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Last active October 19, 2022 04:23
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  • Save Jed-Giblin/9e97cf3e1a85550ccea4a7171f850031 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Tampermonkey Wowhead calculator link
// ==UserScript==
// @name Add Talent Calculator Button to WCL
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Adds a button to WCL Talents Breakdown to autobuild the import/export string for talent mangement. It will copy this value to your clipboard.
// @author Jed Giblin
// @match*
// @icon
// @resource raidbotsData
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @grant GM_openInTab
// ==/UserScript==
let debug = false;
class BitTable {
constructor() {
this.table = [];
this.bitBase = 6;
this.b64Table = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
addValue(bitWidth, value, extra=null) {
this.table.push([bitWidth, value, extra]);
export() {
let totalBits = 0;
let currentValue = 0;
let currentReservedBits = 0;
let exportString = "";
this.table.forEach((row) => {
if ( debug ) {
console.log(`Row values: ${row}`);
let remainingBitWidth = row[0];
let remainingValue = row[1];
// Increment the totalBits
totalBits = totalBits + remainingBitWidth;
while (remainingBitWidth > 0) {
// Calculate the amount of space left in the current char. 6 - reservedBits
let spaceInCurrentValue = this.bitBase - currentReservedBits;
// Calculate the largest value wee can store by l shifting 1 the amount of space we have
let maxStorableValue = 1 << spaceInCurrentValue;
// Determine the remainder of our value and our max
let remainder = remainingValue % maxStorableValue;
remainingValue = remainingValue >> spaceInCurrentValue;
currentValue = currentValue + (remainder << currentReservedBits);
if (spaceInCurrentValue > remainingBitWidth) {
currentReservedBits = (currentReservedBits + remainingBitWidth) % this.bitBase;
remainingBitWidth = 0;
} else {
exportString = exportString + this.b64Table[currentValue];
currentValue = 0;
currentReservedBits = 0;
remainingBitWidth = remainingBitWidth - spaceInCurrentValue;
if (currentReservedBits > 0) {
exportString = exportString + this.b64Table[currentValue];
return exportString;
// '')
let signatureLookup = {
"Heart Strike": ["death-knight/blood",250,6],
"Frost Strike": ["death-knight/frost",251,6],
"Festering Strike": ["death-knight/unholy",252,6],
"Fel Devestation": ["demon-hunter/vengence", 581, 12],
"Eye Beam": ["demon-hunter/havoc", 577, 12],
"Eclipse": ["druid/balance", 102, 11],
"Tiger's Fury": ["druid/feral", 103, 11],
"Maul": ["druid/guardian", 104, 11],
"Lifebloom": ["druid/restoration", 105, 11],
"Pyre": ["evoker/devestation", 1467, 13],
"Echo": ["evoker/preservation", 1468, 13],
"Cobra Shot": ["hunter/beast-mastery", 253, 3],
"Aimed Shot": ["hunter/marksmanship", 254, 3],
"Raptor Strike": ["hunter/survival", 255, 3],
"Arcane Barrage": ["mage/arcane", 62, 8],
"Pyroblast": ["mage/fire", 63, 8],
"Ice Lance": ["mage/frost", 64, 8],
"Keg Smash": ["monk/brewmaster", 268, 10],
"Enveloping Mist": ["monk/mistweaver", 270, 10],
"Fists of Fury": ["monk/windwalker", 269, 10],
"Holy Shock": ["paladin/holy", 65, 2],
"Avenger's Shield": ["paladin/protection", 66, 2],
"Blade of Justice": ["paladin/retribution", 70, 2],
"Atonement": ["priest/discipline", 256, 5],
"Holy Word: Serentiy": ["priest/holy", 257, 5],
"Devouring Plague": ["priest/shadow", 258, 5],
"Deadly Poison": ["rogue/assassination", 259, 4],
"Opportunity": ["rogue/outlaw", 260, 4],
"Blade Flurry": ["rogue/outlaw", 260, 4],
"Improved Backstab": ["rogue/subtlety", 261, 4],
"Shadow Blades": ["rogue/subtlety", 261, 4],
"Gloomblade": ["rogue/subtlety", 261, 4],
"Secret Technique": ["rogue/subtlety", 261, 4],
"Earth Shock": ["shaman/enhancement", 262, 7],
"Stormstrike": ["shaman/enhancement", 263, 7],
"Riptide": ["shaman/restoration", 264, 7],
"Malefic Rapture": ["warlock/affliction", 265, 9],
"Chaos Bolt": ["warlock/destruction", 267, 9],
"Call Dreadstalkers": ["warlock/demonology", 266, 9],
"Mortal Strike": ["warrior/arms", 71, 1],
"Bloodthirst": ["warrior/fury", 72, 1],
"Ignore Pain": ["warrior/protection", 73, 1]
let binaryTraverse = function (bt, listedTalents, matchedTalentDb, nodeOrderList, specFilterId) {
nodeOrderList.forEach( (nodeId) => {
console.log("Processing row: " + nodeId);
let key = `${nodeId}-${specFilterId}`;
let nodeInfo = matchedTalentDb.allNodes[key];
if ( nodeInfo === undefined || ( nodeInfo.hasOwnProperty("freeNode") && nodeInfo.freeNode )) {
// This node is not for our spec, thus cannot be selected
bt.addValue( 1, 0, "isNotInTree " + nodeId);
let isChoiceNode = nodeInfo.type == "choice";
let isSelected = false;
let choiceIndex = -1;
let allocated = 0;
let spell = null;
let isPartiallyAllocated = null;
if (isChoiceNode) {
nodeInfo.entries.forEach((entry, index) => {
if (listedTalents.hasOwnProperty( {
isSelected = true;
choiceIndex = index;
spell = entry;
allocated = listedTalents[];
} else {
spell = nodeInfo
if ( listedTalents.hasOwnProperty( ) {
isSelected = true;
allocated = listedTalents[];
// Always set isSelected
bt.addValue(1, isSelected ? 1 : 0, "isSelected "+ nodeId);
if ( isSelected ) {
if ( debug ) {
console.log(`isChoiceNode: ${isChoiceNode}, isSelected: ${isSelected}, spellName: ${}, choiceIndex: ${choiceIndex}, allocated: ${allocated}, ${typeof (allocated)}, maxPoints: ${spell.maxRanks}, spec: ${nodeInfo.specId}`);
let partiallyAllocated = spell.maxRanks != allocated;
// Set partiallyAllocated
bt.addValue( 1, partiallyAllocated ? 1 : 0, "partiallyAllocated " + nodeId );
if ( partiallyAllocated ) {
// Because we are partiallyAllocated, set purchasedRanks
bt.addValue( 6, allocated, "allocated " + nodeId);
// Set isChoiceNode
bt.addValue( 1, isChoiceNode ? 1 : 0, "isChoiceNode " + nodeId);
if ( isChoiceNode ) {
// Because we are choiceNode, set EntryIndex
bt.addValue( 2, choiceIndex, "choiceIndex " + nodeId);
let generateWowheadLink = function (talentDB) {
let talentWindow = document.getElementById('summary-talents-0');
let spec = null;
let specTreeId = null;
let classTreeId = null;
let listedTalents = {};
for (let i = 0, row; row = talentWindow.rows[i]; i++) {
let talentName = row.cells[0].textContent.trim();
let allocation = row.cells[1].textContent.trim();
if ( signatureLookup.hasOwnProperty( talentName ) ) {
[spec, specTreeId, classTreeId] = signatureLookup[talentName];
listedTalents[talentName] = Number( allocation );
if ( debug ) {
console.log("Found log for class: " + spec );
let bt = new BitTable();
let orderedNodeList = Object.values(talentDB).find( def => def.classId == classTreeId && def.specId == specTreeId ).fullNodeOrder;
let matchedTalentDb = { activeSpecId: specTreeId, allNodes: {} };
Object.values(talentDB).filter( def => def.classId == classTreeId ).forEach( (tree) => {
tree.classNodes.forEach( (node) => {
let key = `${}-${tree.specId}`;
matchedTalentDb.allNodes[key] = { specId: tree.specId, ...node };
tree.specNodes.forEach( (node) => {
let key = `${}-${tree.specId}`;
matchedTalentDb.allNodes[key] = { specId: tree.specId, ...node };
if ( matchedTalentDb !== null ) {
bt.addValue( 8, 1);
bt.addValue( 16, specTreeId);
let allNodes = {};
bt.addValue( 128, 0 );
binaryTraverse( bt, listedTalents, matchedTalentDb, orderedNodeList, specTreeId);
let exportString = bt.export();
let url = `${spec}`;
let fetchTalentDb = function () {
let data = GM_getResourceText("raidbotsData");
generateWowheadLink( JSON.parse(data) );
(function () {
'use strict';
var numAttempts = 0;
var tryNow = function () {
var elem = document.getElementById('summary-talents-0');
if (elem) {
let btnGenerate = document.createElement("button");
btnGenerate.onclick = fetchTalentDb;
btnGenerate.innerText = "Generate Wowhead Calc";
let areaDiv = [...document.querySelectorAll('div')].find(div => div.textContent == "Talents");
} else {
if (numAttempts >= 15) {
console.warn('Giving up after 34 attempts. Could not find: ' + readySelector);
} else {
setTimeout(tryNow, 250 * Math.pow(1.1, numAttempts));
// window.addEventListener('load', generateWowheadLink, false);
// Your code here...
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