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Created August 31, 2011 07:26
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Feature: Authentication
In order to be able to manage my website
As a client of a designer using the service
I want to be able to log in and log out of my website backend
Background: Website exists with a user and I am on the login page
Given a "website" exists with name: "twitter"
And for that website, a "user" exists with email: "" and password: "password123"
And for that website, a "domain" exists with name: ""
And for that website, a "domain" exists with name: ""
Scenario: Log in from my website domain (
Given I am on the login page for my website with domain: ""
When I submit the login form with my user credentials
Then I should be logged in
Given /^I am on the login page for my website(?: with (sub)?domain: "(\S+)")?$/ do |subdomain, domain|
domain = "#{domain}.#{ENV["APP_HOST"]}" if subdomain
domain ? host = : host =
visit login_url(host: host)
current_path.should eq(login_path)
When /^I submit the login form with my user credentials$/ do
When %{I fill in "#{}" for "#{I18n.t("")}"}
And %{I fill in "#{@user.password}" for "#{I18n.t("")}"}
click_button "sessions_submit"
When /^I submit the login form with false user credentials$/ do
When %{I fill in "" for "#{I18n.t("")}"}
And %{I fill in "#{@user.password}" for "#{I18n.t("")}"}
click_button "sessions_submit"
When /^I visit the log out link on my website$/ do
visit logout_url(host:
Then /^I should be logged in$/ do
cookie_jar = Capybara.current_session.driver.browser.current_session.instance_variable_get(:@rack_mock_session).cookie_jar
cookie_jar.instance_variable_get(:@cookies).each do |cookie|
@auth_cookie = cookie if == "website_auth_token"
@auth_cookie.value.should be_present
When /^I fill in "(.+)" for "(.+)"$/ do |value, field|
fill_in field, :with => value
When /^I submit the "(\S+)" form$/ do |model|
click_button I18n.t("helpers.submit.create", model: model)
# a "WEBSITE" exists with NAME: "MYDOMAIN"
Given /^an? "(.+)" exists with(?: the)? (.+?): "(.+?)"(?:(?:,| and|, and)+(?: the)? (.+?): "(.+?)")?(?:(?:,| and|, and)+(?: the)? (.+?): "(.+?)")?$/ do |model, attr1, value1, attr2, value2, attr3, value3|
model.gsub!(" ", "_")
const_model = model.camelize.constantize
attributes = "#{attr1}: \"#{value1}\""
attributes << ", #{attr2}: \"#{value2}\"" if attr2
attributes << ", #{attr3}: \"#{value3}\"" if attr3
eval("@#{model} = Factory(:#{model}, #{attributes})")
eval("#{const_model}.find_by_#{attr1}(\"#{value1}\").should be_present")
# Given for my WEBSITE, a "DOMAIN" exists with NAME: "MYDOMAIN.DEV" and LOCALE: "EN"
Given /^for (?:that|this|my|the) (.+?), an? "(.+?)" exists with(?: the)? (.+?): "(.+?)"(?:(?:,| and|, and)+(?: the)? (.+?): "(.+?)")?(?:(?:,| and|, and)+(?: the)? (.+?): "(.+?)")?$/ do |parent, model, attr1, value1, attr2, value2, attr3, value3|
parent.gsub!(" ", "_")
parent_name = eval("@#{parent}.class.to_s.underscore")
model.gsub!(" ", "_")
model_name = eval("@#{parent}.#{model.pluralize}.new.class.to_s.underscore")
attributes = "#{attr1}: \"#{value1}\""
attributes << ", #{attr2}: \"#{value2}\"" if attr2
attributes << ", #{attr3}: \"#{value3}\"" if attr3
eval("@#{model} = Factory(:#{model_name}, #{attributes}, #{parent_name}_id: @#{parent}.id)")
eval("@#{parent}.#{model.pluralize}.find_by_#{attr1}(\"#{value1}\").should be_present")
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