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John C. Petrucci Jcpetrucci

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Jcpetrucci /
Last active March 8, 2024 17:34
monitor dns response, alert when it changes
declare -A currentAnswer=()
declare -A lastAnswer=()
while getopts ":s" opt; do
case $opt in
s) silent=true ;;
shift "$((OPTIND-1))"
Jcpetrucci /
Last active November 9, 2020 19:43 — forked from Greelan/
Provision certificate via ACME using as non-root user
# Run this script once to set up as a non-root user. After this script is done, it can be removed if you want. The script also can be run multiple times safely such that it will not create multiples of anything.
#CFG_ACME_USERNAME='acme' # What do you want to call the user who will fetch certificates?
#CFG_CERT_DOMAIN='' # What fully qualified domain name should the certificate be for?
#CFG_ACME_SERVER='' # What is the ACME server we should get certificates from?
verbosity=2 # Start counting at 2 so that any increase to this will result in a minimum of file descriptor 3. You should leave this alone.
maxverbosity=5 # The highest verbosity we use / allow to be displayed. Feel free to adjust.
while getopts ":vr" opt; do
Jcpetrucci /
Last active July 31, 2022 01:48
better Bash trace
# Define variables for adjustable verbosity
verbosity=2 #Start counting at 2 so that any increase to this will result in a minimum of file descriptor 3. You should leave this alone.
maxverbosity=5 #The highest verbosity we use / allow to be displayed. Feel free to adjust.
# Parse requested verbosity level and whether we're logging or not
while getopts ":vl" opt; do
case $opt in
v) (( verbosity=verbosity+1 ));;
while read -r -p '? ' name; do
printf '%s\r' "$string_searching" >&2
curl --netrc -s -X POST -d 'header=yes' --data-urlencode 'query=SELECT as device_name, SUBSTRING(a.alias_name,1,10) as alias, i.ip_address, d.cpucount as sockets, d.cpucore as cores, d.ram, d.ram_size_type, d.hard_disk_size, d.hard_disk_size_type, REGEXP_REPLACE(SUBSTRING(d.notes,1,100),'"'[\n\r]'"','"' '"','"'g'"') as notes, d.first_added, as subnet from view_device_v1 d left join view_ipaddress_v1 i on i.device_fk = d.device_pk left join view_devicealias_v1 a on a.device_fk = d.device_pk inner join view_subnet_v1 s on i.subnet_fk = s.subnet_pk WHERE LOWER( ) like '"'%${name}%'"' OR LOWER ( a.alias_name ) LIKE '"'%${name}%'"' OR LOWER ( d.notes) LIKE '"'%${name}%'"' order by' '' 2>&1 | column --table --separator ,
if [[ "${1,,}" == "install" ]]; then
# Call this script with argument 'install' to generate a systemd unit file.
cat <<-EOF | sudo dd of=/etc/systemd/system/docker-logs2journal.service
Description=This service reads from specified log files and outputs to systemd-journald
Jcpetrucci / Randomize local root user password (Linux) v2.xml
Last active April 30, 2019 22:55
BigFix: Randomize local root user password (Linux) v2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BES xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BES.xsd">
<Title>Randomize local root user password (Linux) v2</Title>
<Description><![CDATA[<P>This task will generate a random passphrase, and set the local root user's password.&nbsp; The passphrase will be encrypted using a public key, base64 encoded, then stored in the properties of the computer object in BigFix.&nbsp; </P>
<P>To obtain the password, find the BigFix Client Setting named "bes_random_token", base64 decode it, and decrypt it using the private key.</P>
<P><EM>Example 1</EM>:<BR><FONT face=Terminal>user@prd-calypso$</FONT><FONT face=Terminal> <STRONG>echo QIU4bhwiQ0OevCiXcoNmJoPFxpxY5cFkUegCqPd8nkqZdxvVSmIFndp+30n61pT7nMXrYpYypZgHyMVnCoxg0A== | \<BR>openssl enc -d -base64 | openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey rsa-priv.key</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P>You can also add this to your <FONT face=Terminal>~/.bashrc</FONT> file and then run `<FONT face=Terminal>decryptPas
Jcpetrucci /
Created January 3, 2019 21:21
mostly stagnant screen
# made this to test the impact of changing a small part of the whole screen versus script(1) file size
export rows=$(tput lines); export cols=$(tput cols);
while :; do
( exec >;
for r in $(seq 1 $rows); do
for i in $(seq 1 $cols); do
if (( $r == $rows / 2 )); then
if (( $i > $cols / 2 - 10 && $i < $cols / 2 + 10 )); then
printf '%s' $(head -c 1 <(tr -d -c '[:alpha:]' </dev/urandom))
# Create: 2014-03-12 John C. Petrucci
# Modify: 2014-03-13 John C. Petrucci
# Purpose: See usage()
# Usage: See usage()
usage (){
cat <<EOF
$(basename $0) - Converts hexadecimal to IP addresses.
if [[ "${1,,}" == "install" ]]; then
# Call this script with argument 'install' to generate a systemd unit file.
cat <<-EOF | sudo dd of=/etc/systemd/system/vnc-alive-check.service
Description=VNC-ALIVE-CHECK: Make sure VNC is connected and restart it if needed.
Jcpetrucci /
Created September 7, 2018 20:47
F5 VLAN and Self IP generator
export MEMBER_A_IP=${SUBNET%.*}.252/${MASKLEN}
export MEMBER_B_IP=${SUBNET%.*}.253/${MASKLEN}
export VIP=${SUBNET%.*}.254/${MASKLEN}
for member in A B; do
printf 'For member %s:\n' $member
printf 'create net vlan %s interfaces add { internal { tagged } } tag %s\n' $VLAN_NAME $VLAN_ID
printf 'create net self me.%s { address %s traffic-group traffic-group-local-only vlan %s }\n' $VLAN_NAME $(eval echo '$MEMBER_'$member'_IP') $VLAN_NAME
printf 'create net self float.%s { address %s traffic-group traffic-group-1 vlan %s }\n' $VLAN_NAME $VIP $VLAN_NAME