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Last active August 14, 2023 04:58
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Backup Lab & Recovery

NFS Share

Cek Windows server -> Install NFS Server

Create Directory NFS Share (input IP permission linux) (dir name [NFS_Backup])

Linux NFS Connect

~: mkdir nfsbackup 
~: mount /nfsbackup (/dir in Windows /dir in linux)

Biar rapih

~: cek hostname biar sesuai host name
~: mkdir nfsbackup/hostname

SMB Share

Cek Windows server

Create Directory SMB Share to share on linux (dir name [SMB_Backup])

Install package for connect to smb

~: apt install cifs-utils
~: apt install smb-client

Linux SMB connect

~: mkdir smbbackup

Create configuration at /etc/fstab

~: sudo vim /etc/fstab


       <file system>                  <mount point>       <type>                 <option>                    <dump>    <pass>
//     /home/artemis/smbbackup    cifs   username=administrator,password=p@ssw0rd      0         0


mount confg

~: mount -a 

cek is connect or not

:~ df -h


Backup With rsync

Backup from dir NFS or SMB

--exclude={/dir will not backup/*,}

~: sudo rsync -aAXv --exclude={/dev/*,/proc/*,/sys/*,/tmp/*,/run/*,/mnt/*,/media/*,/lost+found/*,smbbackup||nfsbackup/*} /* smbbackup||nfsbackup/

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