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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Using covariant and contravariant types to demonstrate the Liskov substitution principle
package com.example
class GrandParent
class Parent extends GrandParent
class Child extends Parent
* contravariant parameter p
* covariant result r
trait Foo[-P, +R] {
def f(p: P): R
object Bar {
def g(foo: Foo[Parent, Parent]) = ???
class LiskovSubclass extends Foo[GrandParent, Child] {
override def f(p: GrandParent): Child = ???
class OtherSubclass extends Foo[Child, GrandParent] {
override def f(p: Child): GrandParent = ???
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
Bar.g(new LiskovSubclass())
Bar.g(new OtherSubclass()) // does not compile
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I've split co/contra variance and tried to convey the pedagogical-point (so to speak) by naming stuff.

class Variance {

  class A {}
  class B extends A {}

  class Container[T] {} // invariant
  class CovariantContainer[+T] {}
  class ContravariantContainer[-T] {}

  def main(args: Array[String]) {

  private def basicSubTyping {
    var a: A = new A
    val b: B = new B

    a = b
    // b = a // compiler failure

  private def invariant {
    var a = new Container[A]
    var b = new Container[B]

    // a = b  // compiler failure

  private def covariant {
    var a = new CovariantContainer[A]
    var b = new CovariantContainer[B] // sub-type

    a = b
    // b = a  // compiler failure

  private def contravariant {
    var a = new ContravariantContainer[A]
    var b = new ContravariantContainer[B]

    // a = b // compiler failure
    b = a

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