$key}};
{{end range .}}
{{end range fonts}}
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position: static !important;
/* Themes */
{{range themes}}
/* gaiji support */
{{if $parent.respectImageSizeSelector}}
{{if $parent.respectImageSizeSelectorIsGaiji}}
{{if css_gaijiImageFilter}}
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stroke: none !important;
/* apply body styles to the root too in case the document has no body */
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background-color: {{.css_themeContentBackgroundColor}};
color: {{.css_themeContentTextColor}};
{{end css_themeShouldInvertContent}}
/* Links - colors from theme */
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color: #{{.css_themeLinkColor}};
:root[__ibooks_internal_theme={{.css_themeIdentifier}}] a:link,
:root[__ibooks_internal_theme={{.css_themeIdentifier}}] a:visited,
:root[__ibooks_internal_theme={{.css_themeIdentifier}}] a:link *,
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color: #{{.css_themeLinkColor}} !important;
:root[__ibooks_internal_theme={{.css_themeIdentifier}}] a:active,
:root[__ibooks_internal_theme={{.css_themeIdentifier}}] a:active * {
color: #{{.css_themeLinkColor}} !important;
{{end range themes}}
/* End Themes */
html {
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margin: 0 !important;
padding: 0 !important;
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height: auto !important;
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-webkit-line-box-contain: block glyphs replaced;
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-webkit-hyphenate-limit-lines: 2;
text-rendering: {{.textRendering}};
{{if isJapanese}}
/* <rdar://problem/12986020> Turn on break-word by default for Japanese */
word-wrap: break-word;
-webkit-line-box-contain: block inline replaced;
line-break: strict;
-webkit-line-break: strict;
{{end isJapanese}}
{{if isChinese}}
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/* unpaginated vertical scroll */
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margin: 100px 0 50px 0 !important; /* iPhone */
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margin: 220px 0 100px 0 !important; /* iPad */
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margin: 60px 0 !important;
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h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {
{{if isJapanese}}
/* <rdar://problem/13070417> don't set text-align */
text-align: -webkit-auto;
{{end isJapanese}}
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/* Begin Ted */
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object-fit: contain;
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video {
max-height: 95% !important;
max-width: 100% !important;
box-sizing: border-box;
object-fit: contain;
page-break-inside: avoid;
/* End Ted */
/* Divs are also used to size images so make sure the authors get what they intended */
/* which is for the images boxed in them to be completely visible on screen */
div {
max-width: 100%;
aside[epub|type~="footnote"] {
display: none !important;
{{if style}}
td {
max-width: {{.tdClamp}}px !important;
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math {
font-family: STIXGeneral, Symbol, 'iBooks_{{.fontFamily}}'{{range fontFallbacks}}, '{{.}}'{{end}} !important;
{{end fontFamily}}
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ruby > rt, ruby > rp {
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display: block !important;
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-webkit-writing-mode: inherit !important;
/* allow breaking of words on headers and anchors as they tend to be larger font size or contain longer words */
a, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
word-break: break-word !important;
/* forced font overrides */
{{if fontFamily}}
p[__ibooks_font_override], span[__ibooks_font_override], div[__ibooks_font_override]
font-family: 'iBooks_{{.fontFamily}}'{{range fontFallbacks}}, '{{.}}'{{end}} !important;
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p[__ibooks_align_override], span[__ibooks_align_override], div[__ibooks_align_override]
text-align: {{.justification}} !important;
{{end fontFamily}}
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{{embed base}}
html {
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
position: relative;
color: rgb(40, 84, 153);
cursor: pointer;
body {
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