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Last active March 25, 2017 20:05
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  • Save JayWood/a72f5e615852dcb65948a8f92c484bfc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JayWood/a72f5e615852dcb65948a8f92c484bfc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script was inspired by the script from Blogestudio located at For yearsI used this script to fix serialization, however, just recently I needed to fix a 1GB+ file and the methods in use on the original script was not ideal for reading a large file.Therefore this script was built.
* Jays Fix Serialization
* Fixes serialization in SQL files after replacements are done.
* License: GPL version 3 or later -
* By: Jay Wood ( )
* Usage:
* /usr/bin/php/jw-fix-serialized.php my-sql-file.php
* When complete, you should have a my-sql-file-fixed.php in the same directory as your script.
* Versions:
* 1.0 2016-10-24 Initial Release
* Known Issues:
* None at this time!
* Features:
* Streams large files, 1GB+
* Absolute path s allowed for files
* Outputs to a *-fixed.ext file, so the original is not overwritten
* Description:
* This script was inspired by the script from Blogestudio located at For years
* I used this script to fix serialization, however, just recently I needed to fix a 1GB+ file and the methods in use on the
* original script was not ideal for reading a large file.
* Therefore this script was built ( keeping a couple of his functions, and the preg_replace ) with file-streaming in mind, instead
* of trying to open the entire file for replacing. This saves the "Allowed memory size exhausted" errors.
// Unescape to avoid dump-text issues
function unescape_mysql( $value ) {
return str_replace( array( "\\\\", "\\0", "\\n", "\\r", "\Z", "\'", '\"' ),
array( "\\", "\0", "\n", "\r", "\x1a", "'", '"' ),
$value );
// Fix strange behaviour if you have escaped quotes in your replacement
function unescape_quotes( $value ) {
return str_replace( '\"', '"', $value );
function line( $message, $level = 0 ) {
switch( $level ) {
case 3:
$message = 'Error: ' . $message;
case 2:
$message = 'Warning: ' . $message;
$message = 'Info: ' . $message;
echo "\n" . $message . "\n";
if ( ! ( isset( $argv ) && isset( $argv[1] ) ) ) {
line( 'No input file specified', 3 ); die;
$file = $argv[1];
if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) {
line( sprintf( 'File does not exist, or cannot access it: %s', $file ), 3 ); die;
$orig_file = fopen( $file, 'r' );
if ( ! $orig_file ) {
line( sprintf( 'Cannot open file, check that we have read perms: %s', $file ), 3 ); die;
// Create a new file
$path_info = pathinfo( $file );
$new_name = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/' . $path_info['filename'] . '-fixed.' . $path_info['extension'];
if ( file_exists( $new_name ) ) {
line( sprintf( 'A Fixed file already exists, delete it and start again: %s', $new_name ), 3 ); die;
line( 'Starting process, this could take a bit...' );
// So the script doesn't time out.
@set_time_limit( 0 );
echo "\n";
echo "==========================================\n";
// Walk over the file line by line, copying to the new file.
$lines = 0;
$replacements = 0;
while ( false !== ( $line = fgets( $orig_file ) ) ) {
$old = $line;
$line = preg_replace( '!s:(\d+):([\\\\]?"[\\\\]?"|[\\\\]?"((.*?)[^\\\\])[\\\\]?");!e', "'s:'.strlen(unescape_mysql('$3')).':\"'.unescape_quotes('$3').'\";'", $line );
if ( $line !== $old ) {
echo 'R ';
} else {
echo '. ';
file_put_contents( $new_name, $line, FILE_APPEND );
fclose( $orig_file );
echo "\n";
echo "==========================================";
line( sprintf( '%d Replacements', $replacements ) );
line( sprintf( '%d Lines Read', $lines ) );
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