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Last active January 22, 2017 00:24
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PHP: extends Exception
 * error-and-status/Exc.php Defined Exc class
 * @package    error-and-status
 * @author     Jeff Russ
 * @license    GPL-2.0

 * The Exc class can be used the same way as it's parent Exception class
 * without adding much overhead or can be used with more complex options 
 * for adjusting the offset of the stack trace, which determines line and file
 * properties and the output message. The parent get-() methods work the same
 * but there are additional direct magic getter and setter properties for the
 * parent properties and additional ones.  
 * @subpackage Jr\Exc
 * @version    1.0
 * @copyright  2017 Jeff Russ
class Exc extends Exception
	 * All Properties on Exception, the parent, are either private
	 * $string, $trace and $previous, or protected. All protected are 
	 * redeclared here in so the persist to extending classes.
	 * @var string $message Typically set by constructor 1st argument or is ''
	 * @var int    $code    Typically set by constructor 2nd argument or is 0
	 * @var string $file    File where object was created, can be changed
	 * @var int    $line    Line where object was created, can be changed
	 */protected $message, $code, $file, $line;

	 * Just like line and file are taken from trace, these are some more (protected).
	 * @var string $function If set, function name where object was created, can be changed
	 * @var string $class    If set, class name where object was created, can be changed
	 * @var string $type     If set, '::' or '->' where object was created, can be changed
	 * @var string $args     If set, arguments where where object was created, can be changed
	 */protected $function, $class, $type, $args;

	 * Some extra protected properties settings added here
	 * @var string $time A readable timestamp ex: '2017-01-20 7:04.30 PM'
	 * @var string $key  A unique datetime.microsec ex: '1701201904.0305'
	 * @var int    $pop  Offset trace to ajust file/line/etc. Value is absoluted
	 */protected $key, $time; protected $pop=0;

	 * Protected array properties which are never displayed
	 * @var array $props  ['verbose'] (bool) is __toString() verbosity
	 * @var array $cache  ['verbose'] is prev value in $props, ['string'] __toString() cache
	 */protected $props = array( 'verbose'=>true );
	   protected $cache = array( 'verbose'=>null, 'string'=>'' );
	 * The constructors first argument can be an array. If you have indexes 0, 1, 2
	 * they will be the same as arguments 1, 2 and 3 if they are a string, integer, 
	 * and Exception object, in that order. But it's much more flexible than that. 
	 * You can always specify which property you are setting by the key to a string 
	 * of the property name or, if you have any numeric index, the following will be
	 * interpreted based on the value's type:
	 * 		$e = new Exc([ 'Message', '2', 255, false]);
	 * String which only contain digits are interpreted as $pop, etc. This can be in 
	 * any order and is the same as: 
	 * 		$e = new Exc([['message'=>'Message','pop'=>'2','code'=>255,'verbose'=>false]);
	 * or:  $e = new Exc([['Message','pop'=>'2', verbose'=>false], 255);
	 * Everything else but $previous needs a label you can even define new ones and 
	 * they will be added to the $props array. $previous is the odd one. You can 
	 * have it in the array or as the 3rd arg but if it's in the array it must be 
	 * namedor indexes 0, 1, or 2.
	 * @param string|array $arg1     optional short error message or arguments array 
	 * @param int          $code     optional error code
	 * @param Exception    $previous optional previous error
	function __construct($arg1=null, $code=0, $prev=null)
	{	# IF YOU CHANGE construct, CHANGE __construct in Exc to match it
		if (($is_array=is_array($arg1)) && $prev===null) {
			if     (isset($arg1['previous'])) $prev=$arg1['prevous'];
			elseif (isset($arg1[0])) {
				if ($arg1[0] instanceof Exception) $prev=$arg1[0];
				elseif (isset($arg1[1])) {
					if ($arg1[1] instanceof Exception) $prev=$arg1[1];
					elseif (isset($arg1[2])
					  &&  $arg1[2] instanceof Exception) $prev=$arg1[2];
		parent::__construct(is_string($arg1)?$arg1:'', $code, $prev);
		if ($is_array) {
			foreach ($arg1 as $prop=>$v) {
				if (!is_integer($prop)) {
					if ($prop==='verbose') $this->props['verbose'] = $v ?true:false;
					elseif (property_exists($this, $prop)) $this->$prop = $v;
					else $this->props[$prop] = $set;
				elseif (is_integer($v))  $this->code = $v;
				elseif (ctype_digit($v)) $this->pop = $v;
				elseif (is_string($v))   $this->message = $v;
				elseif (is_bool($v))     $this->props['verbose'] = $v;
			/* The $trace our parent records is the same as if you called 
			debug_backtrace() where the Exception object is created with 'new'. 
			$trace[0] is the context that called that context and [1] the one before.
			$line and $file are actually the frame after $trace[0] so it would be [-1]

			So when we want to pop one frame off well get $trace[0], when we want to 
			pop two frames off we'll get $trace[1]. So we'll do:
			   $frame = $trace[ $pop - 1 ]
			As for the max for pop, without this -1 we would want the top idx
			of $trace, count($trace)-1 but we want just count($trace) */
			$trace = $this->getTrace();
			if ($this->pop!==0) $this->pop = min( abs($this->pop),count($trace) );

			# adjust/create props based on adjusted trace and clipped pop
			if ($this->pop!==0) foreach ($trace[ $this->pop-1 ] as $k=>$v) $this->$k=$v;
		$usec_f = microtime(true); $usec = $usec_f - floor($usec_f);
		$this->time = date("Y-m-d g:i.".(int)($usec*1000)." A");
		$this->key = (string)(date("ymdHi")+$usec);

	public function __toString()
		$cache = extract($this->cache, EXTR_REFS);

		if ($verbose===$this->props['verbose']) return $string;
		else $verbose = $this->props['verbose'];
		$str = get_called_class()."[{$this->code}] $this->message\n";
		$str.= "line {$this->line} in {$this->file}\n";

		if ($this->props['verbose']===false) return $string = $str;

		$str .= "\n  {$this->time}, '{$this->key}'\n  ";
		$a = get_object_vars($this);
		unset($a['code'],  $a['message'], $a['line'], $a['file'],
		      $a['previous'], $a['time'], $a['key'], $a['trace']);
		foreach ($a as $k=>$v) {
			if (is_scalar($v)) {
				if (is_bool($v)) $v = $v ? 'true':'false';
				$str .= "$k: $v, ";
		return $string = "$str\n{$this->trace}\n{$this->previous}";

	public function __call($meth, $args) {
		if ($meth==='__toArray'||$meth==='toArray'||$meth==='getArray') {
			return $this->array;
	 * Magic getters and setters never produce errors or even notices. Setting 
	 * a property that doesn't exist creates a new one inside the $props array.
	 * Getting one that doesn't exist returns void. If this class is extended,
	 * newly added properties will be available even if protected. If you want 
	 * to block this, make them private. 
	 * @property string $message set/get $exc->message When get, always verbose
	 * @property string $key     set/get $exc->key  Useful if storing Exceptions
	 * @property string $file    set/get $exc->file Overrides automatic setting
	 * @property int    $line    set/get $exc->line Overrides automatic setting
	 * @property int    $code    set/get $exc->code Change code after instantiation
	 * @property bool   $verbose set/get $exc->verbose default true, __toString verbosity
	public function __set($prop, $set) {
		$cache =& $this->cache['verbose'];

		if (is_scalar($set)) {
			if ( (is_string($set) && ($prop==='message'||$prop==='key'||$prop==='file'))
			 || (is_int($set) && ($prop==='code'||$prop==='line')) || $set==='verbose'){
			 	if ($set==='verbose') $set = $set ? true : false;
				$this->$prop=$set; $cache=null; return;
		$this->props[$prop] = $set;

	 * Note that $exc->array is the same as $exc->__toArray(), $exc->toArray(),
	 * and $exc->getArray()
	 * @property string $message set/get get the verbose version of the message
	 * @property string $key     set/get get the float-string timestamp key 
	 * @property string $file    set/get get the file
	 * @property int    $line    set/get get the line number
	 * @property int    $code    set/get get the integer error code
	 * @property bool   $verbose set/get boolean of __toString verbosity
	 * @property string $previous get-only Previous Exception's line/file + possibly key
	 * @property string $trace    get-only $trace as string, similar to getTraceAsString();
	 * @property int    $pop      get-only The stack trace offset set by constructor args
	 * @property array  $array    get-only Important object variables as array
	public function __get($prop){
		if ($prop==='message') {
			$verb = $this->props['verbose'];
			if ($verb && $verb = $this->cache['verbose'])
				return $this->cache['string'];
			$this->props['verbose'] = false;
			$message = $this->__toString();
			$this->props['verbose'] = $verb;
			return $message;
		if ($prop==='trace') {
			if (empty($t=$this->getTrace())) return '';
			$trace = "  trace:";
			foreach ($t as $i=>$f) {
				if (is_array($f)) { 
					foreach ($f as $k=>$v) {
						if     ($k==='file')   $trace .= "\n   $i $k: $v,\n     ";
						elseif (is_scalar($v)) $trace .= "$k: $v, ";
			return $trace."\n";
		if ($prop==='array') {
			$a = get_object_vars($this);
			unset($a['props'], $a['cache']);
			return $a;
		if ($prop==='previous') {
			if (($p=$this->getPrevious())===null) return '';
			else {
				if ($p instanceof Exc)
				     return "  previous: $p->key line $p->line $p->file\n";
				else return "  previous: line ".$p->getLine()." ".$p->getFile()."\n";
		# property_exists will be false if only declared in parent visibility does not matter!
		if (property_exists($this, $prop)) return $this->$prop;
		if (array_key_exists($prop,$this->props)) return $this->this->props[$prop];
		else return null;

// class test { static function fun3($a1=null) { return new Exc($a1); } }
// function fun2($a1=null) { return test::fun3($a1); }
// function fun1($a1=null) { return fun2($a1); }
// $e = fun1(['pop'=>4,'message']);
// $e->message = "new messssage";
// echo "$e";

// class To {
// 	static function string($var, $pop=0) {
// 		if (is_scalar($var) || method_exists($var , '__toString')) return "$var";
// 		$msg = ' cannot be converted to string';
// 		$msg = ($t=gettype($var))==="object" ? get_class($var)." $t$msg" : $t.$msg;
// 		throw new Exc(array("To::string: $msg", 'pop'=>$pop+1));
// 	}
// }

// function run2() {
// 	$arr = array();
// 	$arr = new stdClass();
// 	try { To::string($arr); }
// 	catch (Exception $e) {
// 		echo "$e";
// 		throw new Exc(['rethrowing...', $e, 'pop'=>1]);
// 	}
// }
// function run1() { run2(); }
// run1();

// unfinished: 
// trait report {
// 	protected static $actions_list = array(
// 		'throw'=>1, 'store'=>1,
// 		'fail'=>1,'error'=>1, 'warning'=>1, 'notice'=>1, # trigger_error
// 		'warn'=>1, 'log'=>1, 'store'=>1,                  # js console
// 		# add error_log and php log
// 	);
// 	protected $actions;
// }
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