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Created April 20, 2011 07:31
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# Scenario: Edit exsisting theme # features/admin_manage_themes.feature:15
# Given I already have a theme for the website # features/step_definitions/admin_manage_themes_steps.rb:27
# When I go to the edit theme page # features/step_definitions/admin_manage_themes_steps.rb:31
# And I modify the theme settings # features/step_definitions/admin_manage_themes_steps.rb:35
# Couldn't find Theme with ID=551 [WHERE ("themes".account_id = 1326)] (ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
# ./app/controllers/themes_controller.rb:25:in `update'
# <internal:prelude>:10:in `synchronize'
# (eval):2:in `click_button'
# ./features/step_definitions/form_steps.rb:10:in `/^I submit the "(\S+)" form$/'
# features/admin_manage_themes.feature:18:in `And I modify the theme settings'
Given /^I already have a theme for the website$/ do
Factory(:theme, :title => "original title")
When /^I go to the edit theme page$/ do
When %{I go to "/accounts/#{}/themes/#{}/edit"}
When /^I modify the theme settings$/ do
When %{I fill in "new title" for "theme_title"}
Then "show me the page"
And %{I submit the "theme" form}
Then /^the theme should be updated$/ do
Theme.first.title.should eql("new title")
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