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Last active September 25, 2023 18:56
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ReMarkable Fast Full PDF Sync

How to use

webInterface.sync("Root", overwrite=True) # Syncs all documents & folders to a local folder called "Root", overwriting previous files
webInterface.sync("Root", remoteFolder='maths') # Syncs all documents & folders from maths folder to "Root" local folder, not overwriten current files
webInterface.sync("Root", remoteFolder='maths' recursive=False) # Syncs only documents from maths folder to "Root" local folder (with no recursion)

How it works

This uses the USB storage web interface API (documented at to extract & download the files. For the main sync, it recursivley traverses each folder from root and returns the documents in an array that then gets all downloaded.


Because it utilises the ReMarkable tablets inbuilt conversion function, not only is it reliable but the speeds are pretty fast too - I was able to transfer 50 of my documents in around 10 seconds. Note this was over USB, so over WiFi might be slower...

import requests
import os
NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "VissibleName" # I have a feeling they might fix this at some point...
class RmWebInterfaceAPI(object):
def __init__(self, BASE=""):
self.BASE = BASE
def __POST(self, endpoint, data={}):
result = + endpoint, data=data)
if "application/json" in result.headers["Content-Type"]:
return result.json()
return result.content
except Exception:
return {}
def __get_documents_recursive(
self, folderId="", currentLocation="", currentDocuments=[]
data = self.__POST(f"documents/{folderId}")
for item in data:
if "fileType" in item:
item["location"] = currentLocation
return currentDocuments
def __get_folder_id(self, folderName, _from=""):
results = self.__POST(f"documents/{_from}")[::-1] # Get folders first
for data in results:
if "fileType" in data:
return None
if data[NAME_ATTRIBUTE].strip() == folderName.strip():
return data[ID_ATTRIBUTE]
recursiveResults = self.__get_folder_id(folderName, data[ID_ATTRIBUTE])
if recursiveResults is None:
return recursiveResults
def __get_docs(self, folderName="", recursive=True):
folderId = ""
if folderName:
folderId = self.__get_folder_id(folderName)
if folderId is None:
return {}
if recursive:
return self.__get_documents_recursive(
folderId=folderId, currentLocation=folderName
data = self.__POST(f"documents/{folderId}")
return [item for item in data if "fileType" in item]
def __download(self, document, location="", overwrite=False):
filename = document[NAME_ATTRIBUTE]
if "/" in filename:
filename = filename.replace("/", "_")
if not os.path.exists(location):
fileLocation = f"{location}/{filename}.pdf"
if os.path.isfile(fileLocation) and overwrite is False:
return True
binaryData = self.__POST(f"download/{document[ID_ATTRIBUTE]}/placeholder")
if isinstance(binaryData, dict):
print(f"Error trying to download {filename}: {binaryData}")
return False
with open(fileLocation, "wb") as outFile:
return True
except Exception as error:
print(f"Error trying to download {filename}: {error}")
return False
def sync(self, localFolder, remoteFolder="", overwrite=False):
if not os.path.exists(localFolder):
documents = self.__get_docs(remoteFolder)
for doc in documents:
doc, f"{localFolder}/{doc['location']}", overwrite=overwrite
webInterface = RmWebInterfaceAPI()
#webInterface.sync("Root", overwrite=True)
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