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Created April 29, 2020 23:12
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# RandomPatches configuration
# Options related to the movement speed limits.
# The maximum player elytra speed.
# The vanilla default is 300.0.
# Min: 1.0
# Max: 3.4028234663852886E38
# Default: 1000000.0
maxPlayerElytraSpeed = 1000000.0
# The maximum player vehicle speed.
# The vanilla default is 100.0.
# Min: 1.0
# Max: 1.7976931348623157E308
# Default: 1000000.0
maxPlayerVehicleSpeed = 1000000.0
# The maximum player speed.
# The vanilla default is 100.0.
# Min: 1.0
# Max: 3.4028234663852886E38
# Default: 1000000.0
maxPlayerSpeed = 1000000.0
# Options related to the disconnect timeouts.
# The interval at which the server sends the KeepAlive packet.
# Min: 1
# Max: 2147483647
# Default: 15
keepAlivePacketInterval = 15
# The read timeout.
# This is the time it takes for a player to be disconnected after not responding to a KeepAlive packet.
# This value is automatically rounded up to a product of keepAlivePacketInterval.
# Min: 1
# Max: 2147483647
# Default: 90
readTimeout = 90
# The login timeout.
# Min: 1
# Max: 2147483647
# Default: 900
loginTimeout = 900
# Options related to client-sided features.
# Forces Minecraft to show the title screen after disconnecting rather than the Multiplayer or Realms menu.
# Default: false
forceTitleScreenOnDisconnect = false
# Whether to remove the glowing effect from potions.
# Default: false
removePotionGlint = false
# The framerate limit slider step size.
# If this is set to 10.0, vanilla behavior is not changed.
# Min: 4.9E-324
# Max: 260.0
# Default: 1.0
framerateLimitSliderStepSize = 1.0
# Options related to the Minecraft window.
# The path to the 256x256 window icon which is used on Mac OS X.
# Leave this, the 16x16 icon and the 32x32 icon blank to use the default icon.
# Default:
icon256 = ""
# The path to the 16x16 Minecraft window icon.
# Leave this and the 32x32 icon blank to use the default icon.
# Default:
icon16 = ""
# The path to the 32x32 Minecraft window icon.
# Leave this and the 16x16 icon blank to use the default icon.
# Default:
icon32 = ""
# The Minecraft window title.
# The Minecraft version is provided as an argument.
# Default: Minecraft* %s
title = "Minecraft* %s"
# The Minecraft window title.
# The Minecraft version and current activity are provided as arguments.
# For example: "RandomPatches - %2$s"
# Default: Minecraft* %s - %s
titleWithActivity = "Minecraft* %s - %s"
# Options related to boats.
# Prevents underwater boat passengers from being ejected after 60 ticks (3 seconds).
# Default: false
preventUnderwaterBoatPassengerEjection = false
# The buoyancy of boats when they are under flowing water.
# The vanilla default is -0.0007.
# Min: -1.7976931348623157E308
# Max: 1.7976931348623157E308
# Default: 0.023
underwaterBoatBuoyancy = 0.023
# Options that don't fit into any other categories.
# The packet size limit.
# The vanilla limit is 2097152.
# Min: 257
# Max: 2147483647
# Default: 16777216
packetSizeLimit = 16777216
# Enables the portal bucket replacement fix for Nether portals.
# Default: false
portalBucketReplacementFixForNetherPortals = false
# Whether skull stacking requires the same textures or just the same player profile.
# Default: true
skullStackingRequiresSameTextures = true
# Enables the /rpreload command.
# Default: true
rpreload = true
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