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Created January 26, 2016 03:41
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Jean's Local Weather App
title Jean's Local Weather Application
h1 Jean's
h2 Local Weather Application
#iconTemp Temperature:<br>
.location.details Location:<br>
#conditions.details Conditions:<br>
#humidity.details Humidity:<br>
#wind.details Wind:<br>
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Jean's Local Weather App

See the weather in your current location. Get the temperature, humidity, and wind direction and speed. Temperatures are shown in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.

A Pen by Jean on CodePen.


$(document).ready(function() {
var appId = "9a33832b04c64c9a07e91f3d243f7e8b";
function getLocation() {
$.get("", function(location) {
.append( + ", ")
var units = getUnits(;
getWeather(location.loc, units);
}, "jsonp");
function getWeather(loc, units) {
lat = loc.split(",")[0]
lon = loc.split(",")[1]
var weatherApiUrl = '' + lat + '&lon=' + lon + "&units=" + units + "&APPID=" + appId;
$.get(weatherApiUrl, function(weather) {
var windDir = convertWindDirection(weather.wind.deg);
var temperature = weather.main.temp;
var unitLabel;
if (units == "imperial") {
unitLabel = "F";
} else {
unitLabel = "C";
temperature = parseFloat((temperature).toFixed(1));
var convert;
if (units == "imperial") {
convert = ((((temperature - 32) * 5) / 9).toFixed(1)+ "&deg; C");
else {
convert = (((1.8 * temperature + 32).toFixed(1)+ "&deg; F"));
var humidity = weather.main.humidity;
.append("<img src='" +[0].icon + ".png'>");
$('#temp').append(temperature + "&deg; " + unitLabel +
" | " + convert);
$('#humidity').append(humidity + '%');
$('#wind').append(windDir + " " + weather.wind.speed + " mph");
}, "jsonp");
function convertWindDirection(dir) {
var rose = ['North', 'Northeast', 'East', 'Southeast', 'South', 'Southwest', 'West', 'Northwest'];
var eightPoint = Math.floor(dir / 45);
return rose[eightPoint];
function getUnits(country) {
var imperialCountries = ['US', 'BS', 'BZ', 'KY', 'PW'];
if (imperialCountries.indexOf(country) == -1) {
var units = 'metric';
} else {
units = 'imperial';
console.log(country, units);
return units;
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