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Created October 21, 2010 19:50
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Query plugin effect to make the screen easier to read when it is scrolled
// scrollcue.js
// JQuery plugin effect to make the screen easier to read when it is scrolled.
// It provides a visual clue that delimits the newly visible content.
// 09/29/2010, JeanHuguesRobert, based on previous work
// 10/09/2010, JHR, renamed from hotscroll to scrollcue
// 10/15/2010, JHR, with Jean Vincent, zIndex & image
// ToDo: it would be nice to be able to attach the effect to any element,
// not just the global window.
// License : VanityLicence
// (C) Copyright Virteal Jean Hugues Robert.
// ----
// Vanity License: You may take the money but I keep the glory.
// ----
// New scope, it encloses everything
(function( $ ){
// Global options, default values
var ScrollCue = {
// Color of the effect, that's rgba()'s first 3 parameters, last is computed
color: "255, 165, 0", // Sorry, #AABBCC is not ok. Orange is my color
// Maximal opacity of the effect. Effect fades away from this maximum to 0.
opacity: 0.1, // Max is 1, for 100% opacity, very intruising
// Duration of the effect, millisec
duration: 1500,
// Optional selector for elements to fade away when scrolling starts
fade: null, // I simply call .fadeTo( 0, 0) on these elements
// max height of the visual cue. if none, goes up to top or down to bottom
maxHeight: "3px", // "px" preferred (see ToDo)
// optional image, can be null
image: "",
// optional zIndex (if you want the effect to not obscure some content)
zIndex: null,
// Version, read only
version: "0.3"
// Global variables
var Visible = false // True until scrollTop stops moving
var StillTop = 0 // Value of scrollTop when it started moving
var ScrollDelta = 0 // Current scrollTop delta with StillTop
var Generation = 0 // Increases whenever effect starts or stops
var ClueDiv = null // Effect is a semi transparent horizontal div
// My debug darling, see
var de = false // Please use true to display debug traces
var bug = (console && console.log
&& function bug( m ){ console.log( "ScrollCue: " + m)})
|| (de = false)
function scroll(){
// This is the handler attached to the global window's scroll event
// Init stuff first time we're called
if( !ClueDiv ){
// I create a rectangular div whose height may vary
ClueDiv = document.createElement( "div") = "fixed"; = "0px" = "100%"
if( ScrollCue.zIndex ){ = "-1"
if( ScrollCue.image ){
ClueDiv.innerHTML = '<img src="' + ScrollCue.image + '"'
+ ' border="0" vspace="0" hspace="0">'
// Height is either up to top or down to bottom, unless there is a limit
if( ScrollCue.maxHeight ){ = ScrollCue.maxHeight
// During the effect the div is a semi transparent layer over content = "none"
document.body.appendChild( ClueDiv)
// Where did the document scrolled to?
var new_top = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop
// What difference does it make with when document was still
var new_delta = new_top - StillTop
de&&bug( "still top: " + StillTop
+ ", new top: " + new_top
+ ", old delta: " + ScrollDelta
+ ", new delta: " + new_delta
+ ", visible: " + (Visible ? "true" : "false")
// If top was moving & there is a change in direction, abort previous effect
if( Visible
&& ( (new_delta > 0 && ScrollDelta < 0)
|| (new_delta < 0 && ScrollDelta > 0))
new_delta = ScrollDelta + new_delta
de&&bug( "Scroll direction changed")
ScrollDelta = new_delta
de&&bug( "top: " + new_top + ", ScrollDelta: " + ScrollDelta)
// If motion starting...
if( !Visible ){
// Fade away things that don't need to be seen during scrolling
if( ScrollCue.fade ){
$(ScrollCue.fade).fadeTo( 0, 0)
// ToDo: should I "unfade" when effect is done?
// start/restart the effect (old generation effect will abort itself)
effect_loop( (new Date().getTime()), ++Generation)
function effect_loop( time_started, effect_generation ){
// If a new effect was started, abort this one
if( Generation != effect_generation )return
// Adjust opacity as time passes, ends up transparent
var new_time = (new Date()).getTime()
var duration = new_time - time_started
var opacity = (ScrollCue.duration - duration) / 500
// Are we done with the effect? is the document still again?
// de&&bug( "opacity: " + opacity)
if( opacity <= 0 ){
// Set a new new start position for future effect
StillTop = new_top
de&&bug( "Still again, top: " + StillTop)
// I display a semi opaque layer over some of the content
if( ScrollDelta < 0 ){
// Some new content appeared on the top of the screen
if( ScrollCue.maxHeight ){
// ToDo: should always substract the px height of maxHeight from top
// but I don't know how to convert maxHeight into px units
if( ScrollCue.maxHeight.substr( ScrollCue.maxHeight.length - 2)
== "px"
// Easy, px units, I adjust top = ""
+ ( -ScrollDelta
- parseInt( ScrollCue.maxHeight.replace( "px", ""), 10))
+ "px"
// Not easy. I don't ajust top as I should... = "" + -ScrollDelta + "px"
} = "" + -ScrollDelta + "px"
// If no maxHeight, I display up to top of screen
}else{ = "0px" = "" + -ScrollDelta + "px"
// Some new content appeared at the bottom of the screen
var scr_h = window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : $(window).height() = "" + (scr_h - ScrollDelta) + "px"
// I display down to bottom, unless Div's maxHeigth told otherwise = "" + ScrollDelta + "px"
= "rgba(" + ScrollCue.color + "," + (ScrollCue.opacity * opacity) + ")"
// Display layer if it was not visible already
if( !Visible ){ = ""
Visible = true
de&&bug( "visible")
// Keep the effect running, next step in 50 ms
setTimeout( effect_loop, 50, time_started, effect_generation)
ScrollCue.abort = function(){
// Abort the current ongoing effect.
// Note: this does not stop future effects on new scroll events
// ToDo: method to detach effect
if( Visible ){
// Hide semi transparent layer = "none"
Visible = false
de&&bug( "hidden")
// Tell ongoing effect() to stop asap
return ScrollCue
ScrollCue.start = function( options ){
// Attach the effect to the global window
if( options ){ $.extend( ScrollCue, options) }
// On the global window only
$(window).scroll( scroll)
return ScrollCue
// Exports scrollCue() jQuery method
$.scrollCue = ScrollCue.start
// End of scope
})( jQuery )
// Usage:
$.scrollCue( {fade:".fade"})
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