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Created June 5, 2018 12:20
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//#region The 'let' keyword
//let <identifier> = <value>
let a = 0
let b = 0.0 //64-bit a.k.a double
let c = 0.0m //decimal
let d = "Hello World!"
let e = "Hello" + "World"
let f = """{ "word1": "Hello",
"word2": "World!"}"""
let g, h, i, j, k, l = a, b, c, d, e, f
let ``Hello World!`` = "Hello World!"
//#region Functions
let <identifier> (<argument>: <type>) =
<final expression>
let redouble n1 = n1 + n1
let bisect n1 =
n1 / 2
let square (n1: int) = n1 * n1
let isGreaterThan100 n1 : bool = n1 > 100
let doubledValue = redouble 10
let bisectedValue = bisect doubledValue
let squaredValue = square bisectedValue
//#region The 'forward pipe' operator
10 |> redouble |> bisect |> square
10 |> redouble |> bisect |> square
|> redouble |> bisect |> square
|> redouble |> bisect |> square
//#region Nested functions
let myFunction x =
let redouble y =
x + y
redouble x
myFunction 10
//Exercise 1 Begins
//#region List Preparation Exercise 2
//Onliner with semi-colon
let names = ["Jacob"; "Erik"; "Anna"; "Sandra"; "Peter"; "Osman"]
//Omitting semi-colon - Whitespace sensitive
let names = ["Jacob"
//Fast list initialization
let numbers = [1 .. 10]
let englishAlphabet = ['a' .. 'z']
//List – head::tail deconstruction
let numbers = [1 .. 10]
let head :: tail = numbers
let firstNum :: numbersWithoutFirstNum = numbers
//List append
let numbers = [1 .. 10]
let extendedNumbers = numbers @ [11 .. 20]
let numbers = [1 .. 10]
List.sum numbers
numbers |> List.sum
//#region Records - Preparation Exersice-3
type Person = { FirstName: string; LastName: string; Age: int; }
//Initialization - one-line
let somebody = { FirstName = "Marco"; LastName = "Polo"; Age = 33; }
//Initialization - Ommit semicolon - whitespace sensitive
let someboody = {
FirstName = "Marco"
LastName = "Polo"
Age = 33
//Copy-update expression - the 'with' keyword
let newSomeboody = {
someboody with Age = 34;
//#region - List.sumBy and lambda expressions
let somebody' = {
FirstName = "Marco"
LastName = "Polo"
Age = 33
let somebodyElse' = {
FirstName = "John"
LastName = "Doe"
Age = 50
let persons = [somebody'; somebodyElse']
//without lambda
let persons = [somebody; somebodyElse]
let getAge person = person.Age
persons |> List.sumBy getAge
//with lambda expression
let persons = [somebody; somebodyElse]
persons |> List.sumBy (fun person -> person.Age)
//#region Unit and side-effects
printfn "Hello %s" "World!"
let myFunction x =
//#region Higher-order functions, currying and partial application - Preparation Exercise 4
//Without partial application - no plugin
type Address = { City: string; Zip: int; Street: string; }
let updateStreetAndLogToConsole street address =
//Föreställ er valideringslogik här
let updatedAddress = { address with Street = street }
writeAddressToConsole updatedAddress
let updateStreetAndLogToFile street address =
//Föreställ er samma valideringslogik här
let updatedAddress = { address with Street = street }
writeAddressToFile updatedAddress
//With partial application - and plugin/Dependency injection
let updateStreetAndLog log street address =
let updatedAddress = { address with Street = street }
log updatedAddress
let updateStreetAndLogToConsole' =
updateStreetAndLog writeAddressToConsole
let updateStreetAndLogToFile' =
updateStreetAndLog writeAddressToFile
//#region Currying explained - Preparation Exercise 4
//Add example
let add n1 n2 = n1 + n2
let add'Explcit n1 =
let partiallyAppliedFunc n2 =
n1 + n2
//Update street example
let updateStreetAndLog' log street address =
let updatedAddress = { address with Street = street }
log updatedAddress
let updateStreetAndLog'ExpliciyCurrying log =
let streetFunc street =
let addressFunc address =
let updatedAddress = { address with Street = street }
log updatedAddress
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