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Forked from romainpiel/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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This is a quick code snippet wrapping the Android Log class to show the calling method in a hyperlink. I found this solution in this stackoverflow answer:

Note that it's a bit hacky. The formatting cannot be really modified as it's dependant to the way stacktraces are rendered in Android Studio.


package com.example.myapplication;
import android.util.Log;
* HLog
* romainpiel
* 13/09/2014
public class HLog {
public static int v(String tag, String msg) {
return Log.v(tag, getHMsg(msg));
public static int v(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
return Log.v(tag, getHMsg(msg), tr);
public static int d(String tag, String msg) {
return Log.d(tag, getHMsg(msg));
public static int d(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
return Log.d(tag, getHMsg(msg), tr);
public static int i(String tag, String msg) {
return Log.i(tag, getHMsg(msg));
public static int i(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
return Log.i(tag, getHMsg(msg), tr);
public static int w(String tag, String msg) {
return Log.w(tag, getHMsg(msg));
public static int w(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
return Log.w(tag, getHMsg(msg), tr);
public static int w(String tag, Throwable tr) {
return Log.w(tag, tr);
public static int e(String tag, String msg) {
return Log.e(tag, getHMsg(msg));
public static int e(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
return Log.e(tag, getHMsg(msg), tr);
public static int wtf(String tag, String msg) {
return, getHMsg(msg));
public static int wtf(String tag, Throwable tr) {
return, tr);
public static int wtf(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
return, getHMsg(msg), tr);
public static int println(int priority, String tag, String msg) {
return Log.println(priority, tag, getHMsg(msg));
private static String getHMsg(String msg) {
StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElement = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
Integer methodIndex = null;
boolean hlogFound = false;
boolean stop = false;
for (int i = 0; i < stackTraceElement.length && !stop; i++) {
if (stackTraceElement[i].getClassName().contains(HLog.class.getSimpleName())) {
hlogFound = true;
} else if (hlogFound) {
methodIndex = i;
stop = true;
if (methodIndex != null) {
String fullClassName = stackTraceElement[methodIndex].getClassName();
String className = fullClassName.substring(fullClassName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
String methodName = stackTraceElement[methodIndex].getMethodName();
String lineNumber = String.valueOf(stackTraceElement[methodIndex].getLineNumber());
return String.format("%s .%s(", msg, methodName, className, lineNumber);
} else {
return msg;
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