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Last active April 4, 2023 00:03
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  • Save JayyDoesDev/a3e7530c7be6a5f063aaeb8f148c2ab5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JayyDoesDev/a3e7530c7be6a5f063aaeb8f148c2ab5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


The Discord Bot to help you shorten urls!

Invite Zygote To Your Server!

Click the "Add to Server" button.

Choose a server and click the "Continue" button.

Click Authorize and you're done!



This command just gives you the basic info.

P.S. The support server is on our website!


The one and only ping command!

Pong! 🏓 (^∇^)


This command will allow you to shorten urls.

Assuming you have the bot in your server with slash commands, you should be able to see and run the following command.

Once you want the url you want to shorten, click enter!

You're all set!


This command will allow you to view what links you have created!


This command will allow you to delete your shortened urls!

Once you have typed your url id, you can click enter and the shortened url gets deleted!

Thanks for checking me out! I hope I can assist you in the future! 💖

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