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Last active August 29, 2017 04:22
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SASS + two different color themes
// Defining colors ===========================================
$color-names : '';
$light-colors : '';
$dark-colors : '';
@mixin define-theme-color( $color-name, $light-color, $dark-color ) {
@if ($color-names != "") and (index($color-names, $color-name) != false) {
@warn "Theme color $color-name is already defined";
} @else {
$color-names: append($color-names, $color-name, comma);
$light-colors: append($light-colors, $light-color, comma);
$dark-colors: append($dark-colors, $dark-color, comma);
// Outer mixin, in which the content is duplicated with correct
// theme colors ===============================================
$current-color-schema: '';
@mixin theme-colors() {
$current-color-schema: 'light';
.light-theme & {
$current-color-schema: 'dark';
.dark-theme & {
// Function for retrieving correct color. Remember to use this
// inside the mixin defined above.
// FYI: This is actually just a lookup function ==============
@function theme-color( $color-name ){
@if ($color-names == "") or (index($color-names, $color-name)) == false {
@warn "Theme color \"" + $color-name + "\" is not defined";
@return "";
} @else {
$color-index: index($color-names, $color-name);
@if ($current-color-schema == "light") {
@return nth( $light-colors, $color-index);
} @else {
@return nth( $dark-colors, $color-index);
@import "color-mixins";
// name light-theme color dark-theme color
@include define-theme-color("component-background", white, black );
@include define-theme-color("component-text", black, green );
<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
<body class="light-theme">
<!-- or class="dark-theme"; to make collor theme being black -->
<div class="some-component">
I'd like to change my colors easily.
@import "colors";
body {
background-color: silver;
font-size: 2em;
text-align: center;
.some-component {
width: 80%;
height: 80%;
margin-left: 10%;
border: 1px dashed silver;
@include theme-colors {
background-color: theme-color("component-background");
color: theme-color("component-text");
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