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Last active June 18, 2023 10:55
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Hi, thank you for helping testing this new feature !

To test this feature we're going to use the artifacts generated by this PR : angular/angular#50738.

Install the dependencies

To retrieve the artifacts

  1. Go on to the PR
  2. Look for a job called publish_packages_as_artifacts and open it
  3. Open the artifacts tab and run the following script in the console of your favorite browser :
var oldFocus = document.activeElement;

const keep = new Set(["@angular/core", "@angular/compiler", "@angular/compiler-cli", "@angular/animations", "@angular/platform-browser", "@angular/common", "@angular/router"])

var text = $$('li a').filter(a => a.href.endsWith('tgz') && a.text.startsWith('angular/')).map((a) => {
  const package = a.text.match(/(angular.*)-pr/)[1];
  const url = a.href;
  return [`@${package}`, url]
}).filter(([package]) => keep.has(package)).map(([package, url]) => (`"${package}": "${url}"`)).join(',\n');


This script will parse the page and extract the dependencies we need and paste them to the clipboard. You should get something that looks like :

"@angular/animations": "",
"@angular/common": "",
"@angular/compiler-cli": "",
"@angular/compiler": "",
"@angular/core": "",
"@angular/platform-browser": "",
"@angular/router": ""

Replace the entries in your package.json and install them.


Call provideLazyLoadedAnimations() to get the necessary providers.


bootstrapApplication(RootComponent, {
    providers: [

Now we should be good, enjoy the test and let me know of the issues you might encounter !

Many thx !

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